Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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lousy management does that not Socialism.
Well Dumbocrats lead the world in “lousy management” so you just proved that the U.S. cannot survive socialism.
only the right wing creates drama over degrees of socialism.
Only the ignorant left-wing thinks discusses “degrees” of socialism. It’s like talking about “degrees” of rape.
Government is socialism. Eminent Domain is in our Constitution.
So when the government subsidizes coal plants that can't make a profit...

Is that socialism?

To Republicans, Trump University was a PERFECT example of capitalism.

Republicans see Trump University as a fantastic business model.

What Trump did was inflate his supposed wealth to get loans to buy stuff and he understated his wealth to pay less taxes.

Another example of the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans see a good business model and capitalism.

Democrats see felonies.

See the difference?

What Trump did was inflate his supposed wealth to get loans to buy stuff and he understated his wealth to pay less taxes.

Another example of the difference between Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans see a good business model and capitalism.

Democrats see felonies.

See the difference?

he understated his wealth to pay less taxes.

Hey, fucktard, we don't have a wealth tax.
What Trump did was inflate his supposed wealth to get loans to buy stuff and he understated his wealth to pay less taxes.
False statements on loan applications is a crime, yes. Do you have any evidence of that?

The IRS has audited Trump every single year for at least the last 15 years. You would think they would have found something by now.

I am neither Democrat nor Republican. When I see these partisan blanket statements you throw at each other over complete nonsense, I realize that for America to survive, we need to be rid of you both.

So when the government subsidizes coal plants that can't make a profit... Is that socialism?
Absolutely. Just like it's socialism when they spend trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars since the 1970's on the failed idea known as "green energy".

If you had given me trillions of dollars and 50 years, there is literally nothing I wouldn't have achieved. Nothing. Not because I'm special. But because with that much money you could hire the brightest minds the world has ever seen, and with that much time, those minds could have made it come to fruition.

Green energy is a failed concept. It won't be viable until the convergence of AI and quantum computing ushers in the era of the singularity. Only then will we have the computing power and technology to produce renewable energy.
Absolutely. Just like it's socialism when they spend trillions (yes, trillions) of dollars since the 1970's on the failed idea known as "green energy".

If you had given me trillions of dollars and 50 years, there is literally nothing I wouldn't have achieved. Nothing. Not because I'm special. But because with that much money you could hire the brightest minds the world has ever seen, and with that much time, those minds could have made it come to fruition.

Green energy is a failed concept. It won't be viable until the convergence of AI and quantum computing ushers in the era of the singularity. Only then will we have the computing power and technology to produce renewable energy.
So you admit that the fossil fuel industry is fed by socialism. That's a start.

As far as Green energy being a failure. You don't have a clue. The Green "concept" is a money saver and a job creator. Just relamping a skyscraper for instance. A multimillion dollar project that pays for itself in one year. Updating the HVAC system to a "green concept" coasts more but pays for ITSELF in 3-5 years.

So what happens after it pays for itself? That's saves money. Millions...and a lot of jobs went into those projects

And AI can only make the whole "green" concept work BETTER. Know why? Because AI isn't going to pay attention to political morons like you
To Republicans, Trump University was a PERFECT example of capitalism. Republicans see Trump University as a fantastic business model.
And rational people see you as a hyperbolic nitwit who is terrified of having to provide for yourself and accept personal responsibility for yourself.
So you admit that the fossil fuel industry is fed by socialism. That's a start.

Yep. And what it suggests is that we should stop doing that. Part of the reason "green" alternatives aren't being adopted is because of all governmental support of existing energy producers. If we cut that support, and let the market run its course, we'll find out what "we the people" really want.
Yep. And what it suggests is that we should stop doing that. Part of the reason "green" alternatives aren't being adopted is because of all governmental support of existing energy producers. If we cut that support, and let the market run its course, we'll find out what "we the people" really want.

NIce that you think we should stop that socialist assistance to the fossil fuel industry. Oddly no one is actually proposing that other than you

They (and you) however ARE calling everything and anything "Socialist" EXCEPT the government assistance TO those fossil fuel industries
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