news from Germany …. about a school girl who had posted that Germany was her home country

i still dare to say mohrenkopf ….

but the p.c. word is now …. Schokokuss …..
The same in Sweden. Negerboll is now called Chokladbol. This disturbs me because "neger" is not a derogatory or racist word. It only means "black". What about Rio Negro, Nigeria, or Niger? Just because Americans decided to use the word in a derogatory/slang fashion isn't our fault. Gay means happy but now we can't even use that word. Even "Polak" which is the Polish word for people from Poland is considered an insult in the U.S. People should stick to making up new words like "fuck" which doesn't mean anything or maybe Americans should learn English and stop acting stupid.
The same in Sweden. Negerboll is now called Chokladbol. This disturbs me because "neger" is not a derogatory or racist word. It only means "black". What about Rio Negro, Nigeria, or Niger? Just because Americans decided to use the word in a derogatory/slang fashion isn't our fault. Gay means happy but now we can't even use that word. Even "Polak" which is the Polish word for people from Poland is considered an insult in the U.S. People should stick to making up new words like "fuck" which doesn't mean anything or maybe Americans should learn English and stop acting stupid.

i totally agree with you.

even the old and fine word Mohr = Moor has now come under attack in Germay.

lots of street names etc are now changed.
What for heavens sake is your problem? The police asked her something. She answered "I am at home in Germany" . This answer was not satisfying for the policemen on whatever reason and they arrested her - perhaps only on reason to identify her. Sounds in my ears as if a so called "Reichsbürger" (citizen of the empire) did not like to accept the executive power of the federal republic of Germany. But in her home Germany live also policemen who have the job to protect this home and so they also need from time to time some serios information to do their job. In the end she only produced senseless costs by stealing the working time of this policemen.

By the way: Not a long time ago I thought it is only a joke to be a so called "Reichsbürger". I thought this is only a kind of trick to win some time for example if someone is not able to pay debts and tries first to let find out a judge whether the federal republic of Germany is relevant for this case at all. Unfortunatelly a policeman not far from here thought perhaps the same - but a so called "Reichbürger" - a former beauty model "Mr. Germany" - killed him while he did do only his job. The world is absurde.

I suggest by the way to be friendly to all policemen. They need our respect. No one knows what stupid job they had to do a short time ago. And no one calls policemen to give them a break and to offer them coffee and a cake - just because it would be nice to do so.
you have not understood anything
The same in Sweden. Negerboll is now called Chokladbol. This disturbs me because "neger" is not a derogatory or racist word. It only means "black". What about Rio Negro, Nigeria, or Niger? Just because Americans decided to use the word in a derogatory/slang fashion isn't our fault. Gay means happy but now we can't even use that word. Even "Polak" which is the Polish word for people from Poland is considered an insult in the U.S. People should stick to making up new words like "fuck" which doesn't mean anything or maybe Americans should learn English and stop acting stupid.

and germans should stop every p.c. nonsense from the US
i totally agree with you.

even the old and fine word Mohr = Moor has now come under attack in Germay.

lots of street names etc are now changed.
I suppose the Herr Doktor Brinkmann now works im Weißwaldklink! :laughing0301:
and did you ever step into one by mistake?

it does happen!
I never stepped in it but after a few beers we used to try pushing our friends into it. I actually have a Foto with me and friends over it trying to push my girl friend into it. I must find that Foto.

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