news from Germany …. about a school girl who had posted that Germany was her home country

"In the latest victory against right-wing extremism, police officers pull a 16 year-old girl out of chemistry class and advise her to stop posting Smurf-themed AfD-friendly content to TikTok"

Sounds like she was not even arrested, but spoken to by the police, for posting "AfD-friendly content"

"“Accordingly, there is information that a 17-year-old student may have spread suspected unconstitutional content on social networks. "

From the translation tool

"After first establishing that the girl’s social media posts were totally legal and broke no laws, they took her from her chemistry class and escorted her to a staff room, where they told her to refrain from making such posts in the future, “for her own protection.”"

in my posting i did not say that the girl was arrested, but nearly arrested.

taken out of the lesson and escorted through the school by the police is bad enough

I am sure this could have been handled more discreetly
the word Heimat is not yet forbidden or verboten.

but soon it may become verboten.
The case shows the state of our schools. The teachers are selected do-gooders, mostly too dumb to breath alone. They call the police for the term Homeland, but if foreigners terrorize their schoolmates, they do nothing, although they also belong the targets.

They also removed me from school because of my opinions.
The case shows the state of our schools. The teachers are selected do-gooders, mostly too dumb to breath alone. They call the police for the term Homeland, but if foreigners terrorize their schoolmates, they do nothing, although they also belong the targets.

only too true!
The Russians, Brits and Americans killed most of the Germans with balls and that severely damaged the gene pool.

What we have now are pussies.

Of course we have our share of pussies here in the US. They are mostly Democrats and we call them Moon Bats and Libtards. Most of them are homosexuals or transsexuals and the are very confused about their gender among many other things.
The Russians, Brits and Americans killed most of the Germans with balls and that severely damaged the gene pool.

What we have now are pussies.

Of course we have our share of pussies here in the US. They are mostly Democrats and we call them Moon Bats and Libtards. Most of them are homosexuals or transsexuals and the are very confused about their gender among many other things.
if an American said, that the US is his home, would he then also be escorted away by the police for a talking down?
in english the girl just said ….

germany is not just some place, but my home ….

So Germany is her home. And why is this funny? Is she an alien life form (Alf) from Melmac alias Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - also called McPomm. Is she speaking scoitsh instead of doitsh? ...

if an American said, that the US is his home, would he then also be escorted away by the police for a talking down?
No, but we have all kinds of other silly ass woke shit in the Democrat controlled cities and states.

I could see that happening in Canada.
if an American said, that the US is his home, would he then also be escorted away by the police for a talking down?

One moment. The police 'arrested' her because she said "Germany is my home"? May it be they liked to know this a little more concrete with a postal address for example and so they had to prove her identity?
One moment. The police 'arrested' her because she said "Germany is my home"? May it be they liked to know this a little more concrete with a postal address for example and so they had to prove her identity?

she was not arrested, but escorted away by the police
i wonder whether soon the police will be called if you ask for a Mohrenkopf in a bakery ……


No. "Mohrenkopf" (North-Germany) or "Negerkuss" (South-Germany) are totally positive messages. Like "Hamburger", "Wiener WEürstechen" (Sausage from Vienna) and so on and so on. Only idiots see in such words an affront. Or does anyone think Hamburgers are eaten because the people hate Hamburg?
So Germany is her home. And why is this funny? Is she an alien life form (Alf) from Melmac alias Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - also called McPomm. Is she speaking scoitsh instead of doitsh? ...

So Germany is her home. And why is this funny? Is she an alien life form (Alf) from Melmac alias Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - also called McPomm. Is she speaking scoitsh instead of doitsh? ...

it is not funny ….

it is not politically correct, as it seems
No. "Mohrenkopf" (North-Germany) or "Negerkuss" (South-Germany) are totally positive messages. Like "Hamburger", "Wiener WEürstechen" (Sausage from Vienna) and so on and so on. Only idiots see in such words an affront. Or does anyone think Hamburgers are eaten because the people hate Hamburg?

you may google for mohrenkopf etc ….

btw …. you mixed up north and south …

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