Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Since labor is about 20% of costs, prices would go up 20% if minimum wage was doubled to $15. Of course you have no idea what you're talking about super duper...change the channel, you are brainwashed out of your tiny mind.
Says the super dupe who was brainwashed into a failed ideology. Case in point, there is barely a business in the world that operates with labor costs at or below 20%. Labor is by far and away the single biggest cost to business.
As any company leader knows, the biggest cost of doing business is often labor. Labor costs, which can account for as much as 70% of total business costs, include employee wages, benefits, payroll or other related taxes.
I have proven in this thread, over and over again, that you were brainwashed into a bullshit ideology. Game over.

Labor Costs are the Biggest Cost of Business
we wouldn't have a problem if the GOP would stop blocking a national ID card like every smart country has with this problem.
So you don't want voter ID cards but you do want "national ID cards"? Uh? WTF? And how would that help anyway?!? You think Mexicans would stop coming over the border because they fear a credit card-sized piece of national identification? WTF?!?

You're about as bright as a black hole.
Every other modern country with illegal immigrationproblems ends the problem with a national ID card and solid enforcement. You morons on the right can use it for your illegal voter problem that doesn't exist in reality. For new voters only.
You still haven’t answered the question. How (and why) would that stop people from coming over the border?

I’m 100% open to suggestion. You just have to explain how it will help.
raise the minimum wage; who are you going to hire at fifteen an hour.
Since labor is about 20% of costs, prices would go up 20% if minimum wage was doubled to $15. Of course you have no idea what you're talking about super duper...change the channel, you are brainwashed out of your tiny mind.
Says the super dupe who was brainwashed into a failed ideology. Case in point, there is barely a business in the world that operates with labor costs at or below 20%. Labor is by far and away the single biggest cost to business.
As any company leader knows, the biggest cost of doing business is often labor. Labor costs, which can account for as much as 70% of total business costs, include employee wages, benefits, payroll or other related taxes.
I have proven in this thread, over and over again, that you were brainwashed into a bullshit ideology. Game over.

Labor Costs are the Biggest Cost of Business
not all labor costs are minimum wage. only the right wing like to appeal to the (overly) Dramatic.
Next time you hear some jack-ass supporting socialism, make sure they hear from someone who suffered under socialism first-hand...
Individual freedom can only exist in the context of free-market capitalism. Personal freedom thrives in capitalism, declines in government-regulated economies, and vanishes in communism. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation for individual freedom and capitalism.
All of America should not have to suffer because you parasites want to mooch off of others so you don’t have to work to support yourselves.

I Grew Up in a Communist System. Here’s What Americans Don’t Understand About Freedom
we wouldn't have a problem if the GOP would stop blocking a national ID card like every smart country has with this problem.
So you don't want voter ID cards but you do want "national ID cards"? Uh? WTF? And how would that help anyway?!? You think Mexicans would stop coming over the border because they fear a credit card-sized piece of national identification? WTF?!?

You're about as bright as a black hole.
Every other modern country with illegal immigrationproblems ends the problem with a national ID card and solid enforcement. You morons on the right can use it for your illegal voter problem that doesn't exist in reality. For new voters only.
You still haven’t answered the question. How (and why) would that stop people from coming over the border?

I’m 100% open to suggestion. You just have to explain how it will help.
with good enforcement they won't be able to get jobs, the only reason they come here.
Next time you hear some jack-ass supporting socialism, make sure they hear from someone who suffered under socialism first-hand...
Individual freedom can only exist in the context of free-market capitalism. Personal freedom thrives in capitalism, declines in government-regulated economies, and vanishes in communism. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation for individual freedom and capitalism.
All of America should not have to suffer because you parasites want to mooch off of others so you don’t have to work to support yourselves.

I Grew Up in a Communist System. Here’s What Americans Don’t Understand About Freedom
Franco in my name is from Francophile, the French believe that socialism is what they have. They have a Socialist Party and a now moribund Communist party and that's the way it is in lots of countries. I want to be like every other developed country with much Less inequality and better upward Mobility. Great vacations and infrastructure, Healthcare daycare cheap college in training. The point is to tax the rich more than the rest anyway and invest in America and Americans. Meanwhile Republican voters spend all their time with phony scandals and misunderstanding what socialism means.
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?
Since labor is about 20% of costs, prices would go up 20% if minimum wage was doubled to $15. Of course you have no idea what you're talking about super duper...change the channel, you are brainwashed out of your tiny mind.
Says the super dupe who was brainwashed into a failed ideology. Case in point, there is barely a business in the world that operates with labor costs at or below 20%. Labor is by far and away the single biggest cost to business.
As any company leader knows, the biggest cost of doing business is often labor. Labor costs, which can account for as much as 70% of total business costs, include employee wages, benefits, payroll or other related taxes.
I have proven in this thread, over and over again, that you were brainwashed into a bullshit ideology. Game over.

Labor Costs are the Biggest Cost of Business
The hell you say LOL
Retail businesses generally have higher labor costs, usually at least 10 percent and ranging up to 15 to 20 percent. Service-based businesses where payroll is the primary cost involved in producing the product can have labor costs as high as 50 percent without destroying profitability.Jun 29, 2018
How Much of Gross Revenue Should Go to Payroll? |

At any rate, I prefer a civilized country where everyone is at least satisfied. See health care Day Careliving wage cheap college good opportunity great infrastructure great vacations like every other developed country, dupe of the greedy idiot rich.
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

The best scare word would have to be the Democrat's repeated attempts to persuade people by calling them stupid. One of these days, it's bound to work!
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

The best scare word would have to be the Democrat's repeated attempts to persuade people by calling them stupid. One of these days, it's bound to work!
just because you believe a pile of misinformation and phony scandals doesn't mean you are stupid. The GOP propaganda machine is brilliant at it.
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

I know EXACTLY what it is:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

I am not a conservative or a liberal but I am 100% against it as an economic system.
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism....

I wonder why there might be a negative connotation attached to the word?
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism....

I wonder why there might be a negative connotation attached to the word?

regent - what are Democrats aiming for with this strategy? If you're saying that, very few Americans understand the term "socialism", and if the understanding they do have is nothing at all like Democrats advocate, why use the word? Why embrace candidates and organizations who call themselves socialist?
Next time you hear some jack-ass supporting socialism, make sure they hear from someone who suffered under socialism first-hand...
Individual freedom can only exist in the context of free-market capitalism. Personal freedom thrives in capitalism, declines in government-regulated economies, and vanishes in communism. Aside from better economic and legislative policies, what America needs is a more intense appreciation for individual freedom and capitalism.
All of America should not have to suffer because you parasites want to mooch off of others so you don’t have to work to support yourselves.

I Grew Up in a Communist System. Here’s What Americans Don’t Understand About Freedom
the right wing has nothing but socialism on a national basis.
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

I know EXACTLY what it is:


mass noun
  • 1A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.'
socialism | Definition of socialism in English by Oxford Dictionaries

I am not a conservative or a liberal but I am 100% against it as an economic system.
so, we have partial socialism and the right wing loves to whine about degrees of socialism?
Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives. Since few Americans have any real grasp of socialism except they have been told it leads to communism so a better scare word may not exist at this time. Is liberalism, still a good one? I wonder which was the best scare word in history?

Socialism has been a perfect scare word of the conservatives.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR),
National Socialism (German: Nationalsozialismus), more commonly known as Nazism....

I wonder why there might be a negative connotation attached to the word?
we were on the opposing view.
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