Next 3-4 Weeks Will Be Explosive

An anonymous election integrity non-profit recently commissioned respected Lansing, Michigan
Forensic Analysis firm, Speckin Forensics, LLC to “examine and recount the ballots, envelopes,
totals tapes, record books and other documents” from the 2020 election in Detroit. This
included all 134 Absent Voter Counting Boards (AVCB’s) and all 503 precincts. The firm’s team
spent a month from April 17th to May 17th at the Detroit Department of Elections, where they
were permitted to view, but not touch the ballots.The DOE staff handled all ballots and assisted
in the counting process.
Key findings of the report, released on July 26th include:
• In two of the 134 counting boards, AVCB’s #79 and #122, the analysts paired up each
ballot envelope with its corresponding ballot application. This was a long and
painstaking process, according to the team leader, Erich Spekin.
Spekin and his team discovered that a significant percentage of the ballot applications
turned up missing.
Note: that under Michigan Election Law, a signed absent voter ballot application is an
eligibility requirement for absentee voting. MCL 168.759 states clearly:
Subject to section 761(2), a clerk or assistant clerk shall not deliver an absent voter ballot to an applicant
who does not sign the application.
Thus, a signed application is needed to obtain an absent voter ballot. Yet, in 20% of
cases in one Detroit absent voter counting board and 12% in another, this eligibility
requirement was not met. These ballots were therefore illegitimate and in a non-
corrupted election system would have been rejected.

• Spekin extrapolated the 20 and 12 percent numbers and stated:
It would follow that if all the boards were compared in this manner, with approximately 170,000 AV
ballots, the range at 8%-20% would be 13,600 to 34,000 ballots with no application requesting the ballot.
Of course, unless and until the rest of the AVCB’s are evaluated, we won’t know if the
numbers are higher or lower. However, what we do know is that barring some
“miraculous” discovery of the missing ballot applications (which would be highly
suspicious after two and half years), we now have documented, forensic evidence
supportive of election fraud in Detroit.
Indeed this evidence can now be combined with
the eyewitness evidence of the numerous challengers’ affidavits as documented in the
author’s and MC4EI’s TCF Timeline: the 2020 Election in Detroit.*
That report found that
the central marker for fraud was the fact that so many challengers reported seeing
ballots not found in the poll books, meaning they were not listed in the precinct-specific
download of that section of the state voter roll. In Michigan it’s known as the Qualified
Voter File or QVF.

You may actually found one, FruitLoops. Given your history, I doubt this will pan out, but we'll see.
You may actually found one, FruitLoops. Given your history, I doubt this will pan out, but we'll see.
Any swing state that has an independent forensic audit will show all kinds of fraud. That is why no state had one.

Texas had an audit, Arizona did, Michigan. Georgia hand recounted.

Any count, recount, hand count, machine count, law enforcement investigation, audit, forensic audit, official tally, certified result, certificate of ascertainment, electoral count or court ruling that doesn't affirm Last's con is despised and ignored.

Which is every such count, audit, tally, law enforcement investigation or court ruling. Every single one.

The Big Lie is all about the money. And you can't make money on a lie you admit is a lie.
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Prove that any independent forensic audit will show all kinds of fraud.

You're literally citing your imagination and your grift as proof of your imagination and your grift.
How can I without the audit? You fucking dummy.
How can I without the audit? You fucking dummy.

My point exactly. You have no evidence to back your claims. You've quite literally imagined it. And have offered us your imagination as your entire basis of argument.

I'll stick with the actual results, thank you.
My point exactly. You have no evidence to back your claims. You've quite literally imagined it. And have offered us your imagination as your entire basis of argument.

I'll stick with the actual results, thank you.
Because nobody got to look at anything they requested. That is why a forensic audit was needed. Why would they object if the election was fair? C'mon how fucking dumb are you?
Because nobody got to look at anything they requested. That is why a forensic audit was needed. Why would they object if the election was fair? C'mon how fucking dumb are you?

So you admit that your claims of fraud aren't based on evidence.

Well that was easy.
The government is perfectly legitimate, reflecting the will of the people.

Conservatives are trying to destroy democracy with their conspiracy theories and lies – this thread is one of countless examples.
The conspiracy that has destroyed this country is that the election was fair.
The conspiracy that has destroyed this country is that the election was fair.

The country is still here. The only thing you've destroyed, your credibility.

You hate the courts for a reason: the courts are where your cons go to die.
They were not forensic audits. GA. audit was run by Dominion just like AZ.
in georgia, they recounted more than once. And it had nothing to do with dominion, it was recounted by state election authorities.
and in Arizona, you remember cyber ninjas? cyber-ninjas has nothing to do with dominion.
in georgia, they recounted more than once. And it had nothing to do with dominion, it was recounted by state election authorities.
and in Arizona, you remember cyber ninjas? cyber-ninjas has nothing to do with dominion.
How many times have you been told illegal ballots can be counted as many times as you want. You have just been told again. The recounts mean nothing.

All the news from that AZ. audit never came out. The RINO Fann hid it. But 30 laws were broken and not one fucking thing was done about it.

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