News outlets demand release of Jan. 6 footage given to Tucker Carlson

No, he will lie like he always does.
Show me one. Show me an example of his lies.

Which is ALL NEWS OUTLETS should have access to 41,000 hours of video that Fucker does.
Where were you the past two years when hardly NO ONE had access to it all other than the J6 committee and when asked to see it by the GOP, they told them to F off. Why weren't you begging them for it these past two years?

You won't get it, you don't deserve it, you made up your mind YEARS ago, now sit there, shut up and wait for Uncle Tucker to spoon feed you a drop or two.
Show me one. Show me an example of his lies.

Where were you the past two years when hardly NO ONE had access to it all other than the J6 committee and when asked to see it by the GOP, they told them to F off. Why weren't you begging them for it these past two years?

You won't get it, you don't deserve it, you made up your mind YEARS ago, now sit there, shut up and wait for Uncle Tucker to spoon feed you a drop or two.
Republicans were invited on the J 6 Committee and declined

They have nothing to complain about
No Justice with this criminal stolen Administration.

It's our house... we pay for it.... it belongs to the people not the politicians....
Show me one. Show me an example of his lies.

Where were you the past two years when hardly NO ONE had access to it all other than the J6 committee and when asked to see it by the GOP, they told them to F off. Why weren't you begging them for it these past two years?

You won't get it, you don't deserve it, you made up your mind YEARS ago, now sit there, shut up and wait for Uncle Tucker to spoon feed you a drop or two.
The Capitol Police did respond to the congressional committee's request investigating 1/6, and the before and after of 1/6, and allowed them to view the tapes in their secret.

And there was not one single leak by the committee on the capitol police tapes, and the committee returned the tapes to the capitol police when they finished reviewing them.
The whole testimony--ALL the video and testimony--backs up the fact that at most a hundred or so behaved very badly, but it was only that hundred or so. We can argue whether those who went past the barricades to the steps and balconies were in the right or wrong but there were Capitol Police in large numbers standing by and doing nothing about it, i.e. not telling them to move.

I strongly disagree that there were Capitol police in “large numbers standing by doing nothing”. I have yet to see a single video showing that. What I have seen is large numbers of police desperately attempting to hold the mob back and being overcome.

The often repeated claim the police were inviting them in might apply to a 3 officers and handful of protesters, but it also ignores the reality of the situation on the ground:

There are plenty of instances where rioters waltzed into the Capitol without a fight, but only after they had stormed past barricades and, in some cases, even stepped through broken windows. In some areas, police were so outnumbered by the mob that they retreated, stood aside or tried to politely engage with rioters to de-escalate the situation rather than fighting or making arrests, but that is clearly not the same as welcoming rioters into the building.

Since we don’t have video of every single encounter between police and rioters, it’s theoretically possible that some tiny number of officers did invite rioters in. The Capitol Police announced in September that three officers were facing discipline for unspecified noncriminal “conduct unbecoming” that day, while three others were facing discipline for other policy violations.

But no evidence has publicly emerged to date of even one officer inviting a rioter into the Capitol. And even if a few isolated incidents emerge in the future, it’s clear that this was not a widespread or systemic occurrence as Trump and others suggested.

And, I will reiterate: there were somewhere around 10,000 people at Trump’s Jan 6 rally. Approximately 1000 chose to break the law, and break into Capitol. The peaceful protesters were the ones who recognized it was going far, and left. 9000 of them. The rest? They made a choice and choices that involve breaking the law have consequences.

If a Capitol policeman is holding the door open for me, even waving me through, yes I'm going in. And I am no insurrectionist, terrorist, danger, law breaker when I do that.

Did that actually happen?

The vast majority of the video footage and eye witness testimony proves there was no insurrection, no danger to democracy, nothing more than people with an agenda carrying out their constitutional right to peacefully petition their government for redress of grievances. Footage the MSM and J6 Committee made sure people like you would never see.

PEACEFULLY PETITION? How on earth can you call 140 police officers injured, some so severely they couldn’t return to work, 2.73 million dollars in damage, led to 4 direct deaths, one indirect death and 4 suicides, peacefully petitioning?

The peaceful petitioners were the 9,000 who stopped short of invasion and violence. The rest, criminals at this point…some more misquided then intentional hit with misdeamenors, others much worse. None excusable.

Yes those committing vandalism, unlawful entry, committing violence against persons or property should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But the video record--ALL of the record--as well as eye witness testimony does not fit the narrative you express here.

Have you seen the entire video record? All the eye witness testimony? The police cams? There is plenty of eyewitness testimony and video evidence from participants themselves to corroberate the narrative.
It's our house... we pay for it.... it belongs to the people not the politicians....
That doesn’t YOU can go in and trash or violate OUR house. That doesn’t mean there aren’t rules and hours. It is our house through the people we elect to represent us.

We aren’t communist or Marxist, where everything belongs to “the people” literally.
If it doesn’t say ‘no trespassing’, ‘do not enter’ or is directed into by authorities then I think it’s safe to assume entry is allowed.
That is a first, never heard that defense before. How do you square that with the castle doctrine? Most of us don’t have those kind of signs…so if you leave your door open it’s ok to wander In? Really?

Now granted…my dog feels that is ok to go in to to a person’s house if the door is open (put me in a pretty embarrassing situation).

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