Next Question for those Concerned about "Athropogenic Global Warming:" What can we do about it?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
Making the assumption that the Earth is warming at a faster rate than "normal" warming due to human industry, and also the assumption that this increased rate of warming will bring harm to humans and other life on Earth,* what can we do about it?

Please be very specific. Don't just say "reduce carbon emissions!"

Name who must reduce emissions and how they will be influenced to do so. Which industries must stop producing carbon, or produce less carbon? Just as important, which countries must stop producing or produce less carbon?

What must individuals be required to do, and how will they be required. Fines? Prison? Confiscation of offending carbon producing items, like outdoor grills and gas home heaters? What will companies be required to do? Will they be provided subsidies if the requirements turn out to be bankrupting?

Again, specifics. "Everybody should do what the can" is not an answer. Be prepared for follow-up questions, as are common on a message board.

Thanks in advance.

*That part is very, very hypothetical, since no one on this forum was willing to answer questions about it.
To what end?....Where's your evidence that's going to have any results at all?

To the end that if you reduce them, the system itself will clear out the excess.

You see, nature already has ways of cleaning out CO2, through rainfall and plant photosynthesis. The problem is we are putting far more into the air than can be absorbed, and things like deforestation are reducing the world's ability to reduce what is already there.
They already have a plan.

Here is what it is.

There is currently an immigration bill. In that bill is a provision, that every employer must move to an electronic data base, and every immigrant coming in, must be biometricly tagged, eventually, they will have everyone, biometrically tagged.

In may, the W.H.O. will have a pandemic treaty/agreement, I don't know the exact language they are using, but they are making it some sort of compact, to avoid the necessity of having it get approval by the Senate. This will be piggy backed onto any Congressional Legislation making all employment history digital.

Once all health data is digitalized, (as it was with the ACA,) and now controlled by a global authority, and then integrated with your work data, which will now be digitalized, they are also working on digitalizing the entire monetary system (CBDCs). . they are over half-way done now with that.

After that? They will put a carbon calculation on everything that you do. Everyone will have an energy budget. They call it a "Personal carbon allowance."

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

How personal carbon allowances can help normal people fight climate change​

The timing might finally be right for this carbon-reduction strategy.

Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1673 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 11/12/2021
This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psyop the public into desiring the great food transformation; and the government weeds out the non-bootlickers in the intelligence agencies with their vaccine mandate.

Story #1: UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System

Story #2: Carbon Foodprints? The Ruling Class' Plan To Change What You Eat

Story #3: Thousands of Intel Officers Refusing Vaccine Risk Dismissal
Making the assumption that the Earth is warming at a faster rate than "normal" warming due to human industry
and also the assumption that this increased rate of warming will bring harm to humans and other life on Earth,*
what can we do about it?
Please be very specific.
Don't just say "reduce carbon emissions!"
Name who must reduce emissions
and how they will be influenced to do so.
Which industries must stop producing carbon, or produce less carbon?
Just as important, which countries must stop producing or produce less carbon?
What must individuals be required to do, and how will they be required.
Fines? Prison? Confiscation of offending carbon producing items, like outdoor grills and gas home heaters?
What will companies be required to do?
Will they be provided subsidies if the requirements turn out to be bankrupting?
Again, specifics.
"Everybody should do what the can" is not an answer.
Be prepared for follow-up questions
,as are common on a message board.
Thanks in advance.
You are VERY welcome
*That part is very, very hypothetical, since no one on this forum was willing to answer [Seymour Flop's] questions about it.
To the end that if you reduce them, the system itself will clear out the excess.

You see, nature already has ways of cleaning out CO2, through rainfall and plant photosynthesis. The problem is we are putting far more into the air than can be absorbed, and things like deforestation are reducing the world's ability to reduce what is already there.
You can't even define what "excess" is.

BTW, Murica's CO2 emissions have been declining for at least a decade.
To the end that if you reduce them, the system itself will clear out the excess.

You see, nature already has ways of cleaning out CO2, through rainfall and plant photosynthesis. The problem is we are putting far more into the air than can be absorbed, and things like deforestation are reducing the world's ability to reduce what is already there.

How does nature know which is the natural CO2, and which is the man-made Co2, and why can't it handle the difference?

Is it conscious? Does it have a fever?
You can't even define what "excess" is.

BTW, Murica's CO2 emissions have been declining for at least a decade.
Not by enough. We are 4% of the world's population but are responsible for 14% of the world's emissions.
How does nature know which is the natural CO2, and which is the man-made Co2, and why can't it handle the difference?

Is it conscious? Does it have a fever?
Wow, did you not understand the concept. Besides your bullshit chart, the fact is, that plants and rainfall remove CO2, but only a certain amount. If you go above that amount, the world gets hotter. If you clear cut the rainforests, the world gets hotter.

You know, for someone who sees conspiracies behind every tree, you can't see what's right in front of you.
They already have a plan.

Here is what it is.

There is currently an immigration bill. In that bill is a provision, that every employer must move to an electronic data base, and every immigrant coming in, must be biometricly tagged, eventually, they will have everyone, biometrically tagged.

In may, the W.H.O. will have a pandemic treaty/agreement, I don't know the exact language they are using, but they are making it some sort of compact, to avoid the necessity of having it get approval by the Senate. This will be piggy backed onto any Congressional Legislation making all employment history digital.

Once all health data is digitalized, (as it was with the ACA,) and now controlled by a global authority, and then integrated with your work data, which will now be digitalized, they are also working on digitalizing the entire monetary system (CBDCs). . they are over half-way done now with that.

After that? They will put a carbon calculation on everything that you do. Everyone will have an energy budget. They call it a "Personal carbon allowance."

Personal carbon allowances revisited​

How personal carbon allowances can help normal people fight climate change​

The timing might finally be right for this carbon-reduction strategy.

Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero - #NewWorldNextWeek​

Interview 1673 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Corbett • 11/12/2021
This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psyop the public into desiring the great food transformation; and the government weeds out the non-bootlickers in the intelligence agencies with their vaccine mandate.

Story #1: UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System

Story #2: Carbon Foodprints? The Ruling Class' Plan To Change What You Eat

Story #3: Thousands of Intel Officers Refusing Vaccine Risk Dismissal

No offense, but is USMB aware of what a tech-paranoid whack job you actually are?
Not by enough. We are 4% of the world's population but are responsible for 14% of the world's emissions.
It's never enough for authoritarian do-gooders like you....That's the entire point.

Meanwhile, you can't even quantify what "excess" CO2 is.

















You are VERY welcome
That is actually one of your more intelligent and lucid posts. One could be cynical and say wow if that’s the best you can do… But as a special educator, I’d like to see growth.

By the way, it is very much against for rules to change or edit what’s inside of a quote box. But use your own discretion…
Not by enough. We are 4% of the world's population but are responsible for 14% of the world's emissions.

Wow, did you not understand the concept. Besides your bullshit chart, the fact is, that plants and rainfall remove CO2, but only a certain amount. If you go above that amount, the world gets hotter. If you clear cut the rainforests, the world gets hotter.

You know, for someone who sees conspiracies behind every tree, you can't see what's right in front of you.
IPCC I Protect Communist China

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