News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

What a dopey comment.Have you learn't Nothing as a grown adult.
The MSM is Part of the Pelosi,Schumer,Biden cabal.
The Mainstream media acts as the Adjunct for the Democrat party.
Again, my question is to the left and they should ask why Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden didn't release the footage so they could control the narrative?

Now the GOP is in power, well they are in control of the narrative!
Again, my question is to the left and they should ask why Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden didn't release the footage so they could control the narrative?

Now the GOP is in power, well they are in control of the narrative!
Isn't politics great?
Don't you think the 1/6 committee chose what to release?
I tell ya what Pally.The day you or any human can prove that those
handpicked bunch of nefarious handmaidens on the January 6th
Committee are actually capable of * thinking then get back to us.

* " They think they have God Almighty by the toe. "
-- Pietro Aretino { Italian writer } 1492-1556
This is where I’m not too sure, but isn’t all of that material now open to being requested under FOIA?
This is where it's gets complicated, since congress isn't subject to FOIA requests. They wrote the law, so they exempted themselves.

They would have to FOIA the Capitol Police, but there are limits

FOIA Exemptions. The exemptions protect against the disclosure of information that would harm: national security, the privacy of individuals, the proprietary interests of business, the functioning of the government, and other important recognized interests.
Again, my question is to the left and they should ask why Pelosi, Schumer, and Biden didn't release the footage so they could control the narrative?

Now the GOP is in power, well they are in control of the narrative!
Again you've learn't Nothing.The Left does not respond In kind.
That is why you'll never see the same bunch { like at Pelosi's
Stasi Committe }, at Fox.Commenting or talking Turkey.They are
chickenshit Provocateurs and propagandist.The worst form of
Citizen.They Live to be brash and talk shit about their betters.
With nothing to back up but oddles of other types like them.
Explains CNN and MSNBC to a tee.
Again you've learn't Nothing.The Left does not respond In kind.
That is why you'll never see the same bunch { like at Pelosi's
Stasi Committe }, at Fox.Commenting or talking Turkey.They are
chickenshit Provocateurs and propagandist.The worst form of
Citizen.They Live to be brash and talk shit about their betters.
With nothing to back up but oddles of other types like them.
Explains CNN and MSNBC to a tee.
My question has never been directed at you and it is for those complaining about what the GOP is doing.
FOIA ... SchMoya.The right is who uses FOIA.In fact,the
conservatives rely heavily on it.Like Congressman Devin
Nunes who had no other choice but to leave the House
of Representatives.He was constantly lied about and badgered by
the real Liars and Bullies like Adam Schiff.Plus they tapped his
My question has never been directed at you and it is for those complaining about what the GOP is doing.
Cuz you part of the Chickenshits.Just admit.
The Left is incapable of cleaning their own house.
Because the Leftist Democrats DO NOT VALUE TRUTH
Cuz you part of the Chickenshits.Just admit.
The Left is incapable of cleaning their own house.
Because the Leftist Democrats DO NOT VALUE TRUTH
Awww, yew one of those special in-the-head types aren’t yew?

Now I understand that anyone that you disagree with is your enemy, but please note the Democrats could have prevented all this had they just released the tapes themselves, so they own what is happening now.
Congress either releases the footage or it doesn’t

Releasing it for the use of one reporter is preferential treatment
And sets up a good suit.

Congress (the body as a whole) can and does act in biased ways. They do so with preferential laws and funding. But this is an act by the speaker of the house, not congress, but which may be protected under the "speech and debate clause" as being via his official acts.

There may not be a legal (judicial) solution as the courts may have no power to issue a writ of mandamus to the speaker of the house.

The solution may be political, such as a single member being able to call for a new vote for speaker.

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