News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

The worst however, will be the revealing of the entire security apparatus at the Capital, where the cameras are, as well as the identity of individual officers who could be scapegoated by simply presenting a selective cut. It is a sign of McCarthy’s weakness and incompetence that he let himself be blackmailed into promising this. How can this possibly be a good thing?
I'm picturing Tucker trying to prove Mike Pence was in no danger by showing his escape, and the secret location they evacuated him to.
Unfortunately for you, those “snippets” showed the extreme violence and brutality of this out of control mob. Nothing is going make that go away.
I have worked in the media and am very well trained in how the media can make ANYTHING appear to be how they want it to appear and, if their viewers/readers/listeners only get what they put out there, the message can be 100% distorted.

Most of us were fully trained into how to avoid that kind of distortion and most of us quit the business when we were no longer allowed to exercise that important code of ethics.

For instance Nancy/Schiff/Cheney/Kissinger etc. on the J6 committee showed those four or five patriots in furry suits and hats marching ominously down a hall over and over and over and over intending the gullible to believe all errant Patriots were like that.

But they didn't allow the public to see the CAPITOL POLICEMAN peacefully escorting these same guys into the congressional chamber where they did absolutely no violence or vandalism but merely posed for a few photo ops and then left peacefully.

They showed the violent scenes of which there were a few, but they didn't show the Patriots complaining that the Capitol Police were not stopping the vandalism/breaking and entering.

They showed angry Patriots in the faces of Capitol Police but didn't show the Capitol Police opening the doors to the Capitol and holding them open so peaceful protesters could amble in peacefully just looking around.

The MSM you probably watch also showed none of the peaceful videos that all of us have had access to for two years now but only short edited clips of violence making it look as bad as possible.

And only NOW that one MSM representative has access to ALL of it--the thousands of hours of non-insurrection, non-violent, non-threatening footage, they're suddenly interested?
Perhaps you missed the part where Congress (i.e. the Democrats) refused to allow ANY of it released other than that edited to make the Patriots and President Trump look bad.
Is this like the way the FBI released security camera footage of the Boston marathon bombing? Making the Tsarnaev brothers look bad?
I'm picturing Tucker trying to prove Mike Pence was in no danger by showing his escape, and the secret location they evacuated him to.
I have looked at this from every possible angle. I don't think Pence or anybody else was in much if any danger. Nobody who entered the Capitol building attacked anybody. Nobody trying to get to the Capitol who was not confronted attacked anybody. The only person killed that day was Ashli Babbitt who was trying to get the Capitol Police inside the Capitol to do their jobs.

Unfortunately for you, those “snippets” showed the extreme violence and brutality of this out of control mob. Nothing is going make that go away.

And when put into context of the overall day and how many people were there what will be shown is how blown out of proportion it was.
You know what?


Awww, yew one of those special in-the-head types aren’t yew?

Now I understand that anyone that you disagree with is your enemy, but please note the Democrats could have prevented all this had they just released the tapes themselves, so they own what is happening now.
Just a widdle late Pally.Even After a Federal Judge ruled that videos
from January 6th are no longer allowed to be suppresed.That was
back last summer.Democrats are always trying to reinvent ways to LIE.
Then rely on Alinsky - Rules for Radicals - to keep their shyster
tricks going.Explain why Pelosi refused to step down in 2010
after losing her speakership.Then insisted she stay in leadership and also
throw herself a congratulations party.
How come she no longer is heard from.Because she no longer controls
the House committees with subpoena powers.Both her and Steny Hoyer.
January 6th was used as a way to take over Politics in the U.S.
Not one firearm was used or taken.Not one member of Congress
was even approached.We have Video of MAGA Protesters being allowed
in the Capitol Bldg. And behaving peacefully.Tucker showed some of it
last summer.
Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.
You’re a creepy individual. You’re either phony or stupid.
MSM had two years to access this video but it didn’t fit the insurrection propaganda they’re supposed to promote so they made no effort. Now that honest brokers have access to it the DeMSM is suddenly curious. How fucking phony.
I have worked in the media and am very well trained in how the media can make ANYTHING appear to be how they want it to appear and, if their viewers/readers/listeners only get what they put out there, the message can be 100% distorted.

Most of us were fully trained into how to avoid that kind of distortion and most of us quit the business when we were no longer allowed to exercise that important code of ethics.

For instance Nancy/Schiff/Cheney/Kissinger etc. on the J6 committee showed those four or five patriots in furry suits and hats marching ominously down a hall over and over and over and over intending the gullible to believe all errant Patriots were like that.

But they didn't allow the public to see the CAPITOL POLICEMAN peacefully escorting these same guys into the congressional chamber where they did absolutely no violence or vandalism but merely posed for a few photo ops and then left peacefully.

They showed the violent scenes of which there were a few, but they didn't show the Patriots complaining that the Capitol Police were not stopping the vandalism/breaking and entering.

They showed angry Patriots in the faces of Capitol Police but didn't show the Capitol Police opening the doors to the Capitol and holding them open so peaceful protesters could amble in peacefully just looking around.

The MSM you probably watch also showed none of the peaceful videos that all of us have had access to for two years now but only short edited clips of violence making it look as bad as possible.

And only NOW that one MSM representative has access to ALL of it--the thousands of hours of non-insurrection, non-violent, non-threatening footage, they're suddenly interested?
I’m going to disagree with this. My views are based not just on what the media presented but what people who were actually tbere live streamed. Sure there were peaceful people (just as there were peaceful people hanging around the Floyd riots but the media only showed the worst bits). None of that alters or minimizes or excuses the the actions of all those hundreds of people pushing their way through barricades, breaking windows, smashing through doors, and bearing the crap out of overwhelmed police with metal poles, metal bats, etc. I will never the sight of that poor policeman dragged down the stairs and beaten as he lay there face down. Nothing can or SHOULD ever try to minimize what was done that day by people who called themselves ”patriots”. Do you know who the real patriots are? They are the ones who stopped short of breaking in …who turned away…who REALIZED things were going to far and wanted no part of it. Those are the only people who have the right to call themselves peaceful and patriots.

I feel strongly about this, as you can tell, so this not directed at you, but the overall situation where people are actively trying to minimize it. They ought to talk to the officers who were there, some of whom were injured so badly they were forced to retire.

There several major events that stick in my mind as something I couldn’t believe what was happening:

Oklahoma City
Space Shiputtle Challenger
and watching January 6 unfold in real time.

Every damn one of those broke in should be charged with something.
I’m going to disagree with this. My views are based not just on what the media presented but what people who were actually tbere live streamed. Sure there were peaceful people (just as there were peaceful people hanging around the Floyd riots but the media only showed the worst bits). None of that alters or minimizes or excuses the the actions of all those hundreds of people pushing their way through barricades, breaking windows, smashing through doors, and bearing the crap out of overwhelmed police with metal poles, metal bats, etc. I will never the sight of that poor policeman dragged down the stairs and beaten as he lay there face down. Nothing can or SHOULD ever try to minimize what was done that day by people who called themselves ”patriots”. Do you know who the real patriots are? They are the ones who stopped short of breaking in …who turned away…who REALIZED things were going to far and wanted no part of it. Those are the only people who have the right to call themselves peaceful and patriots.

I feel strongly about this, as you can tell, so this not directed at you, but the overall situation where people are actively trying to minimize it. They ought to talk to the officers who were there, some of whom were injured so badly they were forced to retire.

There several major events that stick in my mind as something I couldn’t believe what was happening:

Oklahoma City
Space Shiputtle Challenger
and watching January 6 unfold in real time.

Every damn one of those broke in should be charged with something.
You were on a roll until the last one. It was a dirty political trick complete with murder for intimidation. Government terrorism. Glad that is settled.
Perhaps you missed the part where Congress (i.e. the Democrats) refused to allow ANY of it released other than that edited to make the Patriots and President Trump look bad.

What part of Jan 6 makes Trump look good?

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