Newsome attacks Walgreens

"Mom and pop pharmacies can't compete against the corporate pharmacies ..."

Keeping something around that can't compete for existence is what in your world would be called "communism" or even worse "socialism"

It does. however, point to the flaw in unbridled capitalism.
Eventually, with capitalism, when the system reaches maturity, there will be only one winner and everyone else loses.
Mom and pop stores cannot absorb the kind of crime big stores can. Be precise.
Then why are you people whining and crying and demanding Walgreens leave the state?

No wait!!!!! I forgot...

MAGAT Butthurt of the Day.
Only enemy democrats deluded themselves into imagining Gruesom Newsom was forcing Walgreens out of state.
I don't think it has anything to do with socialism or Communism. The fact of the matter is after the 80s recession, the mood of the American consumer changed. We all ran to the cheapest products regardless where they were made. You would think that after all China put us through with their virus, Americans would refuse to buy Chinese products. The Chinese are doing better than ever. Price is paramount to everything in our country unfortunately.
Within Capitalism the capitalist does all he can to maximize profits.
Competition is a deterrence to that end so the Capitalist must destroy all competition.
When the capitalist has destroyed all competition in the marketplace, it expands into other markets.

Wal Mart as a one stop place for drugs, auto services, groceries, winter clothes and bikinis.
Kroger for drugs, groceries,
Walgreens for drugs, cleaning supplies, and cheap toys...

In the end it will be only Wal Mart or a Wal Mart subsidiary.
No bakeries
No corner grocers
No veggie stands
Just Wal Mart
And that is the end point of the game.

Blaming the Chinese for being better capitalists isn't really worthwhile.
Only enemy democrats deluded themselves into imagining Gruesom Newsom was forcing Walgreens out of state.
I said nothing about "forcing" Walgreens to do anything.
It's you whiny RINOS whoi're crying for Walgreens to pull up stakes in California.

Do try to keep your Butthurts ordered.
You are confused about what you need to hate today.
Only democrats think Walgreens should pull up stakes in California because it is only the fucking communist democrats that have a vested interest in abortion. The rest of us are just happy that Walgreens doesn't violate the laws of any other state.
Only democrats think Walgreens should pull up stakes in California because it is only the fucking communist democrats that have a vested interest in abortion. The rest of us are just happy that Walgreens doesn't violate the laws of any other state.

It's readily apparent that you neither read the link in the OP, nor do you understand what is going on.

No. Nobody is saying that Walgreens needs to leave CA, or even suggesting such a thing (other than some of the others on here who don't understand what is going on either). Walgreens had a contract with the prison system in CA to provide their pharmaceuticals, and because of their stance on abortion pills, Newsom opted to not renew their contract to provide medicine to the prison system and will be looking for another place to get the drugs.

All Newsome did as governor was decide to no longer do business with Walgreens for their pharmaceutical contracts and find another provider.

If some Republican governor had decided to do the same thing because they didn't like the liberal policies of a certain company, you conservatives would be applauding and saying how the free market has spoken.
It's readily apparent that you neither read the link in the OP, nor do you understand what is going on.

No. Nobody is saying that Walgreens needs to leave CA, or even suggesting such a thing (other than some of the others on here who don't understand what is going on either). Walgreens had a contract with the prison system in CA to provide their pharmaceuticals, and because of their stance on abortion pills, Newsom opted to not renew their contract to provide medicine to the prison system and will be looking for another place to get the drugs.

All Newsome did as governor was decide to no longer do business with Walgreens for their pharmaceutical contracts and find another provider.

If some Republican governor had decided to do the same thing because they didn't like the liberal policies of a certain company, you conservatives would be applauding and saying how the free market has spoken.
Because Walgreens elected to obey the laws of states that prohibited distribution of the abortion pill in those states, Newsom elected to be an idiot. Walgreens certainly distributes the abortion pill in California as it does in every state where it is legal. There is no company policy. Just California nonsense.
It's readily apparent that you neither read the link in the OP, nor do you understand what is going on.

No. Nobody is saying that Walgreens needs to leave CA, or even suggesting such a thing (other than some of the others on here who don't understand what is going on either). Walgreens had a contract with the prison system in CA to provide their pharmaceuticals, and because of their stance on abortion pills, Newsom opted to not renew their contract to provide medicine to the prison system and will be looking for another place to get the drugs.

All Newsome did as governor was decide to no longer do business with Walgreens for their pharmaceutical contracts and find another provider.

If some Republican governor had decided to do the same thing because they didn't like the liberal policies of a certain company, you conservatives would be applauding and saying how the free market has spoken.

Lemme guess......

Newsom will now hand CHINA a 20 billion dollar deal to supply drugs to CA ......
Newflash Newsom....China is ALREADY supplying 20 billion in FREE drugs to California annually. Geez US !

Democrats - a trillion ways to re-direct taxpayer funds to offshore accounts, much of which ultimately goes into THEIR offshore accounts. Surprise Surprise Surprise
It's readily apparent that you neither read the link in the OP, nor do you understand what is going on.

No. Nobody is saying that Walgreens needs to leave CA, or even suggesting such a thing (other than some of the others on here who don't understand what is going on either). Walgreens had a contract with the prison system in CA to provide their pharmaceuticals, and because of their stance on abortion pills, Newsom opted to not renew their contract to provide medicine to the prison system and will be looking for another place to get the drugs.

All Newsome did as governor was decide to no longer do business with Walgreens for their pharmaceutical contracts and find another provider.

If some Republican governor had decided to do the same thing because they didn't like the liberal policies of a certain company, you conservatives would be applauding and saying how the free market has spoken.

I sure as hell don't understand it either. Walgreen's stated there was a legal and liability issue involved because the state doesn't allow them to sell that particular drug. If that's the case, why would any company provide the drug? And if that's the case, wouldn't the best route to go is to make it legal to sell it in CA?
I doubt Governor hair gel will be able to find a supplier that does not also obey the laws of every state in which they do business. Perhaps they can set up their own pharmacy.
Within Capitalism the capitalist does all he can to maximize profits.
Competition is a deterrence to that end so the Capitalist must destroy all competition.
When the capitalist has destroyed all competition in the marketplace, it expands into other markets.

Wal Mart as a one stop place for drugs, auto services, groceries, winter clothes and bikinis.
Kroger for drugs, groceries,
Walgreens for drugs, cleaning supplies, and cheap toys...

In the end it will be only Wal Mart or a Wal Mart subsidiary.
No bakeries
No corner grocers
No veggie stands
Just Wal Mart
And that is the end point of the game.

Blaming the Chinese for being better capitalists isn't really worthwhile.

I never said the Chinese were better capitalists, I said it's the American consumer that's to blame and it's been that way since Reagan.

The only way for a capitalist to destroy competition in the US is to provide products the cheapest they can to their consumers. That's it. There is no other way to destroy competition.
I sure as hell don't understand it either. Walgreen's stated there was a legal and liability issue involved because the state doesn't allow them to sell that particular drug. If that's the case, why would any company provide the drug? And if that's the case, wouldn't the best route to go is to make it legal to sell it in CA?
You are completely turned around. It is already legal to sell the abortion pill in California. Several other states that have made abortion illegal have prohibited the sale of the abortion bill. Pharmaceutical companies, including Walgreens continue to do business in those states and obey state law prohibiting sale in that state.

California should really mind its own business and continue aborting California babies.
You are completely turned around. It is already legal to sell the abortion pill in California. Several other states that have made abortion illegal have prohibited the sale of the abortion bill. Pharmaceutical companies, including Walgreens continue to do business in those states and obey state law prohibiting sale in that state.

California should really mind its own business and continue aborting California babies.

That still makes no sense. If it's legal to sell that medication in CA, there shouldn't be a problem regarding laws or liability. In states where it's not legal, they simply don't sell that drug in those states.
That still makes no sense. If it's legal to sell that medication in CA, there shouldn't be a problem regarding laws or liability. In states where it's not legal, they simply don't sell that drug in those states.
Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. California demanded that Walgreens, CVS, Good Neighbor Network, stop doing business in all states that have prohibited the abortion pill and close all stores in those states until they legalize abortion, including the sale of the abortion pill.

Which makes the governor a delusional crackpot.
The laugh is the righties screaming here...

They actually started... Newsom is giving back exactly the same thing right back over the net at them...

Walgreens are on a hiding to nothing but they could have said to those 21 states... Sue us... Force us legally...
That way they could say to Newsom that they at least tried...

I think Newsom is effectively right... If Walgreen's are not going to show any backbone for their customers then I am going to compromise you..
Kind of smart of him.
Newsom is just showboating to get some attention from the far left crackpots Dem Voters.
He is going to challenge Pedo Joe for the 2024 Dem nomination.
Cherry picked info. According to Wallgreens they are also having a lot of problems with online and many of the lazy slobs in SF are working from home not passing the store like they used to. Given the fact a person can steal up to $950.00 per visit could easily amount to a lot of theft on top of their other problems. Do you know how much merchandise they would have to sell to create the profits to make up for just one of those robberies?

Also keep in mind they focused on the store with the LEAST theft which was Ocean Avenue.

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The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.
Ray from Cleveland
Progressive Culture produces illiterate criminals.

Newsome attacks Walgreens​

Wonder what he needed?
Do they still carry Brylcreeme ?
Newsom uses Dippity Doo

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