NEWSFLASH! We're Not Following Obama's Jobs Plan b/c repub Congress defeated it!

Aug 7, 2012

Independent analysis projected the American Jobs Act, which was fully paid for, could create as many as 2 million jobs in 2012.

We aren't following Obama's jobs plan because the republican congress voted it down!

Follow this pattern of events:

1. With the job market struggling, Obama unveils the American Jobs Act, a State of the Union agenda filled with economic measures, and an economic "to-do list."

2. Republican lawmakers ignore the proposals, and the job market deteriorates.

3. The GOP then blames Obama for the failure his policies, which Congress didn't pass.

The accepted truth this morning is that weak job numbers are absolute, concrete, incontrovertible proof that the president's jobs agenda isn't working. News flash: we aren't trying Obama's jobs agenda.
The GOP is happy that so many people are out of jobs. That has been their plan all along. Now, if their plan to supress the vote works, they might have a chance in gaining the WH in November...sad

Independent analysis projected the American Jobs Act, which was fully paid for, could create as many as 2 million jobs in 2012.

We aren't following Obama's jobs plan because the republican congress voted it down!

Follow this pattern of events:

1. With the job market struggling, Obama unveils the American Jobs Act, a State of the Union agenda filled with economic measures, and an economic "to-do list."

2. Republican lawmakers ignore the proposals, and the job market deteriorates.

3. The GOP then blames Obama for the failure his policies, which Congress didn't pass.

The accepted truth this morning is that weak job numbers are absolute, concrete, incontrovertible proof that the president's jobs agenda isn't working. News flash: we aren't trying Obama's jobs agenda.

Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts all had to deal with legislatures dominated by the other party and yet managed to get most of their legislative agendas passed, but all Obama can do is whine about how mean the Republicans have been to him. Clearly, the best hope for America's future lies in a change of leadership on Nov. 2.
People can start all the new threads they want on this. It's still a fail.
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Poor Barack. It's just "not his fault". It's BOOOOSH!!!! It's the REPUBS!!!!!! He want's his binky!!! boohooo!!!
At this point, this is a Pub economy more than an Obama one. Austerity and wait.Do nothing. Since 2/2010.
At this point, this is a Pub economy more than an Obama one. Austerity and wait.Do nothing. Since 2/2010.

Panties still twisted?
For someone who has taught, you have learned very, very little, in a political sense.
Also, hope you didn't teach hygiene..................
My suspicion is that after 4 years of mindless obstruction, Pubs will play ball after they lose. Once taxes rise, they can vote to cut them (not the richest's) and not go against king Norquist, and pass the Jobs Act and get the country going again. The USA will lead the way out of this SECOND Pub World Depression, and NOT with Romney's idiotic pander to the rich, grow the military mess.

I know, let's cut taxes on the bloated rich, destroy Medicare and health reform, raise taxes and fees on the nonrich, let corporate cheats run wild, cut aid to states and localities, raise military spending to more than the rest of the world combined, and worry about the debt in 2035. Absolute idiocy, dupes.
All for the benefit of big business:

Washington (CNN) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked the No.1 item on the president's congressional "to-do-list," refusing to allow a vote on a bill that would give tax breaks for companies that "insource" jobs to the U.S. from overseas while eliminating tax deductions for companies that move jobs abroad.

In voting against the bill, Republicans raised both substantive and procedural problems with the measure.

The bill fell four votes short of the 60 needed to bring it to debate, with 42 voting against it. Four GOP senators -- Scott Brown of Massachusetts, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Dean Heller of Nevada -- voted in favor of the bill.

Independent analysis projected the American Jobs Act, which was fully paid for, could create as many as 2 million jobs in 2012.
We aren't following Obama's jobs plan because the republican congress voted it down!

Follow this pattern of events:

1. With the job market struggling, Obama unveils the American Jobs Act, a State of the Union agenda filled with economic measures, and an economic "to-do list."

2. Republican lawmakers ignore the proposals, and the job market deteriorates.

3. The GOP then blames Obama for the failure his policies, which Congress didn't pass.
The accepted truth this morning is that weak job numbers are absolute, concrete, incontrovertible proof that the president's jobs agenda isn't working. News flash: we aren't trying Obama's jobs agenda.

First, it is bullshit that it is entirely paid for. There are $253 billion in tax credits and $194 billion in spending, and no revenue adjustments of spending cuts in the bills.

Second, Harry Reid is the guy that shelved the bill in the Senate because he thought a China trade bill was more important.

Obama jobs plan: Senate Democrats won’t take up bill immediately, Harry Reid says - The Washington Post
The best thing the government can do, is get out of the way and let companies boom. Instead, we've seen Obama wage war on business.. From coal on down.
I guess some of us didn't learned about "shovel ready" jobs after Obama's first "stimulus plan".

Hell, even Obama said that there weren't any. Do you really believe they will be there now?


Independent analysis projected the American Jobs Act, which was fully paid for, could create as many as 2 million jobs in 2012.

We aren't following Obama's jobs plan because the republican congress voted it down!

Follow this pattern of events:

1. With the job market struggling, Obama unveils the American Jobs Act, a State of the Union agenda filled with economic measures, and an economic "to-do list."

2. Republican lawmakers ignore the proposals, and the job market deteriorates.

3. The GOP then blames Obama for the failure his policies, which Congress didn't pass.

The accepted truth this morning is that weak job numbers are absolute, concrete, incontrovertible proof that the president's jobs agenda isn't working. News flash: we aren't trying Obama's jobs agenda.

Nice timeline but you left out one of the most important points.

Obama takes to the airwaves to basically tattle on congressional Republicans for blocking a vote on his "jobs plan". At that very moment you could have flipped to CSPAN, as I did and watched Harry Reid blocking an attempt by Mitch McConnell to bring the big plan up for a vote.

Pesky facts...
On Obama's Jobs bill...

In an interview on Friday, Economics Professor James H. Stock called the plan “a fundamentally sound proposal” and emphasized the need for Congress to pass the package in its entirety.

“Right now there’s tremendous uncertainty, and that has a substantial dampening effect on the economy. Increasing employment and output through proactive measures like this will decrease uncertainty and change people’s outlooks about economic performance,” Stock said.

Joining Stock in his support of the bill is Harvard Economist Lawrence F. Katz.

Obama’s $447 billion American Jobs Act would create thousands of jobs and would expand the economy, economists surveyed by Bloomberg News found, in a report released Wednesday. The plan, they said, would push down the jobless rate in 2012, possibly boosting Obama’s reelection bid with the potential job growth.

The median estimate in the survey of 34 economists shows that Obama’s legislation would likely increase gross domestic product by 0.6 percent and add or keep 275,000 jobs next year. In 2013, his plan would add 13,000 jobs, bringing the total over two years to 288,000 jobs created.

The economists also told Bloomberg that Obama’s plan would lower the unemployment rate by 0.2 percentage points.

President Barack Obama unveiled his plan to grow jobs earlier this month, and he said it's getting great reviews from economists.

"When you look at what independent economists are saying about the American Jobs Act... uniformly what they are saying is this buys us insurance against a double-dip recession, and it almost certainly helps the economy grow and will put more people back to work," he said in an interview with NBC News's Brian Williams.

The Verdict

Obama exaggerated a bit by saying that, uniformly, economists say his plan will work; some take serious issue with the proposal. Still, many have mostly good things to say about the strategy, and at least two estimates support the underlying goal of Obama's plan, which is to grow jobs and boost the economy.

For his first PoliGraph test, Obama's claim leans toward accurate.
The GOP is happy that so many people are out of jobs. That has been their plan all along. Now, if their plan to supress the vote works, they might have a chance in gaining the WH in November...sad
Your calumny is untrue and you know it too don't you.
I love this, just because I pass a blowjob bill doesnt mean Franco will blow my horn.

Explain to me how this would create jobs out of thin air

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