News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson



Dems OWNED left wing news.

Stop trying to convince adults that you actually don't know that. It's not working.


Once again you fail

McCathy is not releasing video to RW news, just one talking head.

You claim Dems do it all the time
Show me
Once again you fail

McCathy is not releasing video to RW news, just one talking head.

You claim Dems do it all the time
Show me

I iterate.

Go sit in the corner and play with razor blades and fondle your USMB Award.

I think it's time to stop giving you opportunities to post your brainwashed drivel, because every opportunity is a paycheck for you.

You’re a creepy individual. You’re either phony or stupid.
MSM had two years to access this video but it didn’t fit the insurrection propaganda they’re supposed to promote so they made no effort. Now that honest brokers have access to it the DeMSM is suddenly curious. How fucking phony.

Most of them are paid to be here. rightwinger admits it right under his/her/its avatar.

The actual left wing ideologues on this board are very few.

Which is a bitch, because the one thing worse than leftist vermin is lying vermin.


Most of them are paid to be here. rightwinger admits it right under his/her/its avatar.

The actual left wing ideologues on this board are very few.

Which is a bitch, because the one thing worse than leftist vermin is lying vermin.


Why would Liberals on this board post for free?
USMB offers Liberal Posters Free Stuff
I really hate to break you dude (no not really), but memes and grifs are NOT a source of solid information.
I don't minimize it at all. All those who acted illegally and/or participated in any sort of violence served the MAGA vision very badly. That never should have happened and should be condemned by everybody.

Every one who entered broke the law, but I see a lot more excusing than I do condemnation on this board…whether it’s denying the verifiable facts or calling those who broke in and assaulted the police patriots...that’s just reality here. You’ve seen this here.

But neither will I agree with the J6 committee or any who cheered it on that the events of that day should be exaggerated, magnified, distorted, misrepresented, demonized as they did.

They made a distinction between those who did not enter and those who did. Many were charged with minor offenses es as was appropriate. Nothing was exaggerated or demonized imo. Just talk to the police trying to protect lawmakers and beaten with metal poles and bats and sprayed with bear spray. Those people came prepared. Screw them. Their actions that day were enough to damn them.

I was not there nor were you. I do know people, at least casually, who were there and I have also seen a lot of the video that the J6 committee never intended to be seen by anybody because it almost completely destroys the narrative they want you to believe.

Just as the rigged impeachment processes, both of them, failed to use any kind of due process or any sense of fairness, the J6 committee double downed on that and then some.

And yes, I feel strongly about this too because if the government is allowed to get away with that with impunity, we have lost our Constitution and our constitutional republic. That is a far more existential threat to democracy as leftists are fond of saying than anything that happened on J6.
We are not going to agree. My cousin is a capitol police officer. I believe his accounts and the videos of the people who were there.
Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.

Remember when CNN and MSNBC demanded Nancy release the videos before and during the J6 hearings ?
me neither.
Now why do you think that is?
Every one who entered broke the law, but I see a lot more excusing than I do condemnation on this board…whether it’s denying the verifiable facts or calling those who broke in and assaulted the police patriots...that’s just reality here. You’ve seen this here.

They made a distinction between those who did not enter and those who did. Many were charged with minor offenses es as was appropriate. Nothing was exaggerated or demonized imo. Just talk to the police trying to protect lawmakers and beaten with metal poles and bats and sprayed with bear spray. Those people came prepared. Screw them. Their actions that day were enough to damn them.

We are not going to agree. My cousin is a capitol police officer. I believe his accounts and the videos of the people who were there.
A person who walks into the Capitol with the Capitol police holding the door open for them is NOT a terrorist nor a law breaker in my opinion. A person inside the Capitol with the Capitol police standing amicably among them and/or escorting them are NOT terrorists nor law breakers.

You apparently see that differently. But then you probably haven't seen the video I have seen or heard the testimony I have heard--of course video and testimony nobody watching the rigged J6 hearing saw or heard--and so oh well.

Will I continue to defend peaceful people who harmed or threatened absolutely nobody? Absolutely.

Nobody can find a single syllable I've uttered or written that condoned the violence or vandalism that day. I don't care if it was planned in advance and/or who planned it though Wray still refuses to say whether FBI agents were amidst it. We still don't know why Ray Epps who is recorded in video multiple times urging people to go into the Capitol was never arrested and is not in jail while others who did far less than that still are in jail.

On the other hand 'peaceful' is not blocking entrances to businesses and homes, obstructing traffic in streets or on bridges, disrupting meetings to the point they take over the podium and microphones or threatening people. It isn't occupying blocks of a city and dictating who can and cannot be there.

And it darn sure isn't assaulting, injuring, murdering innocent people, breaking and entering, looting, burning, vandalizing, destroying, terrorizing that was a component of so many of those rallies the media is fond of describing as 'mostly peaceful protests.' And I have yet to see a BLM organizer or leader condemn any of that or tell anyone to stop it.

Until those on the left can admit the summer of violence in 2020 was far worse than anything that happened at the Capitol on J6 we will never arrive at a point where all unnecessary or unlawful violence is condemned no matter who does it.
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A person who walks into the Capitol with the Capitol police holding the door open for them is NOT a terrorist nor a law breaker in my opinion. A person inside the Capitol with the Capitol police standing amicably among them and/or escorting them are NOT terrorists nor law breakers.

You apparently see that differently. But then you probably haven't seen the video I have seen and so oh well.

Why didn’t he just go through the door the Capitol Police were holding open?

Go tell Nancy Pelosi.


As Ms. Pelosi has zip, zero, nada, nothing and none to do with the security of the U.S. Capitol Building it is you do not know what you're talking about.

Nor did Ms. Pelosi has the authority to call out the D.C. National Guard, at the time of the Reich Wing Insurrection that could be done by the Secretary of the Army.
Why didn’t he just go through the door the Capitol Police were holding open?

View attachment 760712
Because most likely he was an ANTIFA terrorist type. Nobody condoned or condones that. Those doing those kinds of thing should be dealt with the full force of law.

These people are neither terrorist or law breakers

Because most likely he was an ANTIFA terrorist type. Nobody condoned or condones that. Those doing those kinds of thing should be dealt with the full force of law.

These people are neither terrorist or law breakers


He might have been a super secret operative of Soros or AOC

He might have been a super secret operative of Soros or AOC

Much more likely ANTIFA or just some other idiot. It was obvious once these people were inside though that there were just there to be stupid and had no plan to overthrow the government which was the J6 narrative to demonize the whole group of tens of thousands.

The J6 didn't show this video of a Patriot begging police to stop people from breaking windows and illegally entering:

Or this idiot that became the poster boy for the 'violent terrorist and insurrectionist' while committing not a single act of violence:
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Much more likely ANTIFA or just some other idiot. It was obvious once these people were inside though that there were just there to be stupid and had no plan to overthrow the government which was the J6 narrative to demonize the whole group of tens of thousands.

The J6 didn't show this video of a Patriot begging police to stop people from breaking windows and illegally entering:

Or this idiot that became the poster boy for the 'violent terrorist and insurrectionist' while committing not a single act of violence:

Must have been ANTIFA

Because EVERYBODY knows TRUMP supporters wouldn’t attack our Capitol


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