Next Speaker of House: Donald Trump!

I've heard speculation from our side of such a possibility. Probably not likely, but I would sure love to see it.

If Trump was serious about trying to make it happen, then he probably ought to be campaigning for a seat in the House, by now. Strictly speaking, I don't think that there is actually any rule that requires the Speaker of the House to actually be a member of Congress, but it seems highly unlikely that they will ever elect anyone to that position who isn't one.

On the other hand, perhaps it would make the whole thing even more powerfully significant, if, after Republicans take a solid majority in both houses, if they then elected Trump as the Speaker even though he wasn't, at the time, a member of Congress, and then proceeded to impeach Biden and The Whore, putting Trump in as President.

And if the whole thing takes effect after 20 January 2023, more than halfway through the Biden Regime, then Trump would still be eligible to run again for President in 2024.
The majority of GOP house members secretly hate Trump's fucking guts, even though they won't say so publicly, so what makes you think they'd make him SOTH?

You Trump asseaters can jizz all over yourselves fantasizing about it all you want to. Have fun with your wet dream.

Trump is a lazy fat fuck who won't show up half the time to preside anway.
This thread is so sad that it is actually hilarious. Amazing that so many think that there is possibility here.

Continue posting, Trumpers! I need the laughs.
maybe you didn’t actually read the OP, and the link… but the thread is about dems generating campaign fear that it’s a real possibility…
The Democrats are ginning up fear by claiming that if Republicans take the House (spoiler: they will), then the next Speaker of the House will be... Donald Trump.

Presiding. Over the Impeachment.

Of Joe Biden.

Now that is hot. That is hot.

Trump says he doesn't want to be Speaker.

Oh yeah?

Well, there's one quick way to be president.

Get installed as Speaker of the House, and then impeach the Biden and Harris.

Who is next in the line of succession?

That's right, the Speaker of the House.

View attachment 583258

The best way to guarantee that Rump won't serve again is to convict him of a crime...
The best way to guarantee that Rump won't serve again is to convict him of a crime...
You have to find one first, moron. Your imagination with no evidence doesn't work--not even when Piglosi, Schiff, Nadler et al try to manufacture it. It would be conducive to democrat survival to start investigations of their own swamp and holding them accountable. That is the only way that the democrat party will ever regain credibility and that isn't a given. Cuomo ain't high enough on the totem either.
The terror that he is feeling because of this thread is clearly evident in his post. Priceless.
There are a few of Trump's asseaters in the House who would love to see that ignorant fat fuck cracking the whip on them as SOTH but the majority wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Too bad they don't have the spine to publicly kick Trump under the bus like he'd do to them in a heartbeat.
I'd cherish the moment when Nancy Pelosi hands Trump the Speaker's gavel....priceless.

Then when Trump files Articles of Impeachment on Xiden for his lawless regime.
That would be hysterical.

As would all those Democrap politicians and all the USMB Liberal hacks.
The majority of GOP house members secretly hate Trump's fucking guts, even though they won't say so publicly, so what makes you think they'd make him SOTH?

You Trump asseaters can jizz all over yourselves fantasizing about it all you want to. Have fun with your wet dream.

Trump is a lazy fat fuck who won't show up half the time to preside anway.

Why would anyone consider you, rather obviously representative of the very worst extremes of the Democrapic ideology, to have any credibility whatsoever with regard to presuming to speak to what Republicans think?
The terror that he is feeling because of this thread is clearly evident in his post. Priceless.
There are a few of Trump's asseaters in the House who would love to see that ignorant fat fuck cracking the whip on them as SOTH but the majority wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Too bad they don't have the spine to kick Trump under the bus like he'd do to them in a heartbeat.
There are a few of Trump's asseaters in the House who would love to see that ignorant fat fuck cracking the whip on them as SOTH but the majority wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Too bad they don't have the spine to kick Trump under the bus like he'd do to them in a heartbeat.
Constantly repeating oneself is a sign of mental infirmity.
I have a brain, which you lack. And I'm not in your fucking cult, that's why.
There are a few of Trump's asseaters in the House who would love to see that ignorant fat fuck cracking the whip on them as SOTH but the majority wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Too bad they don't have the spine to publicly kick Trump under the bus like he'd do to them in a heartbeat.
Ex RINO Cheney is history, moron.
There are a few of Trump's asseaters in the House who would love to see that ignorant fat fuck cracking the whip on them as SOTH but the majority wouldn't piss on Trump if he was on fire.

Too bad they don't have the spine to publicly kick Trump under the bus like he'd do to them in a heartbeat.
If you are an anti American globalist swamp critter you deserve to be thrown under the bus. Ask Cheney.

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