news from Germany …. about a school girl who had posted that Germany was her home country

i still dare to say mohrenkopf ….

but the p.c. word is now …. Schokokuss …..
No. "Mohrenkopf" (North-Germany) or "Negerkuss" (South-Germany) are totally positive messages. Like "Hamburger", "Wiener WEürstechen" (Sausage from Vienna) and so on and so on. Only idiots see in such words an affront. Or does anyone think Hamburgers are eaten because the people hate Hamburg?
Mohrenkopf and Negerkuss are also mentioned on another part of the forum here.
it is not funny ….

it is not politically correct, as it seems

i wonder whether soon the police will be called if you ask for a Mohrenkopf in a bakery ……

Eh? Why? A German with African roots made a restaurant and called it "Mohrenkopf". He was indeed called to be a racist from superiditos who have not any idea idea about the German language and traditions who live far from his successful restaurant. Who cares?
i still dare to say mohrenkopf ….

but the p.c. word is now …. Schokokuss …..

What for heavens sake is a problem for you? Say whatever you like to say with the words which you like to use. Why should this be any problem for anyone?
she had posted ….. Germany is not just a place on a map, but my home.
But this was not the reason the police liked to speak with her, isn't it? If they asked her "What's your name? What's your postal address?" then such an answer is relativelly stupid.

Eh? Why? A German with African roots made a restaurant and called it "Mohrenkopf". He was indeed called to be a racist from superiditos who have not any idea idea about the German language and traditions who live far from his successful restaurant. Who cares?
i know that case
It was clear from the start that the girl had done nothing wrong.
no need to call the police
It was clear from the start that the girl had done nothing wrong.
no need to call the police

Good German Girls


Bad German Girls


That's all
in my posting i did not say that the girl was arrested, but nearly arrested.

taken out of the lesson and escorted through the school by the police is bad enough

I am sure this could have been handled more discreetly

So the only problem is "it could have been handled more discreetly." Hardly seems worthy of a post here.
So the only problem is "it could have been handled more discreetly." Hardly seems worthy of a post here.

What for heavens sake is your problem? The police asked her something. She answered "I am at home in Germany" . This answer was not satisfying for the policemen on whatever reason and they arrested her - perhaps only on reason to identify her. Sounds in my ears as if a so called "Reichsbürger" (citizen of the empire) did not like to accept the executive power of the federal republic of Germany. But in her home Germany live also policemen who have the job to protect this home and so they also need from time to time some serios information to do their job. In the end she only produced senseless costs by stealing the working time of this policemen.

By the way: Not a long time ago I thought it is only a joke to be a so called "Reichsbürger". I thought this is only a kind of trick to win some time for example if someone is not able to pay debts and tries first to let find out a judge whether the federal republic of Germany is relevant for this case at all. Unfortunatelly a policeman not far from here thought perhaps the same - but a so called "Reichbürger" - a former beauty model "Mr. Germany" - killed him while he did do only his job. The world is absurde.

I suggest by the way to be friendly to all policemen. They need our respect. No one knows what stupid job they had to do a short time ago. And no one calls policemen to give them a break and to offer them coffee and a cake - just because it would be nice to do so.
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