Newspaper from 1920s depicts Arabs slaughtering Jews


Gold Member
May 19, 2020
One of the oldest newspapers in France, 1929, Caption: “Arab fanatics against the Jews in the various neighborhoods of Jerusalem”

You can also find Jews speaking fondly of Kemal and his massacres of the Armenians and Greeks in that same time frame. Kemal and the Ottomans were great Heroes for the Jews in Palestine and North Africa. Israel is cashing in a repeat of that currently, via weapons sales to its new BFF's Turkey and other Muslim nations.

Jews love 'holocausts', as long as it's against goyim and their Muslim Heroes are committing them. We can watch in real time as Netanyahu takes Israel down into shithole thug state status with his pandering to the ultra-Orthodox and Hasidim, who actually beat the Nazis at their own racism game; they don't consider goyim as human beings at all, much less 'inferior' humans. Orthodox and their fellow Jews on the far right don't have any moral authority to be sniveling about 'slaughters'; they love them themselves, they just whine when they are on the losing end, is all.
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