Newsome attacks Walgreens

Because Walgreens elected to obey the laws of states that prohibited distribution of the abortion pill in those states, Newsom elected to be an idiot. Walgreens certainly distributes the abortion pill in California as it does in every state where it is legal. There is no company policy. Just California nonsense.

Walgreens Won’t Sell Abortion Pills In These States—Even Though Abortion Is Legal There​

Alison Durkee
Forbes Staff

Mar 3, 2023,07:14am EST


Walgreens has confirmed it will not dispense the abortion drug mifepristone in 20 states—including states where abortion remains legal—after Republican attorneys general asked them not to, Politico first reported Thursday, part of an increasing attempt by the GOP to limit access to abortion pills.
Walgreens Won’t Sell Abortion Pills In These States—Even Though Abortion Is Legal There
That may actually be, the most misinformed statement I have ever read.

Misinformed only to someone whos been completely brainwashed with 24 hour news cycles of nothing but right wing talking points geared towards riling up republicans and not much else. Nixon was an enviromentalist. He signed into law the clean air and water acts. He created the EPA. He would have been completely behind the green new deal and supported any argument behind man man climate change. He wanted a complete ban of handguns. Reagan, when he was governor of California, signed into law, certain allowances that would grant a woman the ability to get an abortion, in extreme circumstances. This was years ahead of Roe vs Wade. Reagan fought for strict gun control, he championed immigration. Any politician fighting for policies like these today would be accused of being a far left extremist and you know it. I rest my case.
Misinformed only to someone whos been completely brainwashed with 24 hour news cycles of nothing but right wing talking points geared towards riling up republicans and not much else. Nixon was an enviromentalist. He signed into law the clean air and water acts. He created the EPA. He would have been completely behind the green new deal and supported any argument behind man man climate change. He wanted a complete ban of handguns. Reagan, when he was governor of California, signed into law, certain allowances that would grant a woman the ability to get an abortion, in extreme circumstances. This was years ahead of Roe vs Wade. Reagan fought for strict gun control, he championed immigration. Any politician fighting for policies like these today would be accused of being a far left extremist and you know it. I rest my case.
Good because you are full of B.S! Oops doesn't cover extreme circumstances.
I have no issue with LEGAL immigration. Nothing wrong with clean water and air, when we have the technology to do it without crippling the economy. I believe gun control is using to hands if needed. I unarmed populace is a dangerous thing. As soon as all the criminals turn in their guns let me know, I still won't turn mine in, but I will feel a little better.

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