Newsome attacks Walgreens

I'm curious as to who Newsome thinks he is punishing by doing this Walgreens will survive with or without stores in California. If the stores in California start closing because of this it will be the people who were employed there and those who shopped at them who suffer.

Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

All I can say is, lawyer up!!

Considering California has morphed into a hyper-partisan entity of the DNC than an actual state in the union that Newsom personally owns, perhaps this is Constitutional after all.

We shall see.
Shades of De Santis and Disney!
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Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom forcefully criticized Walgreens over its new plan to stop shipping and selling abortion pills in some states after 20 state attorneys general sent a letter warning about the policy.

All I can say is, lawyer up!!

Considering California has morphed into a hyper-partisan entity of the DNC than an actual state in the union that Newsom personally owns, perhaps this is Constitutional after all.

We shall see.

Sieg heil, bitches.

I don't understand. It's not illegal to sell or ship the abortion pill anywhere in the US. Any state attorney general can cry all day long and it wouldn't matter. If Walgreens was taking a political stance on the issue I would understand it a lot more, but they're afraid of being "sued?"
Newsome is not kicking out Walgreens but he better hope Walgreens does not say "hold my beer and watch this" and close down under-performing stores in depressed areas in CA....I noted three in Watts that would have a impact if they closed.
I hope LOTS of Cali businesses start leaving the state. The idiots there better start waking up
I don't understand. It's not illegal to sell or ship the abortion pill anywhere in the US. Any state attorney general can cry all day long and it wouldn't matter. If Walgreens was taking a political stance on the issue I would understand it a lot more, but they're afraid of being "sued?"

I think it's better that a company is making a business decision here rather than a political one. Sadly though, I understand that politics is everything to some.

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