Next time we might have to kill him

...Trump is just playing to the white trash, worried the darkies are overtaking them, which they are. Old and white and the majority, soon a thing of the past. They are welcome to their last grasp at power...

Blacks constitute 12% of the population of the United States, according to the 2010 US Census.

Hardly an overpowering threat.

Hispanics now constitute 16% of the population of the United States, according to that same source.

People who are much more European and White in their appearance and outlook than Black Folk.

People who have now surpassed Blacks as the dominant Minority population.

Whites haven't been surpassed.

BLACKS have already (and recently) been surpassed.

It now seems time for America to put Black concerns on the back burner and to pay more attention to Hispanic concerns.

After all, Blacks have had the lead on this for 150 years, and really haven't done much with it.

Time to give the Hispanics a turn at the Dominant Minority Wheel.

It's a good bet that the dominant White Folk majority will ultimately find it MUCH easier to work with HIspanics than they do Blacks.

Interesting times.
they won't be happy until someone is Killed. Vote out these thugs from our lives that the Democrat party stands in solidarity with. their motto is: Freedom of speech for them but screw the rest of you in this country


Jim Hoft Mar 10th, 2016 6:55 pm 140 Comments


The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.

From their Facebook page:

The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.

UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**

If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.

The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.

There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.

78 protesters have signed up to participate.
Sounds like more people than at American Spring......
Time to break out the water cannons and tear gas and dogs and horses...
...Trump is just playing to the white trash, worried the darkies are overtaking them, which they are. Old and white and the majority, soon a thing of the past. They are welcome to their last grasp at power...

Blacks constitute 12% of the population of the United States, according to the 2010 US Census.

Hardly an overpowering threat.

Hispanics now constitute 16% of the population of the United States, according to that same source.

People who are much more European and White in their appearance and outlook than Black Folk.

People who have now surpassed Blacks as the dominant Minority population.

Whites haven't been surpassed.

BLACKS have already (and recently) been surpassed.

It now seems time for America to put Black concerns on the back burner and to pay more attention to Hispanic concerns.

After all, Blacks have had the lead on this for 150 years, and really haven't done much with it.

Time to give the Hispanics a turn at the Dominant Minority Wheel.

It's a good bet that the dominant White Folk majority will ultimately find it MUCH easier to work with HIspanics than they do Blacks.

Interesting times.
If ten words will suffice, don't use 20.
Yes cause exercising your first amendment rights is justification for being assaulted

Exercising your rights does not free you from consequences, just as punching someone in front of witnesses means charges. It is just a matter of whether you feel it is worth it in either case. I am guessing both parties feel it was.

This is the United States of America. People should be allowed to speak without worrying about being attacked by someone who disagrees

You mean like when liberal college professors attack and ask for help attacking people? From a position of authority no less.
...Trump is just playing to the white trash, worried the darkies are overtaking them, which they are. Old and white and the majority, soon a thing of the past. They are welcome to their last grasp at power...

Blacks constitute 12% of the population of the United States, according to the 2010 US Census.

Hardly an overpowering threat.

Hispanics now constitute 16% of the population of the United States, according to that same source.

People who are much more European and White in their appearance and outlook than Black Folk.

People who have now surpassed Blacks as the dominant Minority population.

Whites haven't been surpassed.

BLACKS have already (and recently) been surpassed.

It now seems time for America to put Black concerns on the back burner and to pay more attention to Hispanic concerns.

After all, Blacks have had the lead on this for 150 years, and really haven't done much with it.

Time to give the Hispanics a turn at the Dominant Minority Wheel.

It's a good bet that the dominant White Folk majority will ultimately find it MUCH easier to work with HIspanics than they do Blacks.

Interesting times.
If ten words will suffice, don't use 20.

A graph of python numbers in Florida looks a lot worse.
...Trump is just playing to the white trash, worried the darkies are overtaking them, which they are. Old and white and the majority, soon a thing of the past. They are welcome to their last grasp at power...

Blacks constitute 12% of the population of the United States, according to the 2010 US Census.

Hardly an overpowering threat.

Hispanics now constitute 16% of the population of the United States, according to that same source.

People who are much more European and White in their appearance and outlook than Black Folk.

People who have now surpassed Blacks as the dominant Minority population.

Whites haven't been surpassed.

BLACKS have already (and recently) been surpassed.

It now seems time for America to put Black concerns on the back burner and to pay more attention to Hispanic concerns.

After all, Blacks have had the lead on this for 150 years, and really haven't done much with it.

Time to give the Hispanics a turn at the Dominant Minority Wheel.

It's a good bet that the dominant White Folk majority will ultimately find it MUCH easier to work with HIspanics than they do Blacks.

Interesting times.
If ten words will suffice, don't use 20.

A graph of python numbers in Florida looks a lot worse.
Nature always wins in the end.
Don't want to get your head thumped?

Don't show up at an opposition political rally and try to disrupt it, and to call out the key speaker.

Otherwise, Mother Nature is likely to de-select you.


What a stupid, un-American comment. You inspire visions of a despicable 1960's Montgomery low-life cracker telling a Black woman to "ride the back of the bus or else get your head busted". No regard for the agreements we have to make amongst ourselves to form and maintain civil societies. The very first Americans agreed that in their new and revolutionary nation everyone had the right to protest anything at any time in any place without the fear of violent reprisal such protest in any other nation on Earth might bring.
Your reference to Nature "red in tooth and claw" should have been a warning there might be a conclusion such attitudes spring from an intellect just a little less evolved, a little less human. Duh.
I am no fan of silly protestors that put themselves in harms way. In my opinion they are merely seeking their five minutes of fame. However, with the attention that this is getting Mr. trump should obviously be going further than merely denouncing this behavior. In this particular case he should be calling for the punchers head. I will NEVER vote for Trump. That is out of the question. The way he behaves is disgraceful and like Obamas followers, his followers are blind followers. #NEVERTRUMP. Will Mr. Trump get his flock in line...doubtful.
Yes cause exercising your first amendment rights is justification for being assaulted

how old are you?

just askin, cause........

Protests at Democratic National Convention in Chicago - Aug 28, 1968 -

you seem to be blaming the republicans :up:

Good of you to recall that.....
And this, Bernardine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers and close friend and ally of Barack Obama....

  1. At other rallies, Dohrn said, "Bring the revolution home, kill your parents -- that's where it's at."

    After a Chicago Democratic official, Richard Elrod, became paralyzed while fighting with a privileged looter during the Weathermen's "Days of Rage," Dohrn led the Weathermen in a song sung to the tune of Bob Dylan's "Lay Lady Lay":

    Lay, Elrod, lay,
    Lay in the street for a while
    Stay, Elrod, stay
    Stay in your bed for a while
    You thought you could stop the Weatherman
    But up-front people put you on your can,
    Stay, Elrod, stay
    Stay in your iron lung,
    Play, Elrod, play
    Play with your toes for a while.
Coulter, “Demonic,” p. 162-163.
Trump Supporter Who Punched Protester Shocks With Comments: ‘Next Time, We Might Have to Kill Him’

Trump supporter punches a protester. Says that they might need to kill him next time.

Why the heck at alarm bells going off here?! Trump has been encouraging this behavior.

But there is no valid Comparison to brownshirts? Wake up people!

Can you tell us how Trump has encouraged such a response?

Any more so then the rabid vicious left wing agenda against Trump might encourage this behavior.
I see the thread has progressed from massive rationalization of brutality to massive infusion of red herring deflections.

That oughta work about as well as it worked last week with the David Dukey Amnesia thingy.. :popcorn:

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