Newsweek: "Obama First Gay President"

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

You really seem to need this to be true.

Why do you so need to deny the cult of personality around Obama? know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

The left might be telling you what to EAT, but aren't you supporting a government position that tells adults who they can and cannot build a life around? Aren't they one in the same, T? Restricting free choice in the name of "the greater good", right?
I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

You really seem to need this to be true.

Why do you so need to deny the cult of personality around Obama?

It's more fun for them to dance on the grave of a dead person
I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

You really seem to need this to be true.

Why do you so need to deny the cult of personality around Obama?

Had to say it didn't you?

No matter...You're call into question on how Statists think...

In any Case?

*Enjoy* ;)

[ame=]Living Colour - Cult Of Personality - YouTube[/ame]
The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

Nobody's trying to tell you what to eat. (Or how much salt you can put on your food, for that matter).

However, Michelle Obama IS engaging in an education campaign regarding good nutrition (versus junk food) and physical fitness in an effort to reverse the trend of obesity in this country. That's a good thing. It could save both lives and money. But if you want to eat badly. Nobody is stopping you.

Been to a grocery store lately?

*Try Again*

You mean besides the liquor/beer/wine aisle, Tommy? Those don't count.
It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally.

Since Reagan was hetero, and Nancy is hetero there doesn't seem anything "gay" about it.
Frankly you seem a little light in the loafers to me.
and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally.

Since Reagan was hetero, and Nancy is hetero there doesn't seem anything "gay" about it.
Frankly you seem a little light in the loafers to me.
No insecure Rabbi...
It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

The left might be telling you what to EAT, but aren't you supporting a government position that tells adults who they can and cannot build a life around? Aren't they one in the same, T? Restricting free choice in the name of "the greater good", right?
Who's restricting free choice, Einstein? Two people want to shack up, there's no law against it. Two people want to enlist whatever clergyman they want to sanctify it as a union, no law against it. No one is stopping anyone from living their lives however they want.
Obama is still shaking his fist at God, I see.

This won't end well. No. Not at all...


*GOD* will smite him at the polls...

Watch it happen...

With Pink Elephants, no less.

Well--this is what happens with you have a Vice President that wished he was President who has a very "big" loose mouth. Who needs enemies when you have a friend like Joe Biden---:lol::lol:

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The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

The left might be telling you what to EAT, but aren't you supporting a government position that tells adults who they can and cannot build a life around? Aren't they one in the same, T? Restricting free choice in the name of "the greater good", right?
Who's restricting free choice, Einstein? Two people want to shack up, there's no law against it. Two people want to enlist whatever clergyman they want to sanctify it as a union, no law against it. No one is stopping anyone from living their lives however they want.

That'd work for you? Your children? Why are you married, if 'shacking up' is 'good enough.'
The left might be telling you what to EAT, but aren't you supporting a government position that tells adults who they can and cannot build a life around? Aren't they one in the same, T? Restricting free choice in the name of "the greater good", right?
Who's restricting free choice, Einstein? Two people want to shack up, there's no law against it. Two people want to enlist whatever clergyman they want to sanctify it as a union, no law against it. No one is stopping anyone from living their lives however they want.

That'd work for you? Your children? Why are you married, if 'shacking up' is 'good enough.'

The problem is the WORD--Marriage. That word has been inbred into us for centuries meaning a union between one man one woman. Husband is male--Wife is female.

Now while this country may someday--approve of civil unions for gays--that gives the exact same rights as a married couple--"without" calling it marriage--it may fly. But as long as Obama and the gay community insist on using the WORD--"marriage" between same sex couples--it's never going to happen.

30 states have already voted against gay marriage. Not one single state has voted to approve of same sex marriage. And that's your REAL poll on this issue.
Who's restricting free choice, Einstein? Two people want to shack up, there's no law against it. Two people want to enlist whatever clergyman they want to sanctify it as a union, no law against it. No one is stopping anyone from living their lives however they want.

That'd work for you? Your children? Why are you married, if 'shacking up' is 'good enough.'

The problem is the WORD--Marriage. That word has been inbred into us for centuries meaning a union between one man one woman. Husband is male--Wife is female.

Now while this country may someday--approve of civil unions for gays--that gives the exact same rights as a married couple--"without" calling it marriage--it may fly. But as long as Obama and the gay community insist on using the WORD--"marriage" between same sex couples--it's never going to happen.

30 states have already voted against gay marriage. Not one single state has voted to approve of same sex marriage. And that's your REAL poll on this issue.

And you. Shacking up would work for you, as well?
I am starting to wonder if Newsweek just lost 2012 for Obama.

I mean, it is obvious that Biden was picked as VP to be the butt of the jokes, but this pales in comparison. Even the vaunted 'Teleprompter' could not pull off a shark jumping stunt like this.

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