Newspaper shooter ties to ALT R

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

That would have been noted. It wasn't. The cause of death would have been listed as heart attack. It wasn't.

Did you read the report or some libtard reporter?
The proper response to threads such as these hit.

This is a proper response to deliberate murders and attempted murders? Wow. You don't deliberately drive a car into a crowd, or blockade exits and shoot up innocent people at work.
FU is and always will be the proper response to idiots who try and score political points off these incidents.

These incidents seem to be politically motivated, though. What is idiotic about calling them this? Did this guy have ties to some terrorist-type organization or no? Wouldn't you want to know if some murderer had ties to a radical Islamic group? Is there something to hide here?
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.
It was probably from CPR.

That would have been noted. It wasn't. The cause of death would have been listed as heart attack. It wasn't.

Did you read the report or some libtard reporter?
The proper response to threads such as these hit.

This is a proper response to deliberate murders and attempted murders? Wow. You don't deliberately drive a car into a crowd, or blockade exits and shoot up innocent people at work.
FU is and always will be the proper response to idiots who try and score political points off these incidents.

These incidents seem to be politically motivated, though. What is idiotic about calling them this? Did this guy have ties to some terrorist-type organization or no? Wouldn't you want to know if some murderer had ties to a radical Islamic group? Is there something to hide here?
The guys motive seems to be some beef he had with the paper over decade ago that he has never let go of that doesn't sound political it sounds obsessive. If there is evidence of something more fine lets see it but how about everyone stop trying to claim there is political motive to these type of incidents before the bodies are even removed from the scene? We saw this from the right back at the Congressional baseball practice shooting because the shooter was apparently a Bernie Sanders backer and we just saw the left try and tie this shooting to Trump becaue he and the media fight a lot in both cases people started playing politics before the investigation had barely started.
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.

Serially stalking, and violent threats constitute "crazy" do you not think? I will submit to you that every one of the people you mention was insane in same manner. Mass murderers, serial killers are all crazy. It is not a normal person who derives pleasure from the infliction of pain to the point of death on another. Or do you think that that is "normal"?
It was probably from CPR.

That would have been noted. It wasn't. The cause of death would have been listed as heart attack. It wasn't.

Did you read the report or some libtard reporter?
The proper response to threads such as these hit.

This is a proper response to deliberate murders and attempted murders? Wow. You don't deliberately drive a car into a crowd, or blockade exits and shoot up innocent people at work.
FU is and always will be the proper response to idiots who try and score political points off these incidents.

These incidents seem to be politically motivated, though. What is idiotic about calling them this? Did this guy have ties to some terrorist-type organization or no? Wouldn't you want to know if some murderer had ties to a radical Islamic group? Is there something to hide here?

Then you need to read the facts of this particular case. The asshole who killed those poor people first was a serial stalker and he transferred his aberrant behavior to the newspaper after they printed their article about him. This was not political in any way whatsoever. This was a batshit crazy asshole who decided to kill those people because he wasn't getting what he thought he deserved.
The posted article seems to indicate some sympathies and perhaps direct connections with alt-right groups like this "League of the South," this confederate sympathizer who was/is a county council member, and somebody who writes about violence by members of white paramilitary gangs.This sounds every bit as fishy as some guy who sympathizes with Islamist extremists, while maybe not connecting with them directly. Let's see how this plays out. At the very least, computer forensics are in order and interviews with family and friends are in order. This guy Hutson did raise some flags.
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.

Serially stalking, and violent threats constitute "crazy" do you not think? I will submit to you that every one of the people you mention was insane in same manner. Mass murderers, serial killers are all crazy. It is not a normal person who derives pleasure from the infliction of pain to the point of death on another. Or do you think that that is "normal"?

It's not normal, but it's not necessarily insane. I spent five years running the DV unit, and not one of the perps I came in contact with were insane. They were mean, insecure, alcoholics, Mid and high level managers, an MD, and from every race and income.

We arrested a couple who literally stalked their victim in the victims own home, in one he lived in her attic, and only when he used her toilet in her absence, and left the seat up, did she get concerned and called us. Another lived in the crawl space of the home of the victim's parents, both perps required cunning and planning.

I never worked homicide, though the cases of DV included some efforts by a perp to kill his victim. One case the guy pushed his wife under the water in the bathtub, and she only survived when she was able to push the lever to drain the tub. He was not insane, just drunk and pissed off at the world; in another the guy tossed a baby out of a second story window, a passerby hearing the fight saw the baby fall and caught him - the baby was not injured.
He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.

Serially stalking, and violent threats constitute "crazy" do you not think? I will submit to you that every one of the people you mention was insane in same manner. Mass murderers, serial killers are all crazy. It is not a normal person who derives pleasure from the infliction of pain to the point of death on another. Or do you think that that is "normal"?

It's not normal, but it's not necessarily insane. I spent five years running the DV unit, and not one of the perps I came in contact with were insane. They were mean, insecure, alcoholics, Mid and high level managers, an MD, and from every race and income.

We arrested a couple who literally stalked their victim in the victims own home, in one he lived in her attic, and only when he used her toilet in her absence, and left the seat up, did she get concerned and called us. Another lived in the crawl space of the home of the victim's parents, both perps required cunning and planning.

I never worked homicide, though the cases of DV included some efforts by a perp to kill his victim. One case the guy pushed his wife under the water in the bathtub, and she only survived when she was able to push the lever to drain the tub. He was not insane, just drunk and pissed off at the world; in another the guy tossed a baby out of a second story window, a passerby hearing the fight saw the baby fall and caught him - the baby was not injured.

So, you think that a person, hiding in some womans attic, is "normal". You think that stalking, from whomever to whomever is "normal". Just because someone is crazy doesn't mean that they are stupid, that's a ridiculous stereotype. My wifes best friend runs the psyche dept at a major metropolitan city, she deals with crazy people all of the time so I asked her if it would be safe to say, that absent pay, anyone who kills someone else is by definition a little crazy.

She responded that anyone who murders (even for pay) is more than a little bit crazy. It may be temporary, or it could be long term pathology, but any murderer is crazy to some extent.
He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.

Serially stalking, and violent threats constitute "crazy" do you not think? I will submit to you that every one of the people you mention was insane in same manner. Mass murderers, serial killers are all crazy. It is not a normal person who derives pleasure from the infliction of pain to the point of death on another. Or do you think that that is "normal"?

It's not normal, but it's not necessarily insane. I spent five years running the DV unit, and not one of the perps I came in contact with were insane. They were mean, insecure, alcoholics, Mid and high level managers, an MD, and from every race and income.

We arrested a couple who literally stalked their victim in the victims own home, in one he lived in her attic, and only when he used her toilet in her absence, and left the seat up, did she get concerned and called us. Another lived in the crawl space of the home of the victim's parents, both perps required cunning and planning.

I never worked homicide, though the cases of DV included some efforts by a perp to kill his victim. One case the guy pushed his wife under the water in the bathtub, and she only survived when she was able to push the lever to drain the tub. He was not insane, just drunk and pissed off at the world; in another the guy tossed a baby out of a second story window, a passerby hearing the fight saw the baby fall and caught him - the baby was not injured.

We arrested a couple who literally stalked their victim in the victims own home, in one he lived in her attic, and only when he used her toilet in her absence, and left the seat up, did she get concerned and called us. Another lived in the crawl space of the home of the victim's parents, both perps required cunning and planning.

You consider people like that sane?
"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?

The common denominator of all of these people is they are crazy first. Violent second, and then they adhere to some political group. The asshole who shot Steve Scalise was a Bernie supporter, yet no one blamed Bernie for the assholes violent action. No matter how tenuous the link, every moron who commits a violent act is trotted out by you people as evidence of trumps evil.

That is simply moronic.

Define crazy. It's not an easy label to apply. Not everyone is inherently violent, some are quite passive until they snap. Consider Ted Kaczynsk, Tim McVeigh, Scott Roeder, Eric Rudolph, Dylann Roof, and the large number of mass murderers.

Which ones were insane? And for those, and many others, which ones were convinced that their act was a necessary good. Which were planned, and which were spontaneous? Which were hate crimes, and what in their past made them so hateful?

Your post show mass ignorance.

Serially stalking, and violent threats constitute "crazy" do you not think? I will submit to you that every one of the people you mention was insane in same manner. Mass murderers, serial killers are all crazy. It is not a normal person who derives pleasure from the infliction of pain to the point of death on another. Or do you think that that is "normal"?

It's not normal, but it's not necessarily insane. I spent five years running the DV unit, and not one of the perps I came in contact with were insane. They were mean, insecure, alcoholics, Mid and high level managers, an MD, and from every race and income.

We arrested a couple who literally stalked their victim in the victims own home, in one he lived in her attic, and only when he used her toilet in her absence, and left the seat up, did she get concerned and called us. Another lived in the crawl space of the home of the victim's parents, both perps required cunning and planning.

I never worked homicide, though the cases of DV included some efforts by a perp to kill his victim. One case the guy pushed his wife under the water in the bathtub, and she only survived when she was able to push the lever to drain the tub. He was not insane, just drunk and pissed off at the world; in another the guy tossed a baby out of a second story window, a passerby hearing the fight saw the baby fall and caught him - the baby was not injured.

So, you think that a person, hiding in some womans attic, is "normal". You think that stalking, from whomever to whomever is "normal". Just because someone is crazy doesn't mean that they are stupid, that's a ridiculous stereotype. My wifes best friend runs the psyche dept at a major metropolitan city, she deals with crazy people all of the time so I asked her if it would be safe to say, that absent pay, anyone who kills someone else is by definition a little crazy.

She responded that anyone who murders (even for pay) is more than a little bit crazy. It may be temporary, or it could be long term pathology, but any murderer is crazy to some extent.

Read what I wrote, to wit: It's not normal, but it's not necessarily insane.

See: The "Model Penal Code" Test for Legal Insanity - FindLaw

We are using the term of insanity differently, above is a link which explains where I'm coming from.
But his people aren't travelling out of state to attack people. That is only antifa who is doing that.
You mean...someone didn't travel from Ohio to Virginia to run down an anti-fascist protestor in Charlottesville?

You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

Ya anything to give a free pass to a racist murderer.

No indication it was a heart attack. You attack her on her weight. Wtf. You should be attacking the asshole who decided to back up and then speed forward to ram into a crowd of people.
That would have been noted. It wasn't. The cause of death would have been listed as heart attack. It wasn't.

Did you read the report or some libtard reporter?
The proper response to threads such as these hit.

This is a proper response to deliberate murders and attempted murders? Wow. You don't deliberately drive a car into a crowd, or blockade exits and shoot up innocent people at work.
FU is and always will be the proper response to idiots who try and score political points off these incidents.

These incidents seem to be politically motivated, though. What is idiotic about calling them this? Did this guy have ties to some terrorist-type organization or no? Wouldn't you want to know if some murderer had ties to a radical Islamic group? Is there something to hide here?

Then you need to read the facts of this particular case. The asshole who killed those poor people first was a serial stalker and he transferred his aberrant behavior to the newspaper after they printed their article about him. This was not political in any way whatsoever. This was a batshit crazy asshole who decided to kill those people because he wasn't getting what he thought he deserved.
He had a long history of problem question.
You mean...someone didn't travel from Ohio to Virginia to run down an anti-fascist protestor in Charlottesville?

You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

Ya anything to give a free pass to a racist murderer.

No indication it was a heart attack. You attack her on her weight. Wtf. You should be attacking the asshole who decided to back up and then speed forward to ram into a crowd of people.

Really? Where did I say that?

Stop putting words in my mouth I didn't say, libtard!
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F
Political correctness made him insane

Dumbest post you’ve ever made, and that’s saying something. Stalking and harassment isn’t political correctness and clearly the woman who got the restraining order was correct in thinking this guy was dangerous.

This guy is an obsessive who stalks women. Doesn’t take “no” for an answer. He’s one in a long line of mass shooters with a history of violence with women. The woman had a restraining order against him and he was in court for violating it so I highly doubt he was found innocent of anything.

Articles say that his defamation law suit was thrown out of court.
Additional information on Jarrod Ramos

'Most dangerous person I've ever dealt with': Lawyer feared newspaper murder suspect

Brennan McCarthy spent years staring out the window, expecting one day to see Jarrod Ramos coming for him.

In his 19 years of practicing law, McCarthy, an attorney in Annapolis, Maryland, said he never came across any person who frightened him as much as Ramos.

That same man is now charged with killing five people at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis on Thursday.

"Of the thousands of people I’ve dealt with in court, this guy stuck," McCarthy told USA TODAY. "I was extremely scared that he was going to do something to me and my family."

McCarthy says he became a target of Ramos' rage after representing a woman in 2011 who accused Ramos of stalking her and threatening her online.

The woman told McCarthy that Ramos, who had gone to the same high school as she did, had been harassing her online since 2009. McCarthy described it as the "worst case of harassment and stalking I have ever encountered in my career."

"He was communicating by telephone, by text, by Facebook, by instant messaging, and he was just saying outrageous things like, ‘you should kill yourself,'" McCarthy said. "He wrote to her work saying, 'She is a bipolar drunkard and you should fire her.' She actually lost her job."

Ramos pleaded guilty to criminal harassment and was sentenced to probation. Shortly after that, the Capital Gazette ran a column, "Jarrod wants to be your friend," which used Ramos' case to warn readers of the dangers of sharing personal details with people online.

McCarthy said Ramos was furious about the article, insisting he was simply stating facts about the woman and that he had done nothing wrong. In 2013, Ramos contacted the woman he had been found guilty of stalking. He demanded that she share with him all material she had on his case as part of a defamation lawsuit he filed against the newspaper.

Analysis: Capital Gazette shooting suspect's tweets reveal man obsessed with newspaper

More: Capital Gazette shooting suspect's threats weren't taken lightly, ex-publisher says

Also: Capital Gazette shooting suspect Jarrod Ramos remembered as 'loner' obsessed with reputation

Not wanting his client to have any further contact with a man she said had tormented her, McCarthy agreed to act as an intermediary between Ramos and the woman.

"After that, his obsession turned to me, too, and he started harassing my sister and my family," McCarthy said. With an extensive family in the area, including 19 nieces and nephews, McCarthy constantly worried that Ramos might come after one of them.

McCarthy stated repeatedly that no one had ever frightened him the way Ramos did. He called Ramos a "classic loner" and "as angry and obsessive an individual as you will ever meet." He also said Ramos viewed anyone who opposed him as an enemy.

"He described adverse parties as belligerents," McCarthy said. "Like he's at war."

Remembering the five 'Capital Gazette' journalists murdered by gunman while working at their Annapolis, Maryland office. USA TODAY

Ramos' grudge against the paper resembled a war of sorts, court documents suggest. On Twitter, he regularly attacked the newspaper, its journalists, editors and the judge that presided over the case. He centered much of his threats against the former reporter who wrote about his harassment conviction, Eric Thomas Hartley, and the retired publisher Tom Marquardt.

Ramos almost regularly posted about wanting members of the staff to kill themselves, hoping the paper would shut down and would repeatedly include the hashtag #CapDeathWatch.

In another post, Ramos makes mention of a shotgun, saying “My bullets are words.” Police say Ramos used a shotgun in the shooting on Thursday.

He also posted multiple times about the 2015 attack at the French magazine Charlie Hebdo, even including photoshopped images of one magazine staff member with a bullet hole in his head and blood on his face. His loathing of the press may not have been just fixed on the Capital. In 2014, he posted his thoughts on the beheadings of James Foley and Steven Sotloff and accused the press of propaganda. “Journalists making a living (literally) by participating in propaganda is nothing new,” he wrote. “Think about it.”

Ramos hadn’t posted on the account since January 2016, but just moments before the shooting on Thursday, a message was posted: “F--- you, leave me alone.”


That was the same message posted the day after the state’s second-highest court upheld a ruling in favor of the newspaper.

Ramos filed a lawsuit, which was later thrown out, against McCarthy in 2014. Not long after that, Ramos' alleged victim decided she'd had enough and fled Maryland. She is not named in court documents.

"I don't think she had a choice. He'd have killed her," McCarthy said.

"This guy was the most dangerous person I've ever dealt with in the court system," McCarthy said. "Because this guy was smart. He was not stupid." And "he knew how to walk the line" between frightening people and threats that could land him in jail.

"It was a like a silent threat hanging out there," McCarthy said. "That is even worse because there's no mechanism of law to stop this guy from doing something you just think he might do. The Capital was in the same boat. They knew how dangerous he was."

'Yes, we’re putting out a damn paper': Capital Gazette publishes day after gunfire erupts in newsroom

More: How to help Capital Gazette journalists after the Annapolis newsroom shooting

And when McCarthy heard about the shooting at the Capital Gazette, he said he knew instantly that it had been Ramos.

"The moment I heard there was a shooting at the Capital, I told my wife, 'That's Jarrod Ramos,'" McCarthy said. "It did not surprise me in the least. The only question was where he would stop by first: My house or their office."

McCarthy said he spoke to his former client after the shooting. Despite Ramos being in custody, she remains terrified.

"Stalking victims never get their sense of security back. It is never really over," McCarthy said. "You will always feel those eyes on you."

And even with Ramos in jail, McCarthy said he looked out the window for him again on Friday morning.
You mean...someone didn't travel from Ohio to Virginia to run down an anti-fascist protestor in Charlottesville?

You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

Ya anything to give a free pass to a racist murderer.

No indication it was a heart attack. You attack her on her weight. Wtf. You should be attacking the asshole who decided to back up and then speed forward to ram into a crowd of people.

IMO, it is a crime that the police were ordered to let the far more numerous antifa attack.

You allow and encourage rioting and street violence, you have to consider that it will escalate.

I think that we need to vastly expand the old anti klan law on hoods and enforce it at these "demonstrations" to prevent violent traitors from such escalation.
You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

Ya anything to give a free pass to a racist murderer.

No indication it was a heart attack. You attack her on her weight. Wtf. You should be attacking the asshole who decided to back up and then speed forward to ram into a crowd of people.

IMO, it is a crime that the police were ordered to let the far more numerous antifa attack.

You allow and encourage rioting and street violence, you have to consider that it will escalate.

I think that we need to vastly expand the old anti klan law on hoods and enforce it at these "demonstrations" to prevent violent traitors from such escalation.
What evidence do you have that the police were ordered to do that? In fact, the articles I saw indicated the opposite.
Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

It was probably from CPR.

Ya anything to give a free pass to a racist murderer.

No indication it was a heart attack. You attack her on her weight. Wtf. You should be attacking the asshole who decided to back up and then speed forward to ram into a crowd of people.

IMO, it is a crime that the police were ordered to let the far more numerous antifa attack.

You allow and encourage rioting and street violence, you have to consider that it will escalate.

I think that we need to vastly expand the old anti klan law on hoods and enforce it at these "demonstrations" to prevent violent traitors from such escalation.
What evidence do you have that the police were ordered to do that? In fact, the articles I saw indicated the opposite.

From the videos I saw, they made no effort to prevent or restrain violence, at least for several hours.
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F
Political correctness made him insane

Dumbest post you’ve ever made, and that’s saying something. Stalking and harassment isn’t political correctness and clearly the woman who got the restraining order was correct in thinking this guy was dangerous.

This guy is an obsessive who stalks women. Doesn’t take “no” for an answer. He’s one in a long line of mass shooters with a history of violence with women. The woman had a restraining order against him and he was in court for violating it so I highly doubt he was found innocent of anything.

Articles say that his defamation law suit was thrown out of court.
Political correctness makes everyone that embraces it stupid in the head
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F
Political correctness made him insane

Dumbest post you’ve ever made, and that’s saying something. Stalking and harassment isn’t political correctness and clearly the woman who got the restraining order was correct in thinking this guy was dangerous.

This guy is an obsessive who stalks women. Doesn’t take “no” for an answer. He’s one in a long line of mass shooters with a history of violence with women. The woman had a restraining order against him and he was in court for violating it so I highly doubt he was found innocent of anything.

Articles say that his defamation law suit was thrown out of court.
Political correctness makes everyone that embraces it stupid in the head

Well since you have clearly embraced the concept, it explains so much.

What you call “political correctness”, my mother called “good manners”. You don’t insult people on the basis of race, sex, religion, or station in life.

Christianity makes it even clearer: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Added to the above: Judge not lest you be judged.

So there are no reasonable grounds in either good manners or the words of Jesus, that makes it OK to denigrate, insult or abuse others. Or to deny them service.

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