Newspaper shooter ties to ALT R

You mean...someone didn't travel from Ohio to Virginia to run down an anti-fascist protestor in Charlottesville?

You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.
You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

And exactly what are you, faggot? Looks like some kind of anti American turd to me.
You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

And you don't know why your idiots for beliving this bs the ALT right did it bhahaa lmao

“So the Chicago protest when they shut all that, that was us,” Aaron Black said to the undercover reporter. “It was more him [Bob Creamer] than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party." "So if we do a protest and it’s a DNC protest, right away the press is going to say partisan." "But if I’m in there coordinating with all the troops on the ground and sort of playing the field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then it’s actually people." "But if we send out press advisories with DNC on them and Clinton campaign it just doesn’t have

You mean the poor morbidly obese woman who suffered a heart attack because she was close to the action but wasn't actually hit? That one? And yes, that asshole did indeed travel a long way. Like I said, the MAJORITY were close to home. Almost ALL of the antifa were bused in.

Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

I guess you forgot about scott foval, he was actually paid by the shrilary campaign to go instigate violence at trump rallies. So trump talks about it, but the shrilary pays for it. Which is worse?:eusa_whistle:
Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

The "truth" is a powerfully humbling antidote to one's troubling denials.
With the mentally ill, it doesn't matter which politics they go with, as they usually go with all of them at one point or other, and change as their illness leads them.

Alcoholic Joe McCarthy is a typical example, started out as a fanatic New Dealer, didn't get the 'love' he wanted for them Democrats when running for office, saw the success another candidate was having getting votes with using the Commie Conspiracy gimmick against opponents, and went with that, even to the extent of corresponding with the lawyer for many of the Nazis during the Nuremberg Trials, who himself was outed as a Soviet double agent in the 1950's, working as a provocateur among the remaining Nazis after WW II in West Germany. I doubt he had the first clue about politics, much like all the left wing parrots here who are merely deviants and degenerates of some kind or other hiding under some Democratic Party rhetoric.

Joe McCarthy was actually onto something..

For a guy rooting out Commies, he didn't manage to find many, and over years of searching, except by accident; I think he was a double agent, really, deflecting attention away from real spies.

I think he was hip to commie infiltration into America. :blahblah:

Also, it's my opinion you are a current agent provocateur.

He was just a drunken bully who needed a gimmick to set himself apart from the herd, and terrorizing opponents suited him as a tactic, since it had great appeal to a lot of other drunken bullies at the time.
From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

The "truth" is a powerfully humbling antidote to one's troubling denials.

So, you planning on posting some? When?
Anti-racism activist Heather Heyer's cause of death has been revealed in a medical report
Heather Heyer, the anti-racism activist killed at the Charlottesville white nationalist protests, died as a result of blunt-force injury to the chest, according to a medical report.

From a car?

Doesn't say otherwise. She was hit by the car and the driver was charged with first degree murder.

I reckon he's charged with that then, that ain't my bidness.
Maybe not! But supporting an agitator is. And that is exactly what Trump is. He's nothing buy trouble.

I guess you forgot about scott foval, he was actually paid by the shrilary campaign to go instigate violence at trump rallies. So trump talks about it, but the shrilary pays for it. Which is worse?:eusa_whistle:
Ha boss, you are a liar; Tracking down the cause of violence at Trump rallies



You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

Wow, you have the SAME two people going off like that over and over. Wow.




You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."
And where is the coward Nugent? Has he stood up yet? Has he shot someone yet? No! Because he is a coward. he's calling on other Trump cultists to do it. Nugent is a celebrity coward who talks shit.

Ummmm, I hate to break it to you, but if nugent went out and shot someone that would be called MURDER, you dolt.



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You mean like CONSERVATIVES are supporting shooting people....?
Milo Yiannopoulos Defends 'Gunning Journalists Down' Comment

milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

Wow, you have the SAME two people going off like that over and over. Wow.

I'm guessing they didn't cover figurative speech at that jr college you attended. Only an idiot would think he meant actual guns and knives.
Bah, politicians! :mad:

Tbh, whatever it was I just watched, Obama was talking a good game.

Then again, he promised "total transparency in government" What a fucking liar.
Last edited:
milo is a douchebag who makes incendiary comments to generate click bait. Because he's gay he thinks he can get away with it. He can't. No right winger i know likes him, or supports him. But, he is singular. I can point to well over a dozen left wingers who are calling for violent action.

so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

Wow, you have the SAME two people going off like that over and over. Wow.

I'm guessing they didn't cover figurative speech at that jr college you attended. Only an idiot would think he meant actual guns and knives.

Clearly you have never had a original thought in your tiny little mind either. The fact is that there are FAR more examples of left wing calls for violence than there are right wing. And, to date there is only the one left wing asshole who tried to murder the repub soft ball team. There is no analog from the right.
the newspaper allegedly painting him in a false light (calling him a stalker)
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

Yes. He is Batshit crazy. Unfortunately, that is quite common among Trump supporters. I guess we are lucky more of them haven't gone that far yet.

How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?
I'll tell you what's goofy....

A 2 term, BLACK, sitting President, and a woman who was
a former first lady, Govenor and President, former SoS,
former Congresswoman and just lost the Presidential race....

Supporting, through their silence and inaction,
the chaos, rioting, vandalism, violence and unrest,
that was being bankrolled by their billionaire backer

Goofy...still finding someone or something to blame

Turnabout is fair play,...If Trump doesn't get reelected,
the country wont be dealing with temporary, hired hands
that answered help wanted ads...know that

Just for the record, Hillary was a Senator, not a Congresswoman.
I figured something like this in his background given his grievance with the paper. Oh well, the AMERICAN enemy is the PRESS, so killing reporters is PATRIOTIC, right?

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right

In Jarrod Ramos’ disturbing Twitter history, far-right connections and hints of violence against journalists

JUNE 30, 2018 10:00AM (UTC)

When the identity of the apparent gunman in the massacre of five journalists in Annapolis, Maryland, was revealed, Jonathan Hutson, a communications consultant and writer who lives nearby, had a shock of recognition. The suspect, Jarrod Ramos, had contacted Hutson in March 2015, taunting him about his role in alerting law enforcement and thwarting a potential mass killer who threatened schoolchildren and Jews in far-away Montana.

That individual in Montana, David Lenio, had overflowed with hyperbolic threats. Hutson’s efforts to stop him succeeded, as I reported at Salon shortly after it happened. Ramos was more cryptic and less overtly demonstrative — but in the end, far deadlier. Both were enigmatic, angry loners, with an unmistakable affinity for the racist alt-right...

Exclusive: Accused Annapolis shooter Jarrod Ramos had dark links to the alt-right | %3D#referrer= %1$s&ampshare=htt ive-accused-annapolis-shooter-had-deep-dark-links-to-the-alt-right%2F

He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole who should have been in prison long ago for stalking a poor woman for years. The fact that the government let that prick walk is a condemnation of the government.

"He may have been an alt right dumb shit, but what he mainly is is a batshit crazy, violent asshole"? Does not at least one of your bullet points describe most members of the Alt. Right?
so is Michael Moore....who else is actively calling for SHOOTING people?

Ted Nugent likens Democrats, media, academics, more to 'rabid coyotes' - CNNPolitics
Ted Nugent compared multiple groups he opposes to "rabid coyotes" on Friday, adding that you "keep your gun handy" to shoot them on sight.
Nugent, a musician and National Rifle Association board member, made the remarks during a seemingly casual -- yet fiery -- interview with InfoWars host Alex Jones. During the interview, Jones -- a right-wing conspiracy theorist -- said he wanted to know why liberals hate America and "love communism."
"Don't ask why," Nugent said. "Just know that evil, dishonesty and scam artists have always been around and that right now they're liberal, they're Democrat, they're RINOs, they're Hollywood, they're fake news, they're media, they're academia, and they're half of our government, at least."
"So come to that realization," he continued. "There are rabid coyotes running around, you don't wait till you see one to go get your gun, keep your gun handy. And every time you see one, shoot one."

Wow, you have the SAME two people going off like that over and over. Wow.

I'm guessing they didn't cover figurative speech at that jr college you attended. Only an idiot would think he meant actual guns and knives.

Clearly you have never had a original thought in your tiny little mind either. The fact is that there are FAR more examples of left wing calls for violence than there are right wing. And, to date there is only the one left wing asshole who tried to murder the repub soft ball team. There is no analog from the right.


Liberal men play softball.
How many Congress people have trump supporters shot?
Are you trying to imply that liberals support shooting congressmen? You know that's goofy, don't you?

No, I'm stating that PROGRESSIVES are supporting shooting people....

Michael Moore Believes America Is A Liberal Country

Michael Moore: We Have to ‘Put Our Bodies on the Line’ to Stop Trump
no they are not...neither is michael moore!!!!!!

Steve Scalise would argue that point with you.

Ooo, catching 7.62 X 39 is not a nice thing.

I hope I never do.

I believe it was a 5.56.

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