Newt uses Veteran's day for profit, politics


VIP Member
Sep 27, 2009
conservative hell california
I am pure conservative but something about Newt Gingrich bothers me and this may put Newt in perfect perspective (as well as his allies).

Seems that Newt wrote an article for Human Events, the beginning of the article is used for politics and to sell Newt's new book on Valley Forge.

I think that exemplifies much of the problem with the Republican party, Newt Gingrich seems to me to be so full of himself he shamelessly and unwittingly (perhaps) uses Veteran's day for himself, why would the Republican party, Sean Hannity, and Fox news legitimize Newt Gingrich.

Remember Valley Forge - HUMAN EVENTS

Remember Valley Forge
by Newt Gingrich

This week we honor and remember all the veterans who risked their lives to keep America safe and free and the many who died in the service of their country.

We are also thinking about America’s future after the election landslide last week rejected the left's policies (the most state legislative seats picked up by a political party in modern times— 682; the most House seats picked up by one party since 1932, big gains in the Senate and governorships).

This is the perfect time to introduce our new novel Valley Forge.

Valley Forge is the story of George Washington’s courage in th

Using Vets and Verterans Day?

Let us not be shocked by this. The calous nature of politicians has been shown time and time again. Treating Vets like crap, using them as decoration, etc etc.

You name it, it has or will be done.

I'd be happy if we went 10 years w/o some politican claiming more service than he has performed.
Although, knowing how this shit goes, it probably was not Newt's decision to use Veterans Day.... It was much more likely that it was the decision of his publishers. Publishers have no scruples about this kind of thing - they would see Veterans Day as an opportunity to sell books.

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