Next Sunday Will Mark One Year Until Our Final Battle

No, I don't advocate anything for Americans.

If I were one of you I would only advocate the upholding of your Constitution and your democracy. (or republic, whatever)
Does that mean taking back a stolen election to you?
All avenues of legal means need to be exhausted before resorting to violence.
Most of the time I don't bother with you RWNJ's screen names.
Is that the best feeble excuse you are going to try to hide behind? Or just an admission of how shallow your thinking really is in the exploration of any discussion?

You all share a brain anyway so what's the point?
Do you think we pass it around, or send it in a USPS mailer?
Who's brain is really in doubt here? ☝️ :th_waiting:
Is that the best feeble excuse you are going to try to hide behind? Or just an admission of how shallow your thinking really is in the exploration of any discussion?
It's not an excuse, kid. Most of you genuinely aren't different enough to bother with trying to remember you separately.

Do you think we pass it around, or send it in a USPS mailer?
I suspect you guys get 5 or 6 dozen working brain cells each. Just enough to type "fag" and "your stupid" (yes, I misspelled that on purpose) but not enough for any original thought. Can't have you straying from the party line.
It's not an excuse, kid. Most of you genuinely aren't different enough to bother with trying to remember you separately.
So basically, your complaint is that we all share a similar love for the traditions and values of good, moral, American people. And like Joe Biden, you lump people together and confuse them and topics and discussions because you have so little respect for others unless you work hard to assign some difference to them you can remember, otherwise, all words, ideas and people are just a blur to you. Gee, I bet you're quite the conversationalist in person.

I suspect you guys get 5 or 6 dozen working brain cells each.
Another erudite observation and calculation of yours?

Just enough to type "fag" and "your stupid"
Hey, when dealing with idiots who cannot keep people and discussions apart, it is best to try to keep the comments colloquial and street-friendly-informal so as to not go too far over your head.
I'm talking to whoever's post it was that I quoted.
Perhaps it was just the voices in your head.

If that wasn't yours feel free to not take it personally and move on.
I only take stuff personal from people whose opinions I actually care about.
And perhaps I already have moved on, but you are still replying to the wrong person on the wrong day in the wrong thread?

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