Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations

And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (
A big SO WHAT for this. It merely reveals that ONE EMPLOYEE of Dominion was apologized to for false allegations made against HIM. The idea that Newsmax would have a drop in viewers from this, is ludicrous and laughable.

To their Credit, Newsmax was one of the few networks that correctly reported the faults of Dominion voting machines, and their propensity to be used for fraud, including:

1. Dominion machines can be altered to manipulate tallies in just a few minutes, using malicious code, according to Princeton professor of computer science and election security expert Andrew Appel.

2. A ballot can be spoiled or altered by the Dominion machine because “the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box,” a study by University of California–Berkeley said.

3. The voting machines are susceptible to hacking or remote tampering because they are connected to the internet, even though they’re not supposed to be, according to a lawsuit. “If one laptop was connected to the internet, the entire precinct was compromised.”

4. There is evidence of remote access and remote troubleshooting, “which presents a grave security implication,” according to Finnish computer programmer and election security expert Hari Hursti.

5. Hursti also claims the activity logs of the voting machines can be overwritten by hackers to erase their steps.

6. Dominion machine operators can change settings to exclude certain ballots from being counted. The ballots can be put in a separate file and deleted simply, according to Ronald Watkins, a software and cyber-security expert who reviewed the Dominion software manual. He also said final vote count involved machine operators copying and pasting the “Results” folder onto a USB drive, a process he calls “error-prone and very vulnerable to malicious administrators.”

7. In Wisconsin, affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes, even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted.

8. Gregory Stenstrom claims he saw a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting flash drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, and co-mingling flash drives from aggregation machines, possibly hurting the ability of auditors to properly certify results, according to a Pennsylvania legislature hearing. Is Dominion going to apologize for that ?

9. Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment. Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said >>>
“If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success? How hard is it to say, ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised, and they are 100 percent accurate?'”

10. Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show Hong Kong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell, and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.
Why would Dominion have to reveal proprietary information. All they really have to show is how they were financially damaged by false reports broadcast on Newsmax.

Newmax would be on the hook to show how they verified the accuracy of what they broadcast on the air, and clearly they knew that they could not do that because they aired it without any due diligence to verify the accuracy of what they broadcast.

I wonder if, aside from an apology, Newsmax had to also pay Dominion a large sum of money to get Dominion to drop them from the list of defendants.

Rudy should apologize next since he's going to need a boatload of money to defend himself against the criminal charges that are coming his way.
Dominion was NOT damaged by false reports on Newsmax against them - the reports were against ONE person, not Dominion. Newsmax aired dozens of reports (like those in Post # 42) against Dominion for weeks, without Dominion uttering a peep in protest, and even refusing to attend a legislative hearing accusing them of misconduct.
The light Newsmax saw was dollars and cents. Dominion machines are easily rigged but proving that will be costly. I would have waited until after the forensic investigation in Arizona. Then again, who knows if our crooked government will allow a real investigation this time. Democrats are fighting like hell to stop it and that tells me they have plenty to hide.
And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (

Good news.. Isn't Trump best friends with the boss at Newsmax?
And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (

Good news.. Isn't Trump best friends with the boss at Newsmax?

So much for their alliance.
And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (
A big SO WHAT for this. It merely reveals that ONE EMPLOYEE of Dominion was apologized to for false allegations made against HIM. The idea that Newsmax would have a drop in viewers from this, is ludicrous and laughable.

To their Credit, Newsmax was one of the few networks that correctly reported the faults of Dominion voting machines, and their propensity to be used for fraud, including:

1. Dominion machines can be altered to manipulate tallies in just a few minutes, using malicious code, according to Princeton professor of computer science and election security expert Andrew Appel.

2. A ballot can be spoiled or altered by the Dominion machine because “the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box,” a study by University of California–Berkeley said.

3. The voting machines are susceptible to hacking or remote tampering because they are connected to the internet, even though they’re not supposed to be, according to a lawsuit. “If one laptop was connected to the internet, the entire precinct was compromised.”

4. There is evidence of remote access and remote troubleshooting, “which presents a grave security implication,” according to Finnish computer programmer and election security expert Hari Hursti.

5. Hursti also claims the activity logs of the voting machines can be overwritten by hackers to erase their steps.

6. Dominion machine operators can change settings to exclude certain ballots from being counted. The ballots can be put in a separate file and deleted simply, according to Ronald Watkins, a software and cyber-security expert who reviewed the Dominion software manual. He also said final vote count involved machine operators copying and pasting the “Results” folder onto a USB drive, a process he calls “error-prone and very vulnerable to malicious administrators.”

7. In Wisconsin, affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes, even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted.

8. Gregory Stenstrom claims he saw a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting flash drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, and co-mingling flash drives from aggregation machines, possibly hurting the ability of auditors to properly certify results, according to a Pennsylvania legislature hearing. Is Dominion going to apologize for that ?

9. Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment. Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said >>>
“If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success? How hard is it to say, ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised, and they are 100 percent accurate?'”

10. Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show Hong Kong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell, and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”
Newsmax must have felt guilty about the mean things they said about Dominion and said they are sorry
NOW.....this thread looks like an outbound frieght headed to Yosemite Sam-Land.
Let's hop on:

  • What the capitulators do isn't newsworthy...What the fighters do is.

Umm, "capitulators" can set a precedent. I'd suggest that Tucker Giuliani and Krakenpot Powell would've preferred Newsmax had continue to fight like hell.
But, alas........

  • But clean software does not disprove a worm or hacking because that can be done later, over the internet.

Well, if "clean software" ain't proof.......could one argue there's no compelling reason to 'reveal source code' that the poster ominously warns about?

  • Bucha damn RINOs. Pretty much just Democrats in disguise.

Others could argue that Newsmax ain't Rinos. They're BLM or ANTIFA or Lincoln Project or NeverTrumpers. Hell, they could be the high-school rival that beat the crap outta your homies.
There are villains everywhere. Everywhere, I tell you. And the Duped & Snookered are gonna find one or more to blame for one or more things. All the time. It's what they do.

  • Just like I consider the MSM all garbage.

What an interesting observation. Could the poster then share with the forum members what news sources he reads or watches or would recommend to the forum? After all, he must get 'news' from somewhere or somebody. No?

  • Says someone who probably still believes 'Muh, Russia'. And fell for the fire extinguisher to the head of Sicknick....... more fake news promoted by the MSM.

Says someone who probably believed that VP Harris' book was required reading by everybody crossing the border? (Thank you very much Rupert & Fox & New York Post and poster Weatherman)

  • Democrats are fighting like hell to stop it and that tells me they have plenty to hide.

Or, alternatively, Democrats cannot trust the Republicans and their unknown inexperienced and sketchy "investigator"? Possibly that could be an explanation.

After all, as Cindy McCain's (John's wife) explained on the PBS NewsHour last night....these ballots have been counted and audited 2 or 3 times already.

And if that is the case, and this next "audit"....shows no changes that would alter the results from November.........well then, there seems to be a risk to the 'Stop-the-Steal' Duped & Snookered.
It's possible they could look more duped. More snookered.

Some might say that. But not me. I'm neutral. Like Switzerland.
And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (
A big SO WHAT for this. It merely reveals that ONE EMPLOYEE of Dominion was apologized to for false allegations made against HIM. The idea that Newsmax would have a drop in viewers from this, is ludicrous and laughable.

To their Credit, Newsmax was one of the few networks that correctly reported the faults of Dominion voting machines, and their propensity to be used for fraud, including:

1. Dominion machines can be altered to manipulate tallies in just a few minutes, using malicious code, according to Princeton professor of computer science and election security expert Andrew Appel.

2. A ballot can be spoiled or altered by the Dominion machine because “the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box,” a study by University of California–Berkeley said.

3. The voting machines are susceptible to hacking or remote tampering because they are connected to the internet, even though they’re not supposed to be, according to a lawsuit. “If one laptop was connected to the internet, the entire precinct was compromised.”

4. There is evidence of remote access and remote troubleshooting, “which presents a grave security implication,” according to Finnish computer programmer and election security expert Hari Hursti.

5. Hursti also claims the activity logs of the voting machines can be overwritten by hackers to erase their steps.

6. Dominion machine operators can change settings to exclude certain ballots from being counted. The ballots can be put in a separate file and deleted simply, according to Ronald Watkins, a software and cyber-security expert who reviewed the Dominion software manual. He also said final vote count involved machine operators copying and pasting the “Results” folder onto a USB drive, a process he calls “error-prone and very vulnerable to malicious administrators.”

7. In Wisconsin, affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes, even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted.

8. Gregory Stenstrom claims he saw a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting flash drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, and co-mingling flash drives from aggregation machines, possibly hurting the ability of auditors to properly certify results, according to a Pennsylvania legislature hearing. Is Dominion going to apologize for that ?

9. Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment. Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said >>>
“If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success? How hard is it to say, ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised, and they are 100 percent accurate?'”

10. Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show Hong Kong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell, and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

Newsmax reportedly doesn’t want to become the seat of President Trump’s perspective media empire but the channel's CEO has now said that he wouldn’t turn down the chance to put him (Trump) on air once he’s out of office. The statement came after claims suggested that Newsmax will change to 'Trump TV' even though the CEO has denied any such action, his long-time friendship with Trump is no secret. Ruddy said Newsmax "would be open to talking to [Trump] about a weekly show" once he has left office January 20."He is going to be a political and media force after he leaves the White House," he had said.

Born on January 28, 1965, Christopher Ruddy, also known as Chris Ruddy, has been the CEO and the majority owner of Newsmax Media, which publishes and broadcasts the Newsmax TV network. He is not just known for donning the commentator's hat but is also known for being an active Donald Trump commentator.

In a February 2017 interview, he said, Trump "acts on the information he's hearing in the media and he adjusts course from time to time." But at the same time, careful not to give himself any credit, Ruddy praised Trump: "This is a guy who makes up his own mind, nobody tells him what to do."

According to a CNN report, "Ruddy's company is poised to benefit from his Trump relationship -- and vice versa. Newsmax is a profitable conservative media brand with websites, newsletters and a cable TV channel. The site leans right but Ruddy stresses that it is fair to all sides."

In the 2017 report, it was mentioned that Ruddy's channel's biggest rival as Fox Channel bur now, as we see Trump's relationship getting sour with the Fox News, might be a green signal for their relationship to get even better.

I can 'splain it....Noozmucks doesn't have the goods.

But Mike Lindell claims that he does have the goods, and has filed a separate lawsuit against Dominion for the damage that they have done against his brand.

What the capitulators do isn't newsworthy...What the fighters do is.

Lindell has nothing. The person responsible for the damage to his company is Lindell.

What is newsworthy is whden the right wing propaganda machine is forced to admit they lied. The fact that these companies are settling shows they have no proof. What lying traitors like Lindell do isn't newsworthy.
Dominion has to be bluffing because for it to get to court, Dominion would have to reveal its source code, to prove it was not built to cheat. And they would never do that, because that is all they have to sell. The hardware is insignificant.
But clean software does not disprove a worm or hacking because that can be done later, over the internet.
The only way to prevent that is to not allow voting machines to be networked.

Dominion's got nothing.

No they don't. Dominios would not have to provide any source code. Numerous state and local governments have audited the Dominion machines and found them to be 100% accurate. That is all the proof they need.
Wow, so news organizations can no longer report the news, or risk being threatened to be sued. We now live in a fascist state, no denying that.

Or, you're a moron who can't differentiate between news and bullshit garbage.

Because cult.
I could care less if you consider it garbage. Just like I consider the MSM all garbage. CNN lies every minute, that’s why they earned the name Fake News. There is still freedom of the press, they have always been free to lie.

Trump and supporters like you are the liars and garbage. Newsmax was forced to come clean because they didn't have the goods.
And so it begins. Newsmax saw the light. My guess is that "light" took the form of a meeting between a group of executives from Newsmax sitting around a conference table while a group of their attorneys told them that Newsmax was on the losing end of the lawsuit filed against them by Dominion. I wonder how long it will take for the other defendants to see the light. No doubt Newsmax TV is very soon going to find themselves on the receiving end of a RW temper tantrum with a corresponding drop in their viewership ratings.

NEW YORK (AP) — Newsmax apologized on Friday for airing false allegations that an employee for Dominion Voting Systems manipulated machines or tallies on Election Day to the detriment of former President Donald Trump.

Eric Coomer, security director at the Colorado-based firm, in turn dropped Newsmax from a defamation lawsuit.

The conservative news network, in a statement published on its website and to be read on TV, said that while it aired the accusations against Coomer made by Trump's lawyers and supporters, it found no evidence that they were true.

Newsmax, which ran Dominion's denials of the accusations when they were made, also said it had found no evidence that Coomer had spoken to “Antifa” or any partisan organization.

“We would like to apologize for any harm that our reporting of the allegations against Dr. Coomer may have caused to Dr. Coomer and his family,” the network said. He said in his lawsuit that he had gone into hiding because of death threats.

Coomer's lawsuit also targets the Trump campaign, lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell, columnist Michelle Malkin, the website Gateway Pundit, Colorado activist Joseph Oltmann and One America News Network. Those claims are continuing, a spokeswoman said.

Neither Newsmax nor a Coomer spokeswoman would comment on whether Coomer was paid anything to drop the company from his lawsuit.

Newsmax also told its audience, many of them Trump supporters that “many of the states whose results were contested by the Trump campaign after the November 2020 election have conducted extensive recounts and audits, and each of these states certified the results as legal and final.”

Newsmax apologizes to Dominion worker for false allegations (
A big SO WHAT for this. It merely reveals that ONE EMPLOYEE of Dominion was apologized to for false allegations made against HIM. The idea that Newsmax would have a drop in viewers from this, is ludicrous and laughable.

To their Credit, Newsmax was one of the few networks that correctly reported the faults of Dominion voting machines, and their propensity to be used for fraud, including:

1. Dominion machines can be altered to manipulate tallies in just a few minutes, using malicious code, according to Princeton professor of computer science and election security expert Andrew Appel.

2. A ballot can be spoiled or altered by the Dominion machine because “the ballot marking printer is in the same paper path as the mechanism to deposit marked ballots into an attached ballot box,” a study by University of California–Berkeley said.

3. The voting machines are susceptible to hacking or remote tampering because they are connected to the internet, even though they’re not supposed to be, according to a lawsuit. “If one laptop was connected to the internet, the entire precinct was compromised.”

4. There is evidence of remote access and remote troubleshooting, “which presents a grave security implication,” according to Finnish computer programmer and election security expert Hari Hursti.

5. Hursti also claims the activity logs of the voting machines can be overwritten by hackers to erase their steps.

6. Dominion machine operators can change settings to exclude certain ballots from being counted. The ballots can be put in a separate file and deleted simply, according to Ronald Watkins, a software and cyber-security expert who reviewed the Dominion software manual. He also said final vote count involved machine operators copying and pasting the “Results” folder onto a USB drive, a process he calls “error-prone and very vulnerable to malicious administrators.”

7. In Wisconsin, affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes, even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted.

8. Gregory Stenstrom claims he saw a Dominion Voting Systems vendor inserting flash drives into voting aggregation machines in Delaware County, and co-mingling flash drives from aggregation machines, possibly hurting the ability of auditors to properly certify results, according to a Pennsylvania legislature hearing. Is Dominion going to apologize for that ?

9. Dominion Voting Systems committed to attending an oversight hearing in Pennsylvania but backed out at the last moment. Pennsylvania state Rep. Seth Grove, a Republican who chairs the Government Oversight Committee, said >>>
“If Dominion’s products were successful and operated as they were supposed to, why wouldn’t Dominion take the opportunity to publicly review its success? How hard is it to say, ‘our ballot machines worked exactly as promised, and they are 100 percent accurate?'”

10. Forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst alleges proof of foreign interference and/or access in the election. It shows Dominion’s voting machine server connected to Iran, China and Serbia. Also, the analyst says records show Hong Kong Shanghai Bank became collateral agent for Dominion voting systems on Sept. 25, 2019. The declaration is contained in the lawsuit filed by attorney Sidney Powell, and includes screen shots and a summary of the evidence.

There is no evidence of any of this. Several audits of Dominion ,machines showed them to be 100% accurate. Allegations by right wing crazies are not credible. Nor are you.

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