News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
Now the MSM is showing interest after letting the 1/6 committee cherry pick the tapes for their own political objective. Comedy Gold!
Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.

Seems fair. Fucker Carlson will being cheery picking for clip that will reinforce only his point view. Giving the footage to less biased new outlets would reinsure that not just point of a twisted view gets out.

Cue the Cons bitching and moaning.
That's the whole point, you insufferable hack!

The former MSM works for the DNC and only say "Yes Massa" to them

We've been saying there are tens of thousands of hours or video hidden under Hunter's laptop and only now that Republicans are in charge and released them is the former MSM interested in them....hilarious!

So you don't believe in fair and balanced reporting....did not think so.
The harder they end up fighting to keep Tucker the only guy that can see this stuff more clear their nefarious intent becomes. Now they get to see where all the cameras are, the escape routes congressmen take and where they take shelter.

What is wrong with equal access to the same footage given to Fucker? Is the Reich Wing afraid of actual fair and balanced reporting, or do they just want to push the big lie?
Seems fair. Fucker Carlson will being cheery picking for clip that will reinforce only his point view. Giving the footage to less biased new outlets would reinsure that not just point of a twisted view gets out.

Cue the Cons bitching and moaning.
There are very few unbiased news outlets.

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