News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

Meanwhile, the right wingers who claim conservatism is different from fascism are reacting with laughing faces at the idea of information being given to someone other than only a right-wing commentator.
Just don't call them fascists!
Quit your crying.... The leftist have been dealing dirty ever since before Trump took office, so hold on to your knickers, because it's going to be interesting watching the leftist cabal fall after all the hell they've raught in this country, and possibly in the world.
Once again you fail

McCathy is not releasing video to RW news, just one talking head.

You claim Dems do it all the time
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Why would Liberals on this board post for free?
USMB offers Liberal Posters Free Stuff

Did they?

Every one who entered broke the law, but I see a lot more excusing than I do condemnation on this board…whether it’s denying the verifiable facts or calling those who broke in and assaulted the police patriots...that’s just reality here. You’ve seen this here.

They made a distinction between those who did not enter and those who did. Many were charged with minor offenses es as was appropriate. Nothing was exaggerated or demonized imo. Just talk to the police trying to protect lawmakers and beaten with metal poles and bats and sprayed with bear spray. Those people came prepared. Screw them. Their actions that day were enough to damn them.

We are not going to agree. My cousin is a capitol police officer. I believe his accounts and the videos of the people who were there.

Why didn’t he just go through the door the Capitol Police were holding open?

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As Ms. Pelosi has zip, zero, nada, nothing and none to do with the security of the U.S. Capitol Building it is you do not know what you're talking about.

Nor did Ms. Pelosi has the authority to call out the D.C. National Guard, at the time of the Reich Wing Insurrection that could be done by the Secretary of the Army.


He might have been a super secret operative of Soros or AOC

Must have been ANTIFA

Because EVERYBODY knows TRUMP supporters wouldn’t attack our Capitol

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This is the real life, this isn't fantasy...
What the fuck is so damn scary about other news outlets have access to same 41,000 hours?
Conservatives fear facts and the truth – they know that reliable news sources will expose the lies Fox will attempt to contrive from the videos, reaffirm the fact that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was exactly that, and that the prosecution of the rightwing domestic terrorists was perfectly appropriate, Constitutional, and warranted.
Damn, thanks for reminding me! I keep forgetting that violence is impossible if you don't have guns.
You need guns to overthrow the government. If you don't think so then you're stupid.
What is wrong with equal access to the same footage given to Fucker? Is the Reich Wing afraid of actual fair and balanced reporting, or do they just want to push the big lie?
What was wrong with having equal and fair investigations by having all sides represented properly in the J6 hearings ? Carma is a B ain't she ?
Conservatives fear facts and the truth – they know that reliable news sources will expose the lies Fox will attempt to contrive from the videos, reaffirm the fact that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was exactly that, and that the prosecution of the rightwing domestic terrorists was perfectly appropriate, Constitutional, and warranted.

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Conservatives have been caught by surprise by this move, in which the media attempts to make government material available to more than a right wing commentator.
The fascist rigjt wanted the only commentary on the tape to be monopolized by one of their guys.

The left has had the only commentary on the tape for the last 2 years as the partisan J6 committee was the only ones to have access to it.

Now I agree that they should have released it to everyone, but I’m not shedding any threats that they didn’t, because during this whole investigation, the left were the only ones with access to this material.
Conservatives fear facts and the truth – they know that reliable news sources will expose the lies Fox will attempt to contrive from the videos, reaffirm the fact that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was exactly that, and that the prosecution of the rightwing domestic terrorists was perfectly appropriate, Constitutional, and warranted.

Cons live off the lies they are told. They love to be lied. They need to be lied, without the lies they have nothing. We know already that Fux Youse lied about the big lie. Fux Youse Execs and their talking heads knew they were lying to their viewers, but the money was more important than the truth.
Meanwhile, the right wingers who claim conservatism is different from fascism are reacting with laughing faces at the idea of information being given to someone other than only a right-wing commentator.
Just don't call them fascists!
Perhaps the J6 committee should have released the footage to everyone instead of releasing select clips designed to damage their political opponent, and keeping the rest under lock and key.
The left has had the only commentary on the tape for the last 2 years as the partisan J6 committee was the only ones to have access to it.

Now I agree that they should have released it to everyone, but I’m not shedding any threats that they didn’t, because during this whole investigation, the left were the only ones with access to this material.
Republicans were offered full access
They declined
That's a defense used by some of them who claimed they were in the back of the mob and "didn't see" the mob tear down the barricades" and overwelm the police. At best that might cover a handful of people out of the almost a thousand who swarmed the Capitol. I stated this before and I will again, I reserve the word terrorist for a subset of those who broke into the Capitol.

Is "the door was open so I walked in" a valid defense?

Consider this scenario. When a Floyd protest turns into rioting and looting, the door to a shop is open and a protester walks in, did he commit a crime? Can he claim the door was open so I just walked in? Should he be charged with anything even though he didn't loot?

There were a couple of police doing that and taking selfies, and they have either been reprimmended or lost their jobs. But it isn't. The people breaking in KNEW they were entering illegally and yet they still did. I can't believe they were completely oblivious to the violence going on around them. Terrorists? That depends on other factors. Breaking the law? Most certainly.

I do see it differently. And while the hearing was politicized it was neither rigged nor inaccurate. The violence was real and well documented as well as the injuries inflicted on the police. The fact that some did not engage in violence doesn't change the fact that all were there illegally and engaged in some form of illegal activity: tresspassing, impeding, picketing etc within the Capitol.

The peaceful people were those that chose not to enter the Capitol. They are the ones I defend. The rest were at best fools who made bad choices and at worst terrorists.

I do.

I disagree. Ray Epps has become a focal point of conspracy theorists who imo, are just trying to shift responsibity away from those who shouldbeheld accountable but are considered by some tobe "patriots".

The ones still injailare those who are facing major charges...not "far less" . These are not the ones charged with tresspassing.

Like the truck convoy was doing?

We might have a point of agreement here.

Law enforcement walks a fine line between free speech rights and criminal behavior andI get that. People have a right to protest, even if it means blocking streets or obstructing traffic, but at some point it has to stop because it is impinging on the rights of other people: localbusinesses, folks who commute orlive there etc. That is what happened with the truck convoy when they started blocking access to a bridge, preventing local business' from operating, keeping residents awake with their horns etc. That is why they were finally forced to to move.

And that applies to any other protest. The CHOP zone went on way too long and severely impacted local busi esses. And city officials are now the subject of lawsuits by those businesses (deservedly so).

There were thousands of protests, the majority of which WERE peaceful. Not any different from the Jan 6 rallywere the majority of participants chose to be peaceful and stop short ofbreaking into the Capitol.

And I agree,

and that is why I strongly disagree with about those who entered the Capitol that day.

It was not far worse. Our nation's Capitol was attacked, our lawmakers were attacked, and there was an attempt to violently overturn an election that was unprecedent in more than a century and a half of respecting the peaceful transfer of power. There is nothing to compare and that is not excusing the riots, they just aren't in the same ballpark.

(I apologize for breaking it up but there are too many different points in here)
The whole testimony--ALL the video and testimony--backs up the fact that at most a hundred or so behaved very badly, but it was only that hundred or so. We can argue whether those who went past the barricades to the steps and balconies were in the right or wrong but there were Capitol Police in large numbers standing by and doing nothing about it, i.e. not telling them to move.

If a Capitol policeman is holding the door open for me, even waving me through, yes I'm going in. And I am no insurrectionist, terrorist, danger, law breaker when I do that.

The vast majority of the video footage and eye witness testimony proves there was no insurrection, no danger to democracy, nothing more than people with an agenda carrying out their constitutional right to peacefully petition their government for redress of grievances. Footage the MSM and J6 Committee made sure people like you would never see.

Yes those committing vandalism, unlawful entry, committing violence against persons or property should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But the video record--ALL of the record--as well as eye witness testimony does not fit the narrative you express here.
Every one who entered broke the law, but I see a lot more excusing than I do condemnation on this board…whether it’s denying the verifiable facts or calling those who broke in and assaulted the police patriots...that’s just reality here. You’ve seen this here.

They made a distinction between those who did not enter and those who did. Many were charged with minor offenses es as was appropriate. Nothing was exaggerated or demonized imo. Just talk to the police trying to protect lawmakers and beaten with metal poles and bats and sprayed with bear spray. Those people came prepared. Screw them. Their actions that day were enough to damn them.

We are not going to agree. My cousin is a capitol police officer. I believe his accounts and the videos of the people who were there.
Why does the Capitol debacle seem like a playground skirmish compared to the BLM riots, yet the Democrats are only enraging about J6?

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