NEWS FLASH TO CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS: Someone else not celebrating Christmas isn't an attack on your religious rights!!! isn't about not putting up's about fascists telling schools they can't sing religious christmas songs, and leaving people who do say "Merry Christmas," alone....

You fascists started this......we aren't backing down anymore...

You should probably learn who the Fascists were before you start flinging around words you don't understand.

Have YOU been persecuted for your faith?
That's true.. and then the Spaniards and Puerto Ricans.
I‘m pretty sure neither the Italians, the Spaniards nor the Puerto Ricans were considered ‘white’.
Who Americans wanted in America was made quite clear. This hurts your feelings doesn’t it?
FD49BCAA-DC9B-4C12-B03A-2A51559B9F99.png isn't about not putting up's about fascists telling schools they can't sing religious christmas songs, and leaving people who do say "Merry Christmas," alone....

You fascists started this......we aren't backing down anymore...
When my Jewish husband was in school in a primarily Jewish neighborhood in NYC, they always had a Christmas assembly with carols and everything. Most of the students didn't relate to it at all. One year his family tried to do Christmas with a tree and stockings, etc. It didn't feel right to them and they never did that again.
Cool…is that when you started putting personal nobility ahead of the state of the nation?

Nope.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.. They were no threat to anyone, but it was what Netanyahu wanted with Clean Break Strategy.. and the signatories of the PNAC continued to push Bibi's plan in 1998.

Why do you think the Brits started Operation Mass Appeal in 1997 to sell the invasion of Iraq?
Nope.. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.. They were no threat to anyone, but it was what Netanyahu wanted with Clean Break Strategy.. and the signatories of the PNAC continued to push Bibi's plan in 1998.

Why do you think the Brits started Operation Mass Appeal in 1997 to sell the invasion of Iraq?
Why are you pretending that I think invading Iraq was a good idea?
This so-called war on Christmas started when Faux News noticed shops with "Happy Holidays" signs in their windows in a city with millions of non-Christian residents. Forget about the nearby towering Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

They beat the drum of the war on Christmas so loudly, it had a bad effect on good people. My Jewish husband and I were on line in the grocery store. Behind us was the very respected and loved pharmacist who owned a small shop in the village. The clerk, the nicest person you would want to meet, almost vehemently started wishing us a Merry Christmas. It was sad.

Our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers were the ones who waged a war on Christmas:
The upper classes in ancient Rome celebrated Dec. 25 as the birthday of the sun god Mithra. The date fell right in the middle of Saturnalia, a monthlong holiday dedicated to food, drink, and revelry, and Pope Julius I is said to have chosen that day to celebrate Christ's birth as a way of co-opting the pagan rituals. Beyond that, the Puritans considered it historically inaccurate to place the Messiah's arrival on Dec. 25. They thought Jesus had been born sometime in September.
So enjoy the holiday, but don't insist everybody, no matter their religion, celebrate it.
Most historians believe he was born either between april and may or august and september.
Why do lefties continue to troll for victimhood? Nobody cares if you don't celebrate Christmas.
How about you mind your own god damn businuss. The only losers are the pussies who whine and bitch because the "feel attacked" because someone else doesnt share their religion. If you go into a store owned by a Buudhist and get upset because they dont say merry christmas , or even they they say happy holidays because they want to be inclusive, you are the loser.

I think we should use this verse from Jesus to people complaining about christmas.

Matthew 6:1

Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.

Also Matthew 6:5

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

I think verses Matthew 6:1 and Matthew 6:5 are basically saying don't push your religion unto other people, follow Christ by silently following him,but not telling other people or letting other people know you're a Christian.
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No, they just dont like it when democrats predictably attack Christmas every year, like this thread is doing.

What BS.. I have never been "attacked" for my faith and I lived in Arabia for 20 years.. They wished us Merry Christmas. Quit being such a pissant.

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