Newsweek Editor At Large, MSNBC Founder, Biden Supporter - "It's Time to Freak Out: Donald Trump Is Very Likely Our Next President"

Your Marxist dreams are going to be smashed into smithereens.
Funny thing is that Steve Bannon once described himself as a “Leninist” — and it was Lenin who called for “smashing the bourgeois state.”

Bannon was hired by Trump in 2016 to lead his campaign and he was subsequently allowed to sit in on White House security councils, parting with the President some seven months later. On Jan 2, 2020 behind the scenes he bragged openly of Trump’s plan to stay in the White House and create chaos after he lost, mapping out prophetically Trump’s eventual conduct.

Of course Trump himself is no more a Marxist than Biden is. But Trump’s “Big Lie” demagogy, huge following of fanatic followers, and clear willingness to commit crimes and conspire with others to “fix” the election for himself … makes him a threat to our Republic who should be opposed by every decent American. He has already suggested to his followers that they consider “abolishing” the ordinary rule of law and even the Constitution to re-install himself as the legitimate elected President.

A legal electoral victory for Trump & the Trump Party in the 2024 election, even should they win with far less than a majority popular vote … would signify not just utter irresponsibility & foolishness, but also a deep desire for “collective suicide” within our nation.

Voters who still stick with this unstable megalomaniacal criminal will be doing grievous harm to our nation and our Republic.

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Funny thing is that Steve Bannon once described himself as a “Leninist” — and it was Lenin who called for “smashing the bourgeois state.”

Bannon was hired by Trump in 2016 to lead Trump’s campaign and subsequently allowed to sit in on the nation’s security councils, before eventually going his own way. On Jan 2, 2020 behind the scenes he bragged openly of Trump’s plan to stay in the White House and create chaos after he lost, mapping out prophetically Trump’s eventual conduct.

Of course Trump himself is no more a Marxist than Biden is. But Trump’s “Big Lie” demagogy, huge following of fanatic followers, and clear willingness to commit crimes and conspire with others to “fix” the election for himself … makes him a threat to our Republic who should be fought by every decent American. He has already suggested to his followers that they consider abolishing” the ordinary rule of law and even the Constitution to re-install himself as the legitimate elected President.

A legal electoral victory for Trump & the Trump Party in the 2024 election, even should they win with far less than a majority popular vote … would signify not just utter irresponsibility & foolishness, but also a deep desire for “collective suicide” within our nation.

Voters who still stick with this unstable megalomaniacal criminal will be doing grievous harm to our nation and our Republic.

None of that is even true.

Much respect.
I don't think the party that likes to fuck kids can manufacture 50 million ballots again, for the same reason planes aren't hijacked with box cutters any more..... the surprise element is gone.

We'll find out.

jack smith std.jpg
Dude, will you give it a rest with that shit?
When you do. :)
Stop getting so hung up on labels.
You first.
We disagree, I get it.
You’re wrong, and doing harm; I’m pointing that out.
But we agree on so much more.
Why not focus on that?
We can do that too.

But if someone keeps setting themselves on fire, I’m going to point out that this isn’t smart.

Take care; interesting OP otw. :)
None of that is even true.

Much respect.
Thanks for your respect. As for the truth or falsity of the reported conversation with Bannon, which must be part of what you are referring to as being “untrue,” I trust here the word of Ronald Radosh. He is an old man today, but writes well and thoughtfully. He would be the first to admit his beliefs have evolved radically over the course of his life, and he has ended as both a classical American Liberal and a trenchant scholar and historian of the “Old Left, New Left and Leftover Left.”
No, leftist.
Correct - I’m no leftist, but you may want to work on your punctuation.
You're the one who has it backwards.
Nope. Liberals DESPISE the left more than they despise conservatives.
These people you keep referring to as liberals today are not liberals,
They’re modern liberals.
they are authoritarian leftists.
Authoritarian liberals/Democrats.
There are few true liberals left anymore.
True that.

But just because someone’s a deranged modern liberal doesn’t mean they’re a leftist.

That’s like saying:

“I don’t like cats even though I’m not sure what cats are. I also don’t like that dog, so I’m going to say it’s a cat even though that makes me look stupid/insane, harms my alleged cause, and is completely wrong."

What do you think of the OP?

You’re an anti-Trump guy, so not good news, right?
And now we can add Globalist-Leftist Institution "Meet The Press" to the bandwagon of naysayers.

After Chuck Todd whines that the investigation is bringing down the "Biden Brand" (no, China Joe did that himself, along with his crackhead son) - we have this panelist's commentary:

He not only admits Biden's in trouble, he mildly castigates the Left for whistling past the graveyard.

Ya gotta love it.
Liberal not leftist.
As we hurdle inexorably onward toward what promises to be a monumentally dramatic Presidential Election, the upper echelons of the Leftist intelligentsia are beginning to see an ugly reality forming.

This guy helped found CNBC and MSNBC.

His corporate globalist credentials are second to none.

So you can disagree with him all you want, but you can't question his motivations.

He absolutely despises Trump, as he makes clear from the very beginning of this column:

My prediction?

Not one Lefty on this forum will take any heed....until more guys like this keep raising the red flag.
The suicide rate in Loon York, Mexifornia and other disgusting blue shitholes will skyrocket just beyond November 5, 2024
78 counts.


I think it goes beyond "personality"
dies hunter have more coke stashed at the white house....does Joey do that stuff too
Funny thing is that Steve Bannon once described himself as a “Leninist” — and it was Lenin who called for “smashing the bourgeois state.”

Bannon was hired by Trump in 2016 to lead his campaign and he was subsequently allowed to sit in on White House security councils, parting with the President some seven months later. On Jan 2, 2020 behind the scenes he bragged openly of Trump’s plan to stay in the White House and create chaos after he lost, mapping out prophetically Trump’s eventual conduct.

Of course Trump himself is no more a Marxist than Biden is. But Trump’s “Big Lie” demagogy, huge following of fanatic followers, and clear willingness to commit crimes and conspire with others to “fix” the election for himself … makes him a threat to our Republic who should be opposed by every decent American. He has already suggested to his followers that they consider “abolishing” the ordinary rule of law and even the Constitution to re-install himself as the legitimate elected President.

A legal electoral victory for Trump & the Trump Party in the 2024 election, even should they win with far less than a majority popular vote … would signify not just utter irresponsibility & foolishness, but also a deep desire for “collective suicide” within our nation.

Voters who still stick with this unstable megalomaniacal criminal will be doing grievous harm to our nation and our Republic.

gotta hand it to you know a ton about communism...somehow tho, IM not surprised

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