Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for not being ignorant/uneducated/uninformed about the horrors of socialism like Angelo. Absolutely nothing has done more to advance the human condition than free markets
The Berlin Wall offered us a natural experiment—one that showed which political system best enables people to thrive and flourish. East and West Berlin gave us a tale of two cities, made up of similar people with a shared history and culture who, once divided by the wall, led quite dissimilar lives.
Socialism ensures poverty and misery for all but the ruling class. Capitalism ensures unlimited prosperity for all who chose to pursue it.

What Bananas Tell Us About Socialism and the Fall of the Berlin Wall

Hunger games that should give these dumb asses the perfect vision oh wait so can Venezuela but that's all a conspiracy ! OMFG lmfao. Can you believe this dumbed down bs.
wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with,

You guys like to blur the line between socialism and communism, but then you always leave out the x factors of economic bullying and military interventions.( Middle East, SE Asia, Central and S. America....Africa....) If you want to make a fair comparison China has 0 poverty right now and where are we -- about 40% or higher ? This is a complete reversal in less than 70 years.
Tell that to the authors of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic. The socialists (bolsheviks) of 1917 started off killing just the Czar, the Czarina, and all their children including the newborn infant. Their relatives took umbrage at the socialists, so the socialists killed all of them too by hunting them down. Between that time and when Stalin passed, the socialists had killed twenty to one hundred million people, most of whom were starved to death in the Ukraine by KGB agents raiding their farms for evidence of food and removing it quite effectively. Their crime? They criticized a few officials Stalin liked, so he went after all the Ukranians to teach them a lesson.

Most of them were killed in the time of and just following World War II, when Stalin figured nobody was looking. I'm pretty sure Franklin Roosevelt knew. He could barely tolerate being anywhere near him, and General Ike Eisenhower, future American president despised him.

Socialists, like Antifa, do not care for the opposition, and they do all in their power that they can to discourage them at first, and when that doesn't work, the only thing that does work is murder, so they kill. Everybody who even knows ya.

I'm not in the slightest bit curious how the socialists of America will work out. I'm hoping you knew that Nancy Pelosi and many of her co-collaborators in Congress were card-carrying Communists before they became 'socialists.' When I lived in Oregon, I had the misery of hearing a piano repairman in my home who came to fix my spinet, tell me how in order to make America suitable, he kept and practiced shooting his gun collection regularly and was sure he would need them when Oregon seceded from the Union (where my family lived for five years at the time). I can barely stand having that spinet in my house to this day, but it was a gift from my parents when I was in high school, so I keep it in the parlor.

Trust me, Angelo. Socialists require police states in their haste to turn human beings into worker ants for the cause. And before the Wall fell in Berlin, the Russian people had the highest suicide rates and depression in the world. You will only have a moderate amount of freedom if you are in the upper echelons of socialist society where trust me, the only people who go far were cops and understand what measures have to be taken against anyone who dissents. Kind people like you are eventually humiliated and shunned by the pigs who run the system. When your friends and neighbors see you shunned, they will be afraid of you, thinking you might want to get back in with the killers at the top, or that they will be questioned. Questioning has no option for missing the appointment nor giving answers the questioners do not care for. IOW, your neighbors could be sent to the coldest outpost in Alaska's siberian-weather peninsula where you will have to learn to survive with others who didn't please the pigs who found fault or feared they would take their position if they let them hang around Moscow I mean, Washington DC.

Notice how Schiff has taken over the Impeachment Inquiry? It's the first time in American History a Congressional Committee has barred opposition party members from coming to meetings, and only selected Democrats attend the closed-door secrecy shit. It wreaks of communism, which is precisely what socialists become inseparable from due to the refusal to deal with people who don't just kiss your royal red butt. The money's good though if you're at the top, and you'll get the best housing expropriated from the dead families of opposition persons who died first. The socialist government expropriates without even search warrants first. And all the government needs is an accusation by anyone to act on taking everything you own and giving it to other people as a reward for their "cooperation" in helping them get rid of you and your family by making an accusation that brought someone a lovely home to live in, provided you were well-off. The state owns all. You have the clothes on your back, depending on your status in the state of socialism. With earning incentives removed under socialism, whether you get fresh foods or not depends on whether someone produces it. With no incentives production can be low to non-existent on things you used to get by merely going to the store with a list and picking out fresh foods you like the look of. Choosing will be all gone. Prices may be dear on items that were cheap under competitive circumstances.

Socialism can exist only where people are willing to be cruel to a lot of other people to get government benefits that no one else gets. Got a gripe with the absence of fresh groceries? Get used to the idea of living near Prudhoe Bay's north slope.


Average Weather in January in Prudhoe Bay Alaska, United States Daily high temperatures decrease by 3°F , from -5°F to -8°F , rarely falling below -28°F or exceeding 14°F . Daily low temperatures decrease by 4°F , from -17°F to -20°F , rarely falling below -39°F or exceeding 1°F .​

This says it all. Fascists (such as Angelo) cannot tolerate freedom. They want total control.

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I wonder how free we humans are on this planet? It almost seems as if most humans do not wish to live free. J wonder how many of us could live free from others?

Government does not generate, produce, earnings.

Who is to support those humans who 'do not wish to live free'.....meaning, live for free....."unwilling to work."

Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies over the last 40 years put us where we are now.
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Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.
Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.

Trump is the swamp. He's enabling the pollution America's waters and this is damage that can't be undone. Not sure how this makes America great again

Debunking the Trump Administration’s New Water Rule - Center for American Progress
Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.

Trump is the swamp. He's enabling the pollution America's waters and this is damage that can't be undone. Not sure how this makes America great again

Debunking the Trump Administration’s New Water Rule - Center for American Progress
Nuh Uhn! The so-called "Clean Water Rule" gave the EPA the authority to regulate a puddle in your back yard. Only a Stalinist would support this nightmare.
Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.

Trump is the swamp. He's enabling the pollution America's waters and this is damage that can't be undone. Not sure how this makes America great again

Debunking the Trump Administration’s New Water Rule - Center for American Progress
Nuh Uhn! The so-called "Clean Water Rule" gave the EPA the authority to regulate a puddle in your back yard. Only a Stalinist would support this nightmare.
You can thank Bush and Cheney in 2005 for that.
The Halliburton Loophole - Earthworks
Socialism is a big scary word, being weaponized to deny Americans from having a true democracy that works for everyone.

I voted for Bernie in the 2016 primary, and Jill Stein in the election, but I'm a Trump supporter now. It still doesn't diminish from the fact that the policies that over the last 40 year's put us where we are now.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.

Trump is the swamp. He's enabling the pollution America's waters and this is damage that can't be undone. Not sure how this makes America great again

Debunking the Trump Administration’s New Water Rule - Center for American Progress
Nuh Uhn! The so-called "Clean Water Rule" gave the EPA the authority to regulate a puddle in your back yard. Only a Stalinist would support this nightmare.
You can thank Bush and Cheney in 2005 for that.
We're discussing the latest incarnation of it. Obama is responsible.
I'm glad you support President Trump. He's put a lot of people back to work, and minorities have benefitted by having good jobs by taking pride in their job that keeps them off welfare, which has also decreased. Trump has also acted in a way to keep war away, plus he got rid of the top two worst terrorists in the world up until they were eliminated and will not be stirring up war between their followers and us. I hope it stays that way, which is what President Trump plans.
And don't forget he's draining the swamp.

Trump is the swamp. He's enabling the pollution America's waters and this is damage that can't be undone. Not sure how this makes America great again

Debunking the Trump Administration’s New Water Rule - Center for American Progress
Nuh Uhn! The so-called "Clean Water Rule" gave the EPA the authority to regulate a puddle in your back yard. Only a Stalinist would support this nightmare.
You can thank Bush and Cheney in 2005 for that.
We're discussing the latest incarnation of it. Obama is responsible.
Never said I was giving Obama a pass.
His responses to the Fukushima disaster and the BP oil spill were were awful.
Can anyone know the number of different socialist organizations exist the USA or in the world today? Do they all lead to communism?
Can anyone know the number of different socialist organizations exist the USA or in the world today? Do they all lead to communism?

Considering that communism is basically Marx's idea of the ideal, end goal society, where scarcity is literally a thing of the past, so that there is no objection to someone essentially just reaching into the collective piggy bank to take whatever they need, no. None of these socialist organizations lead to communism. A post-scarcity society will never be achieved through legislation, only innovation pushes us toward that goal.
Can anyone know the number of different socialist organizations exist the USA or in the world today? Do they all lead to communism?
socialism requires social morals for free not capital morals for market friendly price, like Capitalism.
Can anyone know the number of different socialist organizations exist the USA or in the world today? Do they all lead to communism?

Considering that communism is basically Marx's idea of the ideal, end goal society, where scarcity is literally a thing of the past, so that there is no objection to someone essentially just reaching into the collective piggy bank to take whatever they need, no. None of these socialist organizations lead to communism. A post-scarcity society will never be achieved through legislation, only innovation pushes us toward that goal.
Only the Religious seem to be able to make communism work.
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