Next part of the Hoax

Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.
You really are psychotic. Seek help. They have medications for your condition.
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Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.

You won't need to worry your pretty, superficial head about it, deplorable. The nerds will always be much, much smarter than the limp dick mouth breathing Cult45 members out there. It's just a fact of life.

Just so you're not fully triggered, MAGA!!! Woo!!
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
And then, we'll flush these commie fucks down the drain after we execute them.

I want full-blown violence so I can freely kill some of these motherfuckers.

Of course you do. You are broken.
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Prohibiting congregation is not working. There is NO reason to expect that more of it will help because it’s already failing. The idea that “it would be worse without the lockdowns” is utterly unproven and In Fact is disproven because as you you frightards contend-the numbers are soaring. It’s not working, why would more of it work? That’s called insanity.
Covid gets to us no matter what. For 95% of us it’s unnoticeable to mild and for 5% of us, almost all over 70 and suffering from several serious maladies , it is quite dangerous.
Time to stop all this draconian flailing at the sky lockdowning and accept that we don’t have a preventive remedy other than vaccines if we even are allowed to receive vaccines.
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

How many of those 300,000 were falsely reported as a death CAUSED by covid-19 just because there was a positive test result?

After all, there IS a financial (and political) INCENTIVE to report a death as being caused by the Rona. . . . even if / when the patient was in the process of dying anyway from other afflictions.

CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths

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What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

How many of those 300,000 were falsely reported as a death CAUSED by covid-19 just because there was a positive test result?

After all, there IS a financial (and political) INCENTIVE to report a death as being caused by the Rona. . . . even if / when the patient was in the process of dying anyway from other afflictions.

CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths

From your source:

" A Yale study concluded that the overall coronavirus death toll in the United States is a “substantial undercount” of the actual number; "
What's the FIRST part of the hoax OP?
Getting 300,000 people to have mock deaths.

How many of those 300,000 were falsely reported as a death CAUSED by covid-19 just because there was a positive test result?

After all, there IS a financial (and political) INCENTIVE to report a death as being caused by the Rona. . . . even if / when the patient was in the process of dying anyway from other afflictions.

CDC director acknowledges hospitals have a monetary incentive to overcount coronavirus deaths

From your source:

" A Yale study concluded that the overall coronavirus death toll in the United States is a “substantial undercount” of the actual number; "

Nothing Political to gain in that, huh.

Yale corona Trump - Bing
Will be that since 0.01% of all inoculations have a bad reaction then (for our own safety, health and well being and the health of others) NO ONE gets the vaccine and we just further flush our freedoms and lives down the drain.
Covid is for utter math and stats retards.
It’s after November 3rd. Nobody is talking about COVID, it’s all gone... remember??

The “worries about adverse reactions” gaining steam. This will math tard get us locked down more as one out of every 10,000 has a bad reaction
Headlines are not “vaccine is here” but rather the predictable, over emotive, over reaction. ANYTHING to keep the ineffective hoax lockdown rolling along
If lockdowns aren’t working then double them-that’s called insane zealotism
0.1% of All Americans get really sick from Covid so the 99.9% can’t go anywhere
0.1% of the 99.9% have an adverse reaction to the 100% effective inoculation sooooo NO ONE can be vaccinated.
Lockdown Lib 101
Libbies no longer want world peace even though Trump has achieved in the Middle East what no one has done before
Libbies are solely focused on world lockdown.
Libbies never want a solution and always seek perpetuation of any negative issue
So instead of ringing the bells of Vaccine Is Here they have fixated on the 0.01% of people who have a tummy upset from it.

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