Newsweek: "Obama First Gay President"

And? You have a problem with PET Names between couples?


Pretty damned shallow and non-material...

Mommy is not a pet name. Mommy is a person. You know, your MOM? We're supposed to believe that Ronald Reagan was having sex with a woman he called "Mommy?" That's pretty twisted.

And WHOM are YOU to tell Reagan what to call his wife?

I'd say YOU have a problem. Go to the nearest mirror and wave at what YOU see.

It's too late. He's dead.
Mommy is not a pet name. Mommy is a person. You know, your MOM? We're supposed to believe that Ronald Reagan was having sex with a woman he called "Mommy?" That's pretty twisted.

And WHOM are YOU to tell Reagan what to call his wife?

I'd say YOU have a problem. Go to the nearest mirror and wave at what YOU see.

It's too late. He's dead.

Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.

If you’re truly in favor of “small gov’t”, then you should most certainly be on the side of marriage equality (ie Liberty/Choice/Individualism vs Statism/No Choice/Collectivism).

Being in favor of tax breaks for more people is being for "small government"? Really?

Uh - Yes... obviously.

Why would someone who promotes small gov't want people to pay MORE taxes?!

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Authoritarian Republicans are Statists. Just like the Democrats, they have a vision of what they think the "perfect society" looks like, and will stop at nothing to force their collective views upon every single flipping individual within a given society. Either you're FOR liberty or AGAINST it. Either you think the government should micromanage a population's social rules like a big nanny, or you think that adults should be able to manage that for themselves as individuals.

Don't take your power to "choose" for granted, people, because it's an easy thing to lose completely. Stop growing the size and power of government.

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And WHOM are YOU to tell Reagan what to call his wife?

I'd say YOU have a problem. Go to the nearest mirror and wave at what YOU see.

It's too late. He's dead.

Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.


It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.
It's too late. He's dead.

Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.


It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.
Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.


It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.
Mustink is lonely...and has to argue...
It's too late. He's dead.

Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.


It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.
Mustink is lonely...and has to argue...

seems so
Guess YOU should have thought about that before YOU spewed your fucking BILE.


It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally.
Gay Bowel syndrome
Mental illness
Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

But this is what gay people say: Of course it's not a choice. Why would anyone choose to endure what I've endured?
That tells me it's an illness.

I guess only gay people have those issues. :eusa_whistle: Oh wait. No we don't.

Only gay people ahve gay bowel syndrome. Yes.
Are you going to argue that gay people are every bit as healthy as straight people? Please do. It will detract from your already-wafer thin credibility.


Gay bowel syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is apparent that Gay Bowel Syndrome is an essentialized category of difference that is neither gay-specific, confined to the bowel, nor a syndrome. The use and diagnosis of Gay Bowel Syndrome must be abandoned.[6
It's not my fault that they were a strange couple. Hell, everyone noted it. The WH staff noticed it. Even their kids have commented on it. They even made decisions while in the WH based on astrology. It's not a negative commentary on their devotion to one another. It's just an acknowledgment that their relationship (including the whole "Mommy" thing) was odd.

and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.
and all that has WHAT exactly to do with this thread?
who cares what you thought of the Reagan's, as you said, he is dead.

I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.
I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

Nobody's trying to tell you what to eat. (Or how much salt you can put on your food, for that matter).

However, Michelle Obama IS engaging in an education campaign regarding good nutrition (versus junk food) and physical fitness in an effort to reverse the trend of obesity in this country. That's a good thing. It could save both lives and money. But if you want to eat badly. Nobody is stopping you.
It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

The Hidebeast nor Laura Bush wasn't trying to tell US what to EAT were they?

Try again Mustink.

Nobody's trying to tell you what to eat. (Or how much salt you can put on your food, for that matter).

However, Michelle Obama IS engaging in an education campaign regarding good nutrition (versus junk food) and physical fitness in an effort to reverse the trend of obesity in this country. That's a good thing. It could save both lives and money. But if you want to eat badly. Nobody is stopping you.

Been to a grocery store lately?

*Try Again*
I commented earlier about Reagan calling his wife "Mommy" by saying that seemed kinda gay. That's what it has to do with this thread. The T seemed to take it personally. know. With all this talk of "the Chosen One" and "Messiah", they all got the ideas from somewhere in their personal past references to Reagan.

It's weird. The right pilloried Hillary. Then they expected Laura Bush to be treated like the Virgin Mary. Now that Michelle Obama is the First Lady, the RW gloves have come off and they savage her with their criticism.

So, why should anyone expect any difference with the President? But it's funny. I'll give 'em that. One minute that lambast President Obama by calling every name they can think of, then they want to pause for a moment of silence to honor Reagan after someone says something critical about him. And why? Because Reagan is their Messiah. That's why.

They sure have got a LOT of growing up to do. However, I'm not hopeful.

cry us a river..:eusa_boohoo:
You all act like you people were nothing but respectful to the Bush's, even Laura Bush you all ran down, so don't pretend people don't have memories..
And Obama can only DREAM of being as well respected as Reagan was..that must really burn huh?
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So... now Obama is a:

Muslim, "radical black christian", socialist, Nazi, atheist, homosexual?

Wow, that is a LOT of contradiction.
Didn't Reagan call his wife, Nancy, "Mommy?" That's kind of gay.

Thats old school son that's how a lot of adults with children talk to there husband or wife so the children would not be disrespectful and calling them by their names.

I call my wife Mommy. That's what the kids call her. We started calling each other that so the kids would learn to say it.
Amazing how ignorant people are. Like they never had a family.

It's what most parents who are trying to teach their children about being respectful do. I remember I called my father by his first name and got the hell beat out of me.
Thats old school son that's how a lot of adults with children talk to there husband or wife so the children would not be disrespectful and calling them by their names.

I call my wife Mommy. That's what the kids call her. We started calling each other that so the kids would learn to say it.
Amazing how ignorant people are. Like they never had a family.

It's what most parents who are trying to teach their children about being respectful do. I remember I called my father by his first name and got the hell beat out of me.

In my lexicon? Calling an adult by thier first name without permission of said adult was verbotten:eusa_shifty:

it was a RESPECT issue.

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