Newsweek Editor At Large, MSNBC Founder, Biden Supporter - "It's Time to Freak Out: Donald Trump Is Very Likely Our Next President"

No, leftist. You're the one who has it backwards. These people you keep referring to as liberals today are not liberals, they are authoritarian leftists. There are few true liberals left anymore.

Why do I find myself completely agreeing with you?

What planet is this?
So when did he get convicted for rape?
That's part of his stupid would you have to be, how shitty would your lawyers have to be, to have a presiding judge state AS A MATTER OF FACT that you are a rapist.......WITHOUT A CONVICTION FOR RAPE!!!!!!!

It's brilliant.
That's part of his stupid would you have to be, how shitty would your lawyers have to be, to have a presiding judge state AS A MATTER OF FACT that you are a rapist.......WITHOUT A CONVICTION FOR RAPE!!!!!!!

It's brilliant.

So clearly you have no intention of discussing the article in the OP.

Got it.
And now we can add Globalist-Leftist Institution "Meet The Press" to the bandwagon of naysayers.

After Chuck Todd whines that the investigation is bringing down the "Biden Brand" (no, China Joe did that himself, along with his crackhead son) - we have this panelist's commentary:

“I think the White House and the President's re-election need to take this a bit more seriously than what they're doing,” Buck observed. “It was very easy for a long time for Democrats to just say, well that's stuff on the crazy right.”

But now, Buck continued, “if it's going to be in trial, it’s going to be in front-page news everywhere. I think they can appreciate that this could damage him pretty seriously.”

He not only admits Biden's in trouble, he mildly castigates the Left for whistling past the graveyard.

Ya gotta love it.
I'm waiting for you to respond to my question about it.

For some reason, people of your persuasions are ineducable, and insist on challenging facty things.

Your question was utterly unrelated to the article, and had to do with something Trump was heard saying on tape 7 years ago, right before he WON the 2016 election.

This article is about the proliferation of factors complicating Biden's chance of defeating Orange Man, and it is penned by a self-avowed enemy of Trump who has extreme gravitas on the Establishment Left.

Try harder.
Yeah dude, you need to expand your vocabulary. There are 3 tiers, not two - and you have the tiers mixed up.

Here's how it goes:

Tier 1 - liberals. Thomas Jefferson was a liberal. So was Ben Franklin.

Tier 2 - leftists. This would include the Chairman Mao's of the world, but also the two individuals you mentioned, and various and sundry social movements.

Tier 3 - leftards. Which is mostly what populates this forum. Most of these people are incredibly stupid and easily manipulated, which is a bad combination. Leftards are lemmings of the first order, they're the reason the Tier 2 types succeed.

The index of stupidity increases with the tier. Liberals are usually pretty smart. Lefties are sometimes smart, there are definitely some smart ones. Leftards, are completely devoid of intelligence. There's not a brain cell between the whole lot of them. They keep voting to destroy themselves, just because they don't like some guy's personality.
. They keep voting to destroy themselves, just because they don't like some guy's personality
78 counts.


I think it goes beyond "personality"
Your question was utterly unrelated to the article, and had to do with something Trump was heard saying on tape 7 years ago, right before he WON the 2016 election.

This article is about the proliferation of factors complicating Biden's chance of defeating Orange Man, and it is penned by a self-avowed enemy of Trump who has extreme gravitas on the Establishment Left.

Try harder.
Are these my words, Pride of Hope Valley

"Take heed"?

What is the appropriate response to jive like this, Toddster?
Are these my words, Pride of Hope Valley

The appropriate response would be to wake the fuck up and realize you've been living in a media-induced bubble.

But as I conceded in the OP, the likelihood of that happening will only increase when more of the media jumps on this guy's bandwagon.

Fortunately, it looks like that may be starting to happen - even if it is only a cynical effort to make sure the Left's supporters do not grow complacent.
Tom Rogers - Editor at Large for Newsweek, CoFounder of MSNBC/CNBC, Trump loathing Biden supporter.

Wow, that was really hard.

Considering if you clicked on the article his name is on the byline.

Fuckin' imbecile.
Never heard of him. He's a nobody. Like you.
Can a innocent man still be indicted? Yes/No?
No question.

Just as an innocent may be maligned in the absence of any indictments...

But when they accumulate in several jurisdictions and include both video evidence and the testimony of both counsel and former appointees, the presumption is justifiably qualified.
No question.

Just as an innocent may be maligned in the absence of any indictments...

But when they accumulate in several jurisdictions and include both video evidence and the testimony of both counsel and former appointees, the presumption is justifiably qualified.
No, the presumption is only qualified after a trial...not before.

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