News International is a criminal organization


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
News International papers targeted Gordon Brown

Newspapers obtained details from the former prime minister's bank account and legal file and his family's medical records

Journalists from across News International repeatedly targeted the former prime minister Gordon Brown, attempting to access his voicemail and obtaining information from his bank account and legal file as well as his family's medical records.

There is also evidence that a private investigator used a serving police officer to trawl the police national computer for information about him. That investigator also targeted another Labour MP who was the subject of hostile inquiries by the News of the World, but it is not confirmed whether News International was specifically involved in trawling police computers for information on Brown.

Separately, Brown's tax paperwork was taken from his accountant's office apparently by hacking into the firm's computer. This was passed to another newspaper.

Brown was targeted during a period of more than 10 years, both as chancellor of the exchequer and as prime minister. Some of the activity clearly was illegal. Other incidents breached his privacy but not the law. An investigation by the Guardian has found that:

• Scotland Yard has discovered references to Brown and his wife, Sarah, in paperwork seized from Glenn Mulcaire, the private investigator who specialised in phone hacking for the News of the World.

• Abbey National bank found evidence suggesting that a "blagger" acting for the Sunday Times on six occasions posed as Brown and gained details from his account.

• London lawyers Allen & Overy were tricked into handing over details from his file by a conman working for the Sunday Times.

• Details from his infant son's medical records were obtained by the Sun, who published a story about the child's serious illness.

Brown joins a long list of Labour politicians who are known to have been targeted by private investigators working for News International, including the former prime minister Tony Blair and his media adviser Alastair Campbell, the former deputy prime minister John Prescott and his political adviser Joan Hammell, Peter Mandelson as trade secretary, Jack Straw and David Blunkett as home secretaries, Tessa Jowell as media secretary and her special adviser Bill Bush, and Chris Bryant as minister for Europe.

The sheer scale of the data assault on Brown is unusual, with evidence of attempts to obtain his legal, financial, tax, medical and police records as well as to listen to his voicemail. All of these incidents are linked to media organisations. In many cases, there is evidence of a link to News International.

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Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.
Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.

It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.

It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.

Why the outrage about the UK's peculiar privacy laws when the democrat party evesdropped on Speaker Gringich cell phone conversation and the perps got a slap and a laugh?
Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.

It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Show me where the OP talks about FOX, idiot.
Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.

It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Show me where the OP talks about FOX, idiot.

Didn't. But we all know where this is going.

And.... no one's been found guilty yet.... so announcing that they are a 'criminal organization' is a tad premature. We usually wait for a trial, and conviction, before we make pronouncements. At least, those of us who maintain an ability to think logically and await evidence do that.
Does the American left think it can eliminate FOX news by making crazy assumptions about a UK tabloid? Bring it on. Lock up every sleazy UK operative who evesdropped on innocent people's phone calls but while you are at it you might want to research the democrat party operatives who intercepted Newt Gingrich's cell phone conversations and turned over the tape to a democrat senator.

It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Show me where the OP talks about FOX, idiot.

Here's the deal A-hole. We can argue about agenda and motivation. Why so much concern about a UK tabloid when American political operatives were given a slap on the wrist for doing the same thing to the Speaker of the House?
It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Show me where the OP talks about FOX, idiot.

Didn't. But we all know where this is going.

Oh, so you're a mind reader now? You know what they say about people who assume, don't you?

You remain a partisan hack.

And.... no one's been found guilty yet.... so announcing that they are a 'criminal organization' is a tad premature. We usually wait for a trial, and conviction, before we make pronouncements. At least, those of us who maintain an ability to think logically and await evidence do that.

Read the rest of the article, moron.

And by your logic, everyone should STFU about Obama being a Socialist and Marxist - it's premature, since he hasn't done anything Marxist or Socialist.
It's not crazy, the allegations have been bubbling around for a couple of years.

What is crazy is the left wing's desperate desire to make this about Fox, which it is not. There is no evidence to suggest, or even hint, that Fox have broken any US law.
Show me where the OP talks about FOX, idiot.

Here's the deal A-hole. We can argue about agenda and motivation. Why so much concern about a UK tabloid when American political operatives were given a slap on the wrist for doing the same thing to the Speaker of the House?

It's not just a UK tabloid, dope. Don't you read? Or are you just spending your time here, spouting and spewing?

It has now spread to Murdoch's other papers, The Sun and the Sunday Times. And, as another thread states, they were hacking 9/11 victims' families phones, also. So that brings it home to the U.S.

Where's your Gingrich link?
UK ex-PM: Murdoch paper used 'known criminals'

LONDON — Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown on Tuesday accused Rupert Murdoch's newspapers of employing criminals to obtain confidential information about his family and others.

Brown told BBC News that "the people that they work with are criminals. Known criminals. Criminals with records."

He said that early in his time in office it appeared that The Sunday Times — part of Murdoch's News International Group — had obtained confidential information on his bank account, legal files and possibly other material .

"I'm shocked, I'm genuinely shocked, to find that this happened because of their links with criminals, known criminals, who were undertaking this activity, hired by investigators with The Sunday Times," he said.

Circling the wagons around FOXNEWS, eh? No problems, eh? :lol::lol::lol:
Another dope. Only the wingnuts are talking about FOXNEWS in this thread.

I take it you are aware that the story you quoted has since been denied by News International, right?

Now, I'm not saying which side is telling the truth, but.... since they have admitted phone hacking on other occasions, I would have thought that one of those claims would have been better to use as evidence of your 'criminal organization' claim.
In a written statement, Mr Rockefeller said he was concerned that hacking by News Corporation journalists may have extended to American targets, including victims of the 11 September attacks.

He did not present any evidence to support that claim, but called on the authorities to look into any possible wrong-doing.

"I encourage the appropriate agencies to investigate to ensure that Americans have not had their privacy violated," he said.

"The reported hacking by News Corporation newspapers against a range of individuals - including children - is offensive and a serious breach of journalistic ethics. This raises serious questions about whether the company has broken US law," he said.

Mr Murdoch's American assets include Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and Harper Collins publishers.

In the UK, the 80-year-old has been under mounting pressure to drop his bid for TV giant BSkyB.

He has now been asked to appear in front of British MPs to answer questions on the phone-hacking, while police accused his newspapers of blocking their original investigations in 2006.

BBC News - Phone-hacking: US senator requests probe
Democrat operatives hacked Newt Gingrich cell phone conversation in 1996 and turned the tapes over to congressional democrats who released the illegally obtained conversation to the NY Times and the Atlanta Journal. In '08, democrat operatives hacked into Sarah Palin's E-mail account. Does that mean the democrat party is a criminal organization?
Fox News owners Rupert Murdoch and Saudi Prince Alaweed Bin Talaal want political anarchy everywhere in the world. It's good for business.
Democrat operatives hacked Newt Gingrich cell phone conversation in 1996 and turned the tapes over to congressional democrats who released the illegally obtained conversation to the NY Times and the Atlanta Journal. In '08, democrat operatives hacked into Sarah Palin's E-mail account. Does that mean the democrat party is a criminal organization?

Hilarious. The media hacked Newts phone, I could find no mention of Democrats.

Some young Tennessee college student hacked Sarah Palin's phone, again no mention of Democrats.

At least when I say Republicans want to get rid of Medicare or a Republican leader says "Poor people are like animals, feed them and they'll BREED", I prove it. I don't just "assume".

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