Newsome attacks Walgreens

Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. California demanded that Walgreens, CVS, Good Neighbor Network, stop doing business in all states that have prohibited the abortion pill and close all stores in those states until they legalize abortion, including the sale of the abortion pill.

Which makes the governor a delusional crackpot.

Maybe I'm stupid but I didn't get that out of the OP. I didn't look around for other explanations so maybe that's why I'm confused. According to the OP Walgreen's stopped selling the pill because it's illegal in that state which would make total sense. What doesn't make sense is why they are blaming Walgreen's for not selling a pill that's illegal in the state to sell in the first place.
Maybe I'm stupid but I didn't get that out of the OP. I didn't look around for other explanations so maybe that's why I'm confused. According to the OP Walgreen's stopped selling the pill because it's illegal in that state which would make total sense. What doesn't make sense is why they are blaming Walgreen's for not selling a pill that's illegal in the state to sell in the first place.
The OP never figured it out. It is perfectly legal to sell the pill in California and that's not going to change.
I never said the Chinese were better capitalists, I said it's the American consumer that's to blame and it's been that way since Reagan.

The only way for a capitalist to destroy competition in the US is to provide products the cheapest they can to their consumers. That's it. There is no other way to destroy competition.
In the 80s
Japanese cars were WAAAAY better than anything the US was putting on the road.
Japanese TVs, radios, VCRs, stereos were better.

Better products at cheaper prices.
But it's the consumers' fault?

Ever heard of "Planned Obsolescence?"
In the 80s
Japanese cars were WAAAAY better than anything the US was putting on the road.
Japanese TVs, radios, VCRs, stereos were better.

Better products at cheaper prices.
But it's the consumers' fault?

Ever heard of "Planned Obsolescence?"

In regards to us becoming more dependent on other countries for our goods, yes, that is our fault. Just like it's our fault unions died, just like it's our fault non-skilled jobs don't pay a livable wage. Everything where goods are concerned are consumer driven.
In regards to us becoming more dependent on other countries for our goods, yes, that is our fault. Just like it's our fault unions died, just like it's our fault non-skilled jobs don't pay a livable wage. Everything where goods are concerned are consumer driven.

It was GM's fault for creating "planned obsolescence."
Not the consumer

All those American electronics companies producing trash in the 80s was their management's fault.
Not the consumer

In 2008 when the collapse came Ford vehicles were crap. just like GM and Chrysler. Yeah, all three had their top end but beyond that, their fleets were crap.

Then Ford had a better idea and started building better cars, then GM, then Chrysler.

The consumer wants price and quality. They'll pay a higher price for quality but they won't pay a higher price based on the country of origin.

When the consumer willingly pays a higher price for lower quality THAT is the consumer's fault.
Decisions by management to make inferior products is management's fault.

It was GM's fault for creating "planned obsolescence."
Not the consumer

All those American electronics companies producing trash in the 80s was their management's fault.
Not the consumer

In 2008 when the collapse came Ford vehicles were crap. just like GM and Chrysler. Yeah, all three had their top end but beyond that, their fleets were crap.

Then Ford had a better idea and started building better cars, then GM, then Chrysler.

The consumer wants price and quality. They'll pay a higher price for quality but they won't pay a higher price based on the country of origin.

When the consumer willingly pays a higher price for lower quality THAT is the consumer's fault.
Decisions by management to make inferior products is management's fault.

Management has no choice. There is only so far they can stretch a dollar. It's like my former mechanic told me about Japanese cars. He said Japanese companies use their money for quality parts and engineering while the big three use their money to pay workers these high salaries. A childhood friend of mine got a job at GM when he got out of high school as a painter. About ten years ago I ran across a mutual friend we had that he stayed in contact with. He retired at the age of 50 with benefits. That's why when you buy a US car, it has automatic legacy costs. They put money into the workers instead of better quality.

Even when these companies design cars that can compete with cars made by foreign-owned companies, these legacy costs make it impossible to turn a profit. For example, the hourly cost of labor for the three domestic auto companies averaged $73 in 2007. In comparison, the average for the Japanese auto companies operating in the US was $48. The vast majority of the difference can be attributed to benefits, since US employees at foreign car companies earn comparable wages. Health benefits, for example, add $1,900 to the cost of every Ford, GM, or Chrysler car."

Well if they couldn't afford to make quality vehicles back then, how did they improve? That's right, a lower starting wage for all new employees.
Management has no choice. There is only so far they can stretch a dollar. It's like my former mechanic told me about Japanese cars. He said Japanese companies use their money for quality parts and engineering while the big three use their money to pay workers these high salaries. A childhood friend of mine got a job at GM when he got out of high school as a painter. About ten years ago I ran across a mutual friend we had that he stayed in contact with. He retired at the age of 50 with benefits. That's why when you buy a US car, it has automatic legacy costs. They put money into the workers instead of better quality.

Even when these companies design cars that can compete with cars made by foreign-owned companies, these legacy costs make it impossible to turn a profit. For example, the hourly cost of labor for the three domestic auto companies averaged $73 in 2007. In comparison, the average for the Japanese auto companies operating in the US was $48. The vast majority of the difference can be attributed to benefits, since US employees at foreign car companies earn comparable wages. Health benefits, for example, add $1,900 to the cost of every Ford, GM, or Chrysler car."

Well if they couldn't afford to make quality vehicles back then, how did they improve? That's right, a lower starting wage for all new employees.
Let's see
First it was the consumer's fault
Now it's the worker's fault.

Japanese cars in the 80s and beyond were/are more expensive than their American counterparts.
This is despite the fact that those Japanese cars are built in America with American labor
Because the perception of inferiority is baked into the prices.
That perception remains despite the improvement in quality of US brands over the last dozen years.
Because in the late 1950s GM management introduced planned obsolescence and the management at the other 3 followed suit.

Look around at similar threads. We keep blaming one another, the government, foreign trade, and on and on but the people we never blame are the ones responsible.


And as long as you and I keep kicking one another they've no reason to change course.
Let's see
First it was the consumer's fault
Now it's the worker's fault.

Japanese cars in the 80s and beyond were/are more expensive than their American counterparts.
This is despite the fact that those Japanese cars are built in America with American labor
Because the perception of inferiority is baked into the prices.
That perception remains despite the improvement in quality of US brands over the last dozen years.
Because in the late 1950s GM management introduced planned obsolescence and the management at the other 3 followed suit.

Look around at similar threads. We keep blaming one another, the government, foreign trade, and on and on but the people we never blame are the ones responsible.


And as long as you and I keep kicking one another they've no reason to change course.

No. Japanese cars were comparatively priced, it's just that again, they put their money into higher quality parts and engineering instead of ridiculous labor and benefits costs. That makes for a better car that will last much longer than an American car that started to rust the day you drove it off the lot.

In that instance, it was the UAWs fault. They got too big, too strong, and felt there was no real competition. Whatever they demanded for their workers, we just had to pay.

But that's an anomaly. With most all other products, it is the American consumers fault for choosing cheap Chinese products over American made ones. In fact unlike Japanese cars, those Chinese products are inferior to American made products because they have no quality control. They just make the shit and ship it out to us. Their success is that their products are cheaper.

A couple of years ago I was looking for information about my iPhone. I ran across an article about the Chinese making the iPhone X. They used to be about $1,000 for a new one. The article stated if that entire phone was made in the US, an iPhone X would cost around $1,800. Apple would never have had the success they have with iPhones had they been made in the US.
The "left" didn't bring any of that to you.
The "left" just exposed your unreasoning self hatred.

Why are you so fixated on male genitalia?
Deflection will get you nowhere with me chump! It's common knowledge, that cosmetic surgery and dressing different, will never change your gender, at least for those of us with a brain!
Maybe I'm stupid but I didn't get that out of the OP. I didn't look around for other explanations so maybe that's why I'm confused. According to the OP Walgreen's stopped selling the pill because it's illegal in that state which would make total sense. What doesn't make sense is why they are blaming Walgreen's for not selling a pill that's illegal in the state to sell in the first place.
They can do what they want in those states by making it illegal...

Newsom can do what he likes in his state and stop using the same company...

Newsom didn't start it, you could say he shouldn't have done anything but he feels that Walgreens should have at least fought it... They didn't and he said you don't have the kind of morals that we like to continue doing business.

Same thing happens when we see companies doing shady deal in the third world... Do you want to ignore that or do you morally want to stop doing business with the company.
This point of view could only be held by someome the extraordinarly extreme left.
If the Democrats are extreme Left... Then what are Europe?

Democrats would be a centre right party in EU (Europe)... Progressive Democrats would be centre with a tendency toward the the left nut not centre-left...

This would be the same in nearly all other first world countries...
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is going to war with Walgreens over the company's decision to stop selling an abortion pill in 20 states.

"California won't be doing business with @walgreens — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women's lives at risk. We're done," Newsom tweeted on Monday.

Newsom did not elaborate on how far-reaching the business ties are between the state of California and Walgreens, or say what he specifically plans to roll back.

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TWO wrongs do not make a right. Calif & Walgreens.
Florida and Disney.
Deflection will get you nowhere with me chump! It's common knowledge, that cosmetic surgery and dressing different, will never change your gender, at least for those of us with a brain!
In a thread about Walgreens you keep thinking about dicks.
That's not deflection.
That's a fixation.
You should seek help.

This might help you...
If the Democrats are extreme Left... Then what are Europe?

Democrats would be a centre right party in EU (Europe)... Progressive Democrats would be centre with a tendency toward the the left nut not centre-left...

This would be the same in nearly all other first world countries...

To you and every leftists chagrin, we don't live by Europe's standards, we live by our own.
In a thread about Walgreens you keep thinking about dicks.
That's not deflection.
That's a fixation.
You should seek help.

This might help you...
I didn't bring them up, so look in the mirror are you still closeted?
Mom and pop pharmacies can't compete against the corporate pharmacies because they can't get medications as cheap.

well then raymond - i shirley hope you want bigpharma to not be so greedy & go the dark brandon way of negotiating prices all around; not just for medicare.....

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Within Capitalism the capitalist does all he can to maximize profits.
Competition is a deterrence to that end so the Capitalist must destroy all competition.
When the capitalist has destroyed all competition in the marketplace, it expands into other markets

bighealthcorp did that when obamacare was conceived & paid millions to have lobbyists to shoot it down. they failed with that & they wanna hold on to their drugs monopolies.

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