News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
Since when Dumber than Dumb asswipes parading.It was Pelosi
and her ragtag bunch of uppity control freaks who made sure
that any January 6th Video footage was totally controlled; by their
Stasi Hearings.I mean,lock,stock and barrel.No exceptions.
We're also about to find that little Antifa/BLM Hashtagger
John Sullivan { the little man from Utah } who shot the fatal
video of Ashli Babbett and was arrested and released played a
much bigger role.Why was he released.He did not have Press credentials.
Was he being used to help make January 6th as dramatic as possible.
Why were there so many Undercover agents surrounding the
Capitol.How could 41,ooo hours of video be shot in that short of time.
Basically just a few hours in mid-day.
Seems to me like a set-up.Because there is Video of the Capitol
Police letting in peaceful protestors.There's video of those peaceful
Protestors just milling around inside the people's house { no different
than in a Museum }.
As - Tucker - wonders { correctly } why would anyone find fault
with video of that Day to give the best perspective.
We know what the Perspective of the Pelosi Stasi Hearing was.
To go after MAGA supporters.With everything they got.Including
massive Gaslighting and Mass psychosis. { false ideas as to what is
taking place.}.
Meanwhile, the right wingers who claim conservatism is different from fascism are reacting with laughing faces at the idea of information being given to someone other than only a right-wing commentator.
Just don't call them fascists!
Meh, the MSM should be asking why Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden didn't release those videos when they could have?
Especially since they released them to a biased "news" in quotes, organization. One which has admitted to releasing lies as news, and that defends lies as news.
This is where I’m not too sure, but isn’t all of that material now open to being requested under FOIA?
So why is Carlson cherry picking what he chooses to release? Oh ya…truth and honesty.
He released some last summer.The stuff where a Federal Judge ruled
that January 6th Video cannot be suppressed.
No other MSM did likewise.Just Tucker at Fox.Which speaks volumns.
The only stuff allowed Prior to that Judges ruling was stuff
the Democrats and their toadies in the MSM delighted in.
The worse of January 6th.The worst stuff that was collected.
So now the MSM wants to see all the footage?
What changed their minds?

Follow up question- do ya'll get whiplash from all the changes of directions?
Do you see a pattern emerging here?
Tucker is (after Trump) the nation's #1 pro Putin apologist and enabler.
All three of these fascist Commies have used the terminology "political prisoners, peaceful protesters," etc. to describe these traitorous, anti-American, insurgent scum.
All unison.
Reading from the same script.
And now as evidenced on this board that cancerous pro-Russian rhetoric seems to be flourishing.
Gee, it's almost like Putin helped install Trump into The White House in 2016 just so he could have his own mole on the inside to push this pro commie anti-American propaganda and Tucker and the rest of the crew at Fox have become our equivalent of Russia's TASS to help deal the final blows to our democracy.

Brilliant huh?
Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
Why weren't these outlets SUING for this information on January the 7th?

Why were they happy slurping up the January 6th Kangaroo Kourt dog and pony show instead of demanding to do their OWN investigation.

Only NOW they're interested?...only NOW they demand?

Fuck those bias pricks.

Had THEY demanded it YEARS ago, Biden, Cheney and Pelosi would have been forced to release it.

The deceitful fuckchops in the Legacy Media are more interested in reinforcing the narrative than reporting the truth.

Anyone who watches Legacy Media thinking they are being informed is a fool.
So why is Carlson cherry picking what he chooses to release? Oh ya…truth and honesty.
Typical fox news. When "scooter" Libby was convicted of 4 of the 5 counts, fox news headline was scooter acquitted of one charge.
Meh, the MSM should be asking why Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden didn't release those videos when they could have?
What a dopey comment.Have you learn't Nothing as a grown adult.
The MSM is Part of the Pelosi,Schumer,Biden cabal.
The Mainstream media acts as the Adjunct for the Democrat party.

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