Newsweek: Capitol Police Lt. on J6 Says it Was Set-Up-"You guys were all set up 100%"

And Joe has it 3.7 UE. The global pandemic was far worse because of Trump's mismanagement.
The global pandemic caused the initial surge in unemployment to 14.7 percent in unemployment. It was Trump that pushed to open up the economy ASAP while Democrats pushed policies to lock it down and keep it locked down preventing people from earning a living. The Democrats wanted people more dependent on the government and were willing to fine or even arrest people when they tried to earn a livelihood. Had Democrats been in charge and no Trump, show US how their policies regarding employment and business operations in 2020 would have led to an unemployment drop from 14.7 percent in April to 6.9 percent in October??
a global pandemic happened in 2020. Trump took unemployment from 14.7 percent in April to 6.9 in October of the same year. Get your facts straight.

A global pandemic that was much worse in the US because of Trump's incompentent leadership. The US suffered more deaths than any other country.

Tell us more about what Muslims do to women.
Who cares?
Meanwhile the SCOTUS is ready to blow up your Banana Republic tactics.
Farily unlikely. Scotus isn't about to rule the President is above the law. If they were, the same bunch of ninnies wouldn't have rejected Trump's crazy appeals.
The global pandemic caused the initial surge in unemployment to 14.7 percent in unemployment. It was Trump that pushed to open up the economy ASAP while Democrats pushed policies to lock it down and keep it locked down preventing people from earning a living. The Democrats wanted people more dependent on the government and were willing to fine or even arrest people when they tried to earn a livelihood. Had Democrats been in charge and no Trump, show US how their policies regarding employment and business operations in 2020 would have led to an unemployment drop from 14.7 percent in April to 6.9 percent in October??
The Dems have dropped the UE 3.7. We are talking about results then and now.
A global pandemic that was much worse in the US because of Trump's incompentent leadership. The US suffered more deaths than any other country.
Typical Left response that the pandemic was worse in the US vs. anywhere else. Check the CDC on the percentage of deaths that were actually 100 percent due to COVID and no co morbidities and get back to US. Then, you can get back on topic as to how Trump brought Unemployment from 14.7 percent down to 6.9 percent in 6 months during the pandemic while Democrats wanted to shut down the economy out of COVID concerns yet they encouraged protestors to gather by the masses and thousands in cities throughout the US in the name of social justice.
A global pandemic that was much worse in the US because of Trump's incompentent leadership. The US suffered more deaths than any other country.

Who cares?

Farily unlikely. Scotus isn't about to rule the President is above the law. If they were, the same bunch of ninnies wouldn't have rejected Trump's crazy appeals.
Of course you don’t care what Muslims do to women while you make up stupid lies bitching about Israel.

BTW- Most of the ChiCom flu deaths were in Democrat controlled California and New York who’s policies put many at risk they wouldn’t have been exposed to normally.
The "typical Left response" of truth telling about Covid is so much honest and preferable to the lying anti-vax gang's nonsense.
Typical Left response that the pandemic was worse in the US vs. anywhere else. Check the CDC on the percentage of deaths that were actually 100 percent due to COVID and no co morbidities and get back to US.

Um, it was considerably worse, because of Trump's incompetence. At it's height, the US made up 25% of Covid Deaths with 4% of the world's population.

Then, you can get back on topic as to how Trump brought Unemployment from 14.7 percent down to 6.9 percent in 6 months during the pandemic while Democrats wanted to shut down the economy out of COVID concerns yet they encouraged protestors to gather by the masses and thousands in cities throughout the US in the name of social justice.

6.9% is pretty bad and it was going back up when he left office.

Of course you don’t care what Muslims do to women while you make up stupid lies bitching about Israel.

No, I don't care what they do in their part of the world. Because it's their part of the world, and we shouldn't get involved. And if the Zionists didn't have our politicians by the short hairs, we wouldn't care. We'd just buy their oil and call it a day.
Um, it was considerably worse, because of Trump's incompetence. At it's height, the US made up 25% of Covid Deaths with 4% of the world's population.

Please tell US you did not get those numbers from China or the WHO.
Left of Left has no idea what he is talking about.

Do you think this is okay?

Um, it was considerably worse, because of Trump's incompetence. At it's height, the US made up 25% of Covid Deaths with 4% of the world's population.

6.9% is pretty bad and it was going back up when he left office.

No, I don't care what they do in their part of the world. Because it's their part of the world, and we shouldn't get involved. And if the Zionists didn't have our politicians by the short hairs, we wouldn't care. We'd just buy their oil and call it a day.
SCOTUS is ready to blow up all of your Banana Republic J6 BS.
Once again you’ve made Trump stronger with your attacks.
SCOTUS is ready to blow up all of your Banana Republic J6 BS.
Once again you’ve made Trump stronger with your attacks.

Dream on, buddy. the last thing SCOTUS wants to do is validate J6 kind of behavior. Otherwise, they'd be dealing with an angry mob of women looking for their reproductive rights back.
Dream on, buddy. the last thing SCOTUS wants to do is validate J6 kind of behavior. Otherwise, they'd be dealing with an angry mob of women looking for their reproductive rights back.
What about Americans who want us to become a moral nation once again?
Then, you can get back on topic as to how Trump brought Unemployment from 14.7 percent down to 6.9 percent in 6 months during the pandemic while Democrats wanted to shut down the economy out of COVID concerns yet they encouraged protestors to gather by the masses and thousands in cities throughout the US in the name of social justice.

Exactly. And the dumb bastids thought the masks would protect them, and now they know differently. But they're still spreading the bullshit disinformation, as we just saw in yesterday's thread.

I've had it with these idiots and their bullshit. I'm going to start destroying these clowns in public, just like yesterday. The smart ones will quit while they're ahead, the less capable will slink away with their tails between their legs.

My bad, I've been tolerating the leftard bullshit for way too long. If you're a leftard spewing BS into the airwaves (you know who you are), be on notice: Scruffy is growling at you.

You really don't want to make Scruffy unhappy, it's a bad idea. Yesterday we had someone up here claiming our elections are completely secure, and that kind of stuff is just too stupid for words, it gets a growl and if the warning isn't enough maybe a couple of fangs in a tender area.
Well, let's look at your list.

Do you keep pretending that 2020 didn't happen. Because 25 million of us got laid off. Highest unemployment in 80 years.. Trump was the first president since Herbert Hoover to post a net job and GDP loss.

Trump drove the economy into a ditch, Biden pulled it out.
That's usually happens when you shut down a country. Trump was against it.
A global pandemic that was much worse in the US because of Trump's incompentent leadership. The US suffered more deaths than any other country.

Who cares?

Farily unlikely. Scotus isn't about to rule the President is above the law. If they were, the same bunch of ninnies wouldn't have rejected Trump's crazy appeals.
More deaths under Biden's leadership, or lack of.

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