Newsome attacks Walgreens

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

All I can say is, lawyer up!!

Considering California has morphed into a hyper-partisan entity of the DNC than an actual state in the union that Newsom personally owns, perhaps this is Constitutional after all.

We shall see.
yes ending gvt contracts, not kicking them out....

Still smells like a DeSantis move to me!!
Right! :rolleyes:

All democrats on this site are super poor or super rich!

Cultists can come from all walks of life

But at the end of the day, if you are in the middle Class, you are less of it every inflationary day and will soon be eating out of garbage cans like they do in your comrade country of Venezuela.
With the Democrats running the state and not enforcing laws against thievery soon nobody will want to have a retail business in California.

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

All I can say is, lawyer up!!

Considering California has morphed into a hyper-partisan entity of the DNC than an actual state in the union that Newsom personally owns, perhaps this is Constitutional after all.

We shall see.
Fake News: Newsom has not ordered Walgreens to leave the state or banned them from operating in California. He has only said that he will stop renewing contracts between the state and Walgreens.
We are rating your thread pants on fire

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

All I can say is, lawyer up!!

Considering California has morphed into a hyper-partisan entity of the DNC than an actual state in the union that Newsom personally owns, perhaps this is Constitutional after all.

We shall see.
Walgreens was already closing stores in California due to rampant theft and crime.
Fake News: Newsom has not ordered Walgreens to leave the state or banned them from operating in California. He has only said that he will stop renewing contracts between the state and Walgreens.
We are rating your thread pants on fire
Stop renewing contracts is a pants on fire?


Don't you have any children to groom?
Stop renewing contracts is a pants on fire?


Don't you have any children to groom?
Your thread title doesn't say the state will stop renewing contracts. It says that Walgreens got kicked out of California. And that's a lie.

Walgreens can sell their products to the public. Its ok to admit you lied.

For instance, California used to give Walgreens money to bring abortion pills to prisons. Not anymore. Same work COVID drugs etc.
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Shades of De Santis and Disney!
You being far left, you’d understand this well.
yes ending gvt contracts, not kicking them out....

Still smells like a DeSantis move to me!!
Not really...

Walgreens were just cowering to the State Attorneys and not fighting for there emplyees...

Newsom is just showing that he can be just as tough and relying ona moderate governor to not be tough is a mistake...

Walgreens show have told those Sates to at least bring them to court and put in some fight...

At the end of the day it was the other states that started this...
Walgreens was already closing stores in California due to rampant theft and crime.
Flashback: In October 2021, Walgreens announced it was closing five San Francisco stores due to "organized retail crime" in the city. The following month, San Francisco Police Department data showed the five stores set to close had fewer than an average of two reported shoplifting incidents a month since 2018

So horseshit... Walgreens tried to pull a fast one and if California cancel there contract for that alone, that is understandable.
Sadly yes, it didn't use to be that way. Then one party went way left, and one came to their senses and realized it.

Actually, one party has gone so far right that even older republicans are looked at as libs. Democrats have gone more towards center right if anything.
Flashback: In October 2021, Walgreens announced it was closing five San Francisco stores due to "organized retail crime" in the city. The following month, San Francisco Police Department data showed the five stores set to close had fewer than an average of two reported shoplifting incidents a month since 2018

So horseshit... Walgreens tried to pull a fast one and if California cancel there contract for that alone, that is understandable.

Cherry picked info. According to Wallgreens they are also having a lot of problems with online and many of the lazy slobs in SF are working from home not passing the store like they used to. Given the fact a person can steal up to $950.00 per visit could easily amount to a lot of theft on top of their other problems. Do you know how much merchandise they would have to sell to create the profits to make up for just one of those robberies?

Also keep in mind they focused on the store with the LEAST theft which was Ocean Avenue.


The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault.
Ray from Cleveland
No stores will close in California because of this crazy. California will just pay for overpriced medicines or not offer them. Watch prisons start experiencing severe shortages.

But you know. Democrats.
Did you guys even bother to actually read the link in the OP's post? Newsome is only saying that CA won't renew their contract to buy drugs for the CA prison system from Walgreens anymore, instead they will get the needed drugs for the inmates from other sources.

No..................he didn't ban Walgreens from CA, he just decided that because of their policies, he didn't want to do business with them as the primary provider of drugs for the prison system. And no, this isn't going to put Walgreens out of business.

If some Republican governor had decided to drop a provider elsewhere because they didn't agree with a business that had liberal policies, all you conservatives would be cheering and saying that the free market has spoken.

You guys need to calm down a bit and stop with the fear mongering and hating.
Walgreens sucks and it is overpriced.
Walgreens had a choice to fight the Red State dictate... They didn't and now they have the consquences of their actions...

The right here think Newsom should just accept it, well he won't and if Walgreens shut down store... So what, other pharmacy will open...

This is simple... It is about keeping your customers happy..
Because Walgreens made the right decision of not selling an abortion pill to States that have outlawed abortion. It's the right decision partially due to respect of State rights. It's also right in order to avoid court and red tape.

But Gavin is a scumsuck who represents the new Democrats well. In their mind you never make the right decision when a leftist narration dictates you make the wrong one. Rational thought takes a back seat to their doctrine.

This is a lie.

It’s perfectly appropriate and warranted for government to defend the privacy rights and reproductive autonomy of citizens by refusing to contract with entities that seek to discriminate against disadvantage women.

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