Newspaper shooter ties to ALT R

Well since you have clearly embraced the concept, it explains so much.

What you call “political correctness”, my mother called “good manners”. You don’t insult people on the basis of race, sex, religion, or station in life.

Christianity makes it even clearer: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Added to the above: Judge not lest you be judged.

So there are no reasonable grounds in either good manners or the words of Jesus, that makes it OK to denigrate, insult or abuse others. Or to deny them service.

Your pretense that Political Correctnesss is just Good Manners is a lie and quite the offense to those of us who have been attacked and smeared with the weapon of PC.

Not to mention that you support jailing people for PC.

When did some people decide that taking ignorant potshots at whole demographic groups was consistent with "good manners"? What group are you that you were "attacked and smeared"? Men? Women? Straight? LGBT? White? Darker-skinned than white? Some ethnic background? Some religion or other? Name it.

I've been attacked for being White, Male, White Male, Straight White Male, Christian, and Southern, off the top of my head.

Which is funny, because I am not Southern and not really Christian.

I've never been attacked for being white. I've been attacked for being female. I've never been attacked for being straight. I've been attacked for not being a supporter of the strange variety of Christianity currently being mollycoddled by the republican mob.I have been attacked for standing up for the rights of others: LGBTs, darker-skinned people, Muslims, Jews.

The idea that there is something that can be called "political correctness" is stupid to begin with. The problem stems from people using their own identities to attack others. Where do you think that all of this "n*gger," "feminazi," "f*ggot," type stuff comes from? People who are not Jewish prancing around Charlottesville carrying torches and chanting about being "replaced" by Jewish people? Attacking other people is NOT good manners. It never was.

I don't get attacked just based on my identity, normally.

What happens is that I hold a position that a lib doesn't like, like supporting the Traditional Nuclear Family.

I say something to indicate WHY I think it is a good thing, and the lib in question, who can't refute my point,

attacks me personally.

"Racist" is the most common of course.

I agree that it is not good manners.

You need to explain your thoughts, better. Terms like "the Traditional Nuclear Family" are quite loaded. For instance, does it involve dominant/submissive roles between the genders? You cannot be so blind as to not know that this idea has been pushed for hundreds/thousands of years, particularly by religious groups? Do you explain why you don't want other people to enter into non-traditional marriages and how them doing so might affect you or others? Do you comment by race or by discussing what a person does that is wrong? I am writing from the perspective of someone who has been insulted as a woman when I was only trying to describe and condemn misconduct by some men, while leaving other men who did not do these things out of it. Ditto, with Christians.

BTW: I loved being present at the "Women's March" in January 2017 at Washington, DC. Maybe 500,000 people there. There were so many proud heterosexual men there, marching with their female partners, their wives and lovers, pushing strollers with babies in them. Honorable and loving men.
Your pretense that Political Correctnesss is just Good Manners is a lie and quite the offense to those of us who have been attacked and smeared with the weapon of PC.

Not to mention that you support jailing people for PC.

When did some people decide that taking ignorant potshots at whole demographic groups was consistent with "good manners"? What group are you that you were "attacked and smeared"? Men? Women? Straight? LGBT? White? Darker-skinned than white? Some ethnic background? Some religion or other? Name it.

I've been attacked for being White, Male, White Male, Straight White Male, Christian, and Southern, off the top of my head.

Which is funny, because I am not Southern and not really Christian.

I've never been attacked for being white. I've been attacked for being female. I've never been attacked for being straight. I've been attacked for not being a supporter of the strange variety of Christianity currently being mollycoddled by the republican mob.I have been attacked for standing up for the rights of others: LGBTs, darker-skinned people, Muslims, Jews.

The idea that there is something that can be called "political correctness" is stupid to begin with. The problem stems from people using their own identities to attack others. Where do you think that all of this "n*gger," "feminazi," "f*ggot," type stuff comes from? People who are not Jewish prancing around Charlottesville carrying torches and chanting about being "replaced" by Jewish people? Attacking other people is NOT good manners. It never was.

I don't get attacked just based on my identity, normally.

What happens is that I hold a position that a lib doesn't like, like supporting the Traditional Nuclear Family.

I say something to indicate WHY I think it is a good thing, and the lib in question, who can't refute my point,

attacks me personally.

"Racist" is the most common of course.

I agree that it is not good manners.

You need to explain your thoughts, better. Terms like "the Traditional Nuclear Family" are quite loaded. For instance, does it involve dominant/submissive roles between the genders? You cannot be so blind as to not know that this idea has been pushed for hundreds/thousands of years, particularly by religious groups? Do you explain why you don't want other people to enter into non-traditional marriages and how them doing so might affect you or others? Do you comment by race or by discussing what a person does that is wrong? I am writing from the perspective of someone who has been insulted as a woman when I was only trying to describe and condemn misconduct by some men, while leaving other men who did not do these things out of it. Ditto, with Christians.

BTW: I loved being present at the "Women's March" in January 2017 at Washington, DC. Maybe 500,000 people there. There were so many proud heterosexual men there, marching with their female partners, their wives and lovers, pushing strollers with babies in them. Honorable and loving men.

No I don't.

If the person in question has a question about what I mean, they can fucking ask.

Just leaping to calling me a name, instead of making a counter point, is them being assholes.
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

YES, TO BOTH! But since STALKING WOMEN has just begun to be taken seriously and even legal actions can be taken, these CONTROL FREAKS are walking among us ready to go off.

One can be an ALT-R'r a control freak, a sexist and/or misogynist, serial harasser and own a gun. In fact I will state without hesitation that is a pretty good baseline of ANY ALT-R'r who acts out, with or without overt VIOLENCE. Many are on the EDGE of violence And many CROSS OVER the edge--ask BANNON'S ex-wife who called the cops on him more than once.

Steve Bannon

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

Yes. He is Batshit crazy. Unfortunately, that is quite common among Trump supporters. I guess we are lucky more of them haven't gone that far yet.

How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
Yes. He is Batshit crazy. Unfortunately, that is quite common among Trump supporters. I guess we are lucky more of them haven't gone that far yet.

How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.
How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....
Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".


You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".

So I Google “Scott focal” maga — and I see no images of Scott Focal wearing a MAGA hat.

And where’s your evidence Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat to discredit Trump? And if that were the reason Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat, why was he seen wearing it when he didn’t even know he was being recorded?

You’re just making up shit as you go along now.
I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".

So I Google “Scott focal” maga — and I see no images of Scott Focal wearing a MAGA hat.

And where’s your evidence Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat to discredit Trump? And if that were the reason Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat, why was he seen wearing it when he didn’t even know he was being recorded?

You’re just making up shit as you go along now.

Oh, you poor thing. No, silly girl, you watch the video where scott foval (who was working for the shrilary campaign) describes in detail how he was infiltrating his operatives (some of whom were wearing MAGA hats in the video taken of them) into trump rallies to incite violence.

Are you really this dumb, or are you merely being dishonest?

I know which how I perceive you, but I am curious if you're willing to admit it.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".

So I Google “Scott focal” maga — and I see no images of Scott Focal wearing a MAGA hat.

And where’s your evidence Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat to discredit Trump? And if that were the reason Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat, why was he seen wearing it when he didn’t even know he was being recorded?

You’re just making up shit as you go along now.

Oh, you poor thing. No, silly girl, you watch the video where scott foval (who was working for the shrilary campaign) describes in detail how he was infiltrating his operatives (some of whom were wearing MAGA hats in the video taken of them) into trump rallies to incite violence.

Are you really this dumb, or are you merely being dishonest?

I know which how I perceive you, but I am curious if you're willing to admit it.
I already chased your wild goose chase once. Won’t do it again. If you can’t post a link, and a time mark if it’s a video, I’d be dumb to be doing your homework.

And I also note, you still have no evidence that was Cruz’s motivation or an explanation for why Cruz would wear a MAGA hat when he was unaware he was being recorded.
That's cute. We have pictures of known DNC operatives wearing trump hats while they are inciting violence. All to make trump look bad. Unlike you, we have real evidence.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".

So I Google “Scott focal” maga — and I see no images of Scott Focal wearing a MAGA hat.

And where’s your evidence Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat to discredit Trump? And if that were the reason Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat, why was he seen wearing it when he didn’t even know he was being recorded?

You’re just making up shit as you go along now.

Oh, you poor thing. No, silly girl, you watch the video where scott foval (who was working for the shrilary campaign) describes in detail how he was infiltrating his operatives (some of whom were wearing MAGA hats in the video taken of them) into trump rallies to incite violence.

Are you really this dumb, or are you merely being dishonest?

I know which how I perceive you, but I am curious if you're willing to admit it.
I already chased your wild goose chase once. Won’t do it again. If you can’t post a link, and a time mark if it’s a video, I’d be dumb to be doing your homework.

And I also note, you still have no evidence that was Cruz’s motivation or an explanation for why Cruz would wear a MAGA hat when he was unaware he was being recorded.

As suspected, you are dishonest. No surprise there.
Yes. He is Batshit crazy. Unfortunately, that is quite common among Trump supporters. I guess we are lucky more of them haven't gone that far yet.

How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.

If you used that picture on your Instagram page, people could reasonably believe you were claiming to have been in the Army. His picture is obviously how he represented himself. The caption is notable too.
Great, let’s see your evidence....

Look up "scott foval".

So I Google “Scott focal” maga — and I see no images of Scott Focal wearing a MAGA hat.

And where’s your evidence Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat to discredit Trump? And if that were the reason Nikolas Cruz was wearing a MAGA hat, why was he seen wearing it when he didn’t even know he was being recorded?

You’re just making up shit as you go along now.

Oh, you poor thing. No, silly girl, you watch the video where scott foval (who was working for the shrilary campaign) describes in detail how he was infiltrating his operatives (some of whom were wearing MAGA hats in the video taken of them) into trump rallies to incite violence.

Are you really this dumb, or are you merely being dishonest?

I know which how I perceive you, but I am curious if you're willing to admit it.
I already chased your wild goose chase once. Won’t do it again. If you can’t post a link, and a time mark if it’s a video, I’d be dumb to be doing your homework.

And I also note, you still have no evidence that was Cruz’s motivation or an explanation for why Cruz would wear a MAGA hat when he was unaware he was being recorded.

As suspected, you are dishonest. No surprise there.

I like how you both call me not proving your claims, “dishonest” AND avoid proving your own claims.

How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

You really should not try so hard to prove you are a dumbass. I can wear a Peyton manning Jersey but that doesn't mean I can throw a football.
Why limit it to Congressmen/women? Trump supporter Nikolas Cruz shot 31.

Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

You really should not try so hard to prove you are a dumbass. I can wear a Peyton manning Jersey but that doesn't mean I can throw a football.
Moron, no one said Cruz wanted to be like Trump.
Why do you lie. cruz was no trump supporter. He was following Syrian resistance groups and groups fighting in Iraq. Not exactly trump followers. What he mainly is is a homicidal loon. His politics are transitory at best, and not his motivation for his terrible crime.

You dumbfuck...


MAGA baby!

I have a picture of me in an Army combat helmet, but I was never in the Army.
So? I have pictures of trump supporters wearing his hat. I’ve yet to see anyone who’s not a trump supporter wearing one.

You really should not try so hard to prove you are a dumbass. I can wear a Peyton manning Jersey but that doesn't mean I can throw a football.
Moron, no one said Cruz wanted to be like Trump.

Don't those goalposts get heavy when you have to constantly move them while trying desperately and failing to prove how much of a dumbass you truly are? You keep changing your opinion to try to disprove your own argument. One of these days you will wake up and realize how stupid you are!

You have got to be one of the dumbest posters the left has on this site. The reason I don't put you on ignore is like watching a train wreck. I know what is coming every time you post and I just cannot look away. Being that stupid is truly fascinating to watch!
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

Sorry Salon (a known far left religious rag site) is hardly proof of your belief..
ADDRESS THE OP. Not each other.

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