Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

Is Trump going to take away my Obamagas?
Along with your Obamaphone, your ObamaTV, your Obama cigarettes, your Obama movies, your Obama high prices, you lousy stagnant Obama economy, and your Obama terrorism.

I plan to keep track of the price of gas under President Trump
$2.25 for Obamagas

Lets see how his energy policies work out
As long as you can point out exactly what your hero did to drive the price down......especially since he said he has nada to do with it.......go ahead, dipshit.

Not my problem...Its Trumps

Obamagas is at $2.25

If Trump gets it lower, I will give him credit
If it increases....I will blame Trump

Fair enough?
Not unless Obama lied when he said he had nothing to do with the cost. The price of gas was $1.59 when Bush left office. If Trump gets to $1.59 < then I suggest you STFU.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Parts of his legacy include these EO's - why do you oppose them? What's so bad about them?

Federal Register :: Establishing a Community Solutions Council

Federal Register :: A Comprehensive Approach to Atrocity Prevention and Response

Federal Register :: Wildland-Urban Interface Federal Risk Mitigation

Federal Register :: Blocking Property and Suspending Entry Into the United States of Persons Contributing to the Situation in Libya

Just a few of the many that I don't understand why you and others oppose.
I don't know about that.

There are already boots on the ground in Syria. This quagmire has already started. Obama built ISIS. That isn't going away anytime soon, neither is this mess in Syria.

Anytime we hear about shit going wrong in Ukraine or Syria, we'll have to think about Obama.

Bush laid the groundwork for ISIS.

Now you're blaming Ukraine on Obama?
Is Trump going to take away my Obamagas?
Along with your Obamaphone, your ObamaTV, your Obama cigarettes, your Obama movies, your Obama high prices, you lousy stagnant Obama economy, and your Obama terrorism.

I plan to keep track of the price of gas under President Trump
$2.25 for Obamagas

Lets see how his energy policies work out
As long as you can point out exactly what your hero did to drive the price down......especially since he said he has nada to do with it.......go ahead, dipshit.

Not my problem...Its Trumps

Obamagas is at $2.25

If Trump gets it lower, I will give him credit
If it increases....I will blame Trump

Fair enough?
Not unless Obama lied when he said he had nothing to do with the cost. The price of gas was $1.59 when Bush left office. If Trump gets to $1.59 < then I suggest you STFU.

Its Trumps baby now

Republicans campaigned against the high cost of gas in Trump is responsible

Hope the price goes down under Trump....otherwise, I got some complaining to do
Bush laid the groundwork for ISIS.
You'd need to explain that one. Iraq had settled down. Once we got out the militant religious freaks moved in.

Not really Iceweasel. It gave the appearance of being settled down, but underneath were boiling all the tensions that created the insurgencies. The ruling elite was not really interested in sharing power with the minority ethnic/religious groups and corruption was huge. That was a big reason why ISIS was able to gain such a toe hold in the Sunni communities. They felt unfairly persecuted, badly treated, and under-represented. You can't impose a functioning democracy on a society who's loyalties to their family/tribe/sect are far stronger than to any state and that includes the loyalties of their "elected" leaders. They wanted us OUT, or they would subject our military personal to Iraqi law. Bush signed a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq that would have all combat troops out by the end of December, 2011. From then on - it was in Iraqi hands.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Parts of his legacy include these EO's - why do you oppose them? What's so bad about them?

Federal Register :: Establishing a Community Solutions Council

Federal Register :: A Comprehensive Approach to Atrocity Prevention and Response

Federal Register :: Wildland-Urban Interface Federal Risk Mitigation

Federal Register :: Blocking Property and Suspending Entry Into the United States of Persons Contributing to the Situation in Libya

Just a few of the many that I don't understand why you and others oppose.
I think all of the bad he has done cancels out any good he's done. That's the way it is supposed to work in real life. If he has done any good I'm sure the media has already told us about it. I just keep remembering how he abandoned Iraq and supplied ISIS rebels so they could butcher thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Christians, Shiite Muslims, and Kurds.
I don't know about that.

There are already boots on the ground in Syria. This quagmire has already started. Obama built ISIS. That isn't going away anytime soon, neither is this mess in Syria.

Anytime we hear about shit going wrong in Ukraine or Syria, we'll have to think about Obama.

Bush laid the groundwork for ISIS.

Now you're blaming Ukraine on Obama?
First time in our history that a president is considered totally blameless for what happened during his watch. I'm sure the left will go back to blaming the sitting president once big-ears leaves.....unless they can trace it directly to Bush.
Along with your Obamaphone, your ObamaTV, your Obama cigarettes, your Obama movies, your Obama high prices, you lousy stagnant Obama economy, and your Obama terrorism.

I plan to keep track of the price of gas under President Trump
$2.25 for Obamagas

Lets see how his energy policies work out
As long as you can point out exactly what your hero did to drive the price down......especially since he said he has nada to do with it.......go ahead, dipshit.

Not my problem...Its Trumps

Obamagas is at $2.25

If Trump gets it lower, I will give him credit
If it increases....I will blame Trump

Fair enough?
Not unless Obama lied when he said he had nothing to do with the cost. The price of gas was $1.59 when Bush left office. If Trump gets to $1.59 < then I suggest you STFU.

Its Trumps baby now

Republicans campaigned against the high cost of gas in Trump is responsible

Hope the price goes down under Trump....otherwise, I got some complaining to do
Obama's still in office yet you think it's Trump's baby NOW....
Bush laid the groundwork for ISIS.
You'd need to explain that one. Iraq had settled down. Once we got out the militant religious freaks moved in.

Not really Iceweasel. It gave the appearance of being settled down, but underneath were boiling all the tensions that created the insurgencies. The ruling elite was not really interested in sharing power with the minority ethnic/religious groups and corruption was huge. That was a big reason why ISIS was able to gain such a toe hold in the Sunni communities. They felt unfairly persecuted, badly treated, and under-represented. You can't impose a functioning democracy on a society who's loyalties to their family/tribe/sect are far stronger than to any state and that includes the loyalties of their "elected" leaders. They wanted us OUT, or they would subject our military personal to Iraqi law. Bush signed a Status of Forces agreement with Iraq that would have all combat troops out by the end of December, 2011. From then on - it was in Iraqi hands.
I'm familiar with the SOFA agreement but no, they didn't all want us out, especially on our side who knew better. Bush had this guy named Barrack Obama looking like he'd win and ran on getting out. The US didn't have to sign anything but that was used as leverage.

But the fact is it had settled down and we should have stayed like we have in Korea, Germany, Japan, etc.
I plan to keep track of the price of gas under President Trump
$2.25 for Obamagas

Lets see how his energy policies work out
As long as you can point out exactly what your hero did to drive the price down......especially since he said he has nada to do with it.......go ahead, dipshit.

Not my problem...Its Trumps

Obamagas is at $2.25

If Trump gets it lower, I will give him credit
If it increases....I will blame Trump

Fair enough?
Not unless Obama lied when he said he had nothing to do with the cost. The price of gas was $1.59 when Bush left office. If Trump gets to $1.59 < then I suggest you STFU.

Its Trumps baby now

Republicans campaigned against the high cost of gas in Trump is responsible

Hope the price goes down under Trump....otherwise, I got some complaining to do
Obama's still in office yet you think it's Trump's baby NOW....

Never still have 30 days to fill up with Obamagas
As long as you can point out exactly what your hero did to drive the price down......especially since he said he has nada to do with it.......go ahead, dipshit.

Not my problem...Its Trumps

Obamagas is at $2.25

If Trump gets it lower, I will give him credit
If it increases....I will blame Trump

Fair enough?
Not unless Obama lied when he said he had nothing to do with the cost. The price of gas was $1.59 when Bush left office. If Trump gets to $1.59 < then I suggest you STFU.

Its Trumps baby now

Republicans campaigned against the high cost of gas in Trump is responsible

Hope the price goes down under Trump....otherwise, I got some complaining to do
Obama's still in office yet you think it's Trump's baby NOW....

Never still have 30 days to fill up with Obamagas
It keeps causing the "Check Engine" light to come on.

I need some Trumpgas real soon.

Because Obama had this habit of going around Congress, most of his legacy can be gone in no time.

Newt: Obama Legacy ‘Is Going to Disappear Within a Year’

by Jeff Poor21 Dec 2016835


Wednesday on Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich predicted once President-elect Donald Trump is sworn in as president, he will undo much of President Barack Obama’s legacy, which he attributed to Obama’s reliance on executive orders.

“What you’re watching is a man who realizes all of a sudden that like 90 percent of his legacy is going to disappear because he didn’t do the hard work of passing legislation, he didn’t reach out to the other side,” Gingrich said. “[Y]ou watch — starting the opening day when Trump starts to repeal all these executive orders, it’s going to be like one of those balloons that deflates. The Obama legacy is going to this, down to a core to 10 or 15 percent of what he originally did. The rest is all going to disappear within a year.”​

Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.

When did doing the right thing for the people suddenly get turned into "getting our way at any cost"?

Like the Tories in the UK did, they scrapped Labour stuff, then realized their own things were shit, then brought back the Labour things to great fanfare like "yeah, we made this" and yet spend millions on fucking it up.

Read it, you might actually learn something.


This doesn't tell me anything.
Go look at the Spanish Civil War and see what happens when both sides are basically at war..... It's not going to end well.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.

I'm sorry, but you're the one with the stereotypes "my argument is whatever I decide I know what you are, because I know you better than you know yourself".

Do you know how many fucking times I come across people like you on this board every day?
Actually, right now you're doing exactly what you claim I'm doing.

You can't help yourself....thou HYPOCRITE!!!!

What a waste of time. I'm not playing you silly childish games. Bye.
As a liberal you sure hope so.

People like you hate it when good things happen. The only time you're happy is when someone you hate suffers. You think that is beneficial to society as a whole. Bring down one group while propping up another.

Ah.... the old "you're in this box, therefore you think like this argument".
Until you break with stereotypes and prove betcha.

I'm sorry, but you're the one with the stereotypes "my argument is whatever I decide I know what you are, because I know you better than you know yourself".

Do you know how many fucking times I come across people like you on this board every day?
Actually, right now you're doing exactly what you claim I'm doing.

You can't help yourself....thou HYPOCRITE!!!!

What a waste of time. I'm not playing you silly childish games. Bye.
Buh-bye baby.
I don't know about that.

There are already boots on the ground in Syria. This quagmire has already started. Obama built ISIS. That isn't going away anytime soon, neither is this mess in Syria.

Anytime we hear about shit going wrong in Ukraine or Syria, we'll have to think about Obama.

Bush laid the groundwork for ISIS.

Now you're blaming Ukraine on Obama?

Sure he laid the ground work, only by destroying the government that was in Iraq, and creating a ready supply of trained folks that were now w/o a job.

Who sent the folks there to train and organize them?

Who sent them weapons?

If we had not done all that, and instead had just supported the orginial government of Iraq that we spent so long putting in power, this might not be a problem. ..

But yes, you are right, they had always planned to create chaos, there is no difference between the two regimes.
What a whingefest. The misery index was 19.3 (7.5% unemployment; 11.8% inflation at the start of Reagan's first term; it dropped to 9.7 (5.3% UE; 4.4% inflation), a reduction of nearly 50%. Obabble's was 7.39 when he started (7.3% UE and .09 inflation. His is now 6.54, a drop of 11%. The split is 4.9 UE and 1.64 Inflation. The only reason that UE is lower is because of the epic collapse of the Labor Force Participation Rate. If we used the same methods in place when Reagan was in office for UE, then Obabble's misery index would have grown instead of shrinking (by a wee bit).
What methods are you claiming changed under Obama from Reagan? Please be specific.
What a whingefest. The misery index was 19.3 (7.5% unemployment; 11.8% inflation at the start of Reagan's first term; it dropped to 9.7 (5.3% UE; 4.4% inflation), a reduction of nearly 50%. Obabble's was 7.39 when he started (7.3% UE and .09 inflation. His is now 6.54, a drop of 11%. The split is 4.9 UE and 1.64 Inflation. The only reason that UE is lower is because of the epic collapse of the Labor Force Participation Rate. If we used the same methods in place when Reagan was in office for UE, then Obabble's misery index would have grown instead of shrinking (by a wee bit).
What methods are you claiming changed under Obama from Reagan? Please be specific.

I suggest you read up on how Unemployment and Inflation are calculated.

UE was changed early in Clinton's term to exclude long term unemployed people.

Inflation has been changed so that "subsitutes" are used to mask inflation in the basket of goods. For example: if hamburger increases 50%, they assume people will eat cheaper tofu and do not count all of this inflation. The agenda is to falsify inflation to keep CPI adjustments for entitlements low, and justify low interest rates on the government debt.
What a whingefest. The misery index was 19.3 (7.5% unemployment; 11.8% inflation at the start of Reagan's first term; it dropped to 9.7 (5.3% UE; 4.4% inflation), a reduction of nearly 50%. Obabble's was 7.39 when he started (7.3% UE and .09 inflation. His is now 6.54, a drop of 11%. The split is 4.9 UE and 1.64 Inflation. The only reason that UE is lower is because of the epic collapse of the Labor Force Participation Rate. If we used the same methods in place when Reagan was in office for UE, then Obabble's misery index would have grown instead of shrinking (by a wee bit).
What methods are you claiming changed under Obama from Reagan? Please be specific.

I suggest you read up on how Unemployment and Inflation are calculated.
Physician, heal thyself. I worked professionally with these data, including as an analyst calculating the CPI for well over a decade.

UE was changed early in Clinton's term to exclude long term unemployed people.
No it wasn't. The only change in the definition of unemployed since 1967 was that before 1994, if you were hired and waiting to start a job, then you were classified as unemployed even if you hadn't looked for work in the previous 4 weeks. That exception was removed in 1994.

You are thinking of the change in definition to "Discouraged Workers," where a time limit of one year was added. Since Discouraged were not considered unemployed anyway, that change had no effect on the unemployment level or rate.

Inflation has been changed so that "subsitutes" are used to mask inflation in the basket of goods. For example: if hamburger increases 50%, they assume people will eat cheaper tofu and do not count all of this inflation.
Lol. No, they don't. When the basket is reweighted, it's entirely by % of consumption spending. The Chained CPI adjusts every month.

What you're misrepresenting is that for items in the same category and geographic area, like hamburger in Chicago or milk in Dallas, the average is calculated by using the geometric mean rather than the arithmetic mean. This means that whatever subtype changes less will have more effect on the grounds that people do change what they buy.

Substituting tofu for hamburger could not happen.

Why don't you read up on the methodology?
Obama will do just fine

His legacy will be enhanced by being sandwiched between two of our worst presidents

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