News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

I’m going to disagree with this. My views are based not just on what the media presented but what people who were actually tbere live streamed. Sure there were peaceful people (just as there were peaceful people hanging around the Floyd riots but the media only showed the worst bits). None of that alters or minimizes or excuses the the actions of all those hundreds of people pushing their way through barricades, breaking windows, smashing through doors, and bearing the crap out of overwhelmed police with metal poles, metal bats, etc. I will never the sight of that poor policeman dragged down the stairs and beaten as he lay there face down. Nothing can or SHOULD ever try to minimize what was done that day by people who called themselves ”patriots”. Do you know who the real patriots are? They are the ones who stopped short of breaking in …who turned away…who REALIZED things were going to far and wanted no part of it. Those are the only people who have the right to call themselves peaceful and patriots.

I feel strongly about this, as you can tell, so this not directed at you, but the overall situation where people are actively trying to minimize it. They ought to talk to the officers who were there, some of whom were injured so badly they were forced to retire.

There several major events that stick in my mind as something I couldn’t believe what was happening:

Oklahoma City
Space Shiputtle Challenger
and watching January 6 unfold in real time.

Every damn one of those broke in should be charged with something.
I don't minimize it at all. All those who acted illegally and/or participated in any sort of violence served the MAGA vision very badly. That never should have happened and should be condemned by everybody.

But neither will I agree with the J6 committee or any who cheered it on that the events of that day should be exaggerated, magnified, distorted, misrepresented, demonized as they did. I was not there nor were you. I do know people, at least casually, who were there and I have also seen a lot of the video that the J6 committee never intended to be seen by anybody because it almost completely destroys the narrative they want you to believe.

Just as the rigged impeachment processes, both of them, failed to use any kind of due process or any sense of fairness, the J6 committee double downed on that and then some.

And yes, I feel strongly about this too because if the government is allowed to get away with that with impunity, we have lost our Constitution and our constitutional republic. That is a far more existential threat to democracy as leftists are fond of saying than anything that happened on J6.
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Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
BAHAHAHAHA! They can't stand it when there is something they don't have control of. I hope Tucker let's them twist in the wind for a long time while Fox brings out the most interesting footage. Ray Epps leading the charge, tear gas fired into the crowd, barricades being pulled back, Secure capitol doors being opened......etc. etc.
So this is a problem yet the highly partisan January 6th committee selectively releasing video and leaking stuff to their preferred media outlet and reporter to push the narrative they wanted to was fine. Here is an idea release everything let we the people see everything and make up our mind not just what those in power want us to see.
Meanwhile, the right wingers who claim conservatism is different from fascism are reacting with laughing faces at the idea of information being given to someone other than only a right-wing commentator.
Just don't call them fascists!

Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
Well, from the start, I even noticed many conservatives being puzzled on why just one guy got exclusive privilege to the footage. If you watch footage for 8 hours a day for 15 years, you might scrape through the 44,000 hours.

But who do you trust to go over the footage, to not cherry pick? It takes a team of unbiased people to do that. You would need 100 folk to get it done in 8 weeks, then there's trying to reference/conclude the footage together.

I would dare say that even Pelosi couldn't cherry pick enough out of 44,000 hours to support her weasely agenda.

Why not give a copy to a foreign police forces etc.. to review.
Well, from the start, I even noticed many conservatives being puzzled on why just one guy got exclusive privilege to the footage. If you watch footage for 8 hours a day for 15 years, you might scrape through the 44,000 hours.

But who do you trust to go over the footage, to not cherry pick? It takes a team of unbiased people to do that. You would need 100 folk to get it done in 8 weeks, then there's trying to reference/conclude the footage together.

I would dare say that even Pelosi couldn't cherry pick enough out of 44,000 hours to support her weasely agenda.

Why not give a copy to a foreign police forces etc.. to review.
What could possibly be in the footage that makes Republicans look good?

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