News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson


rightwinger and occupied and pyetro, please tell us what the attraction is in being laughed at over and over and over.

There are boards where a lot more folks will actually agree with you.

Why the self-abuse of hanging out in a place where nobody takes you seriously?

But thanks anyway for all your attempts at thought provoking posts. They entertain us.

Who are you again?
Do you see a pattern emerging here?
Tucker is (after Trump) the nation's #1 pro Putin apologist and enabler.
All three of these fascist Commies have used the terminology "political prisoners, peaceful protesters," etc. to describe these traitorous, anti-American, insurgent scum.
All unison.
Reading from the same script.
And now as evidenced on this board that cancerous pro-Russian rhetoric seems to be flourishing.
Gee, it's almost like Putin helped install Trump into The White House in 2016 just so he could have his own mole on the inside to push this pro commie anti-American propaganda and Tucker and the rest of the crew at Fox have become our equivalent of Russia's TASS to help deal the final blows to our democracy.

Brilliant huh?
Once again conservatives attempt to defend the indefensible – in this case McCarthy exhibiting pollical bias by releasing information to a rightwing fake news channel and on-air personality infamous for his lies and dishonesty.

Sucks being cancelled, doesn't it?

We sucked it up for a long time.

Your turn.

He released some last summer.The stuff where a Federal Judge ruled
that January 6th Video cannot be suppressed.
No other MSM did likewise.Just Tucker at Fox.Which speaks volumns.
The only stuff allowed Prior to that Judges ruling was stuff
the Democrats and their toadies in the MSM delighted in.
The worse of January 6th.The worst stuff that was collected.
Wasn’t sure about that, but the fact remains, there are some serious issues here.
One, the selective release which I suspect won’t hold as all the media will now have a right to it. The worst however, will be the revealing of the entire security apparatus at the Capital, where the cameras are, as well as the identity of individual officers who could be scapegoated by simply presenting a selective cut. It is a sign of McCarthy’s weakness and incompetence that he let himself be blackmailed into promising this. How can this possibly be a good thing?
We've seen politically aligned snippets from progressive idiots.
Unfortunately for you, those “snippets” showed the extreme violence and brutality of this out of control mob. Nothing is going make that go away.

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