Next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...

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Government solves All problems for the "un-socialist", right wing.
Actually, government has yet to solve a single problem outside of their 18 enumerated powers. Not one. That's because they were not designed to do so.
yet, the right is trying to use Government to solve all problems.
Only in your weak and limited mind. :lmao:
i wish. you all only have fallacy, now.
So if a group of Americans help someone in the needy class, is that socialism?
Socialism is democracy.
It would be having a society governed and controlled by itself and it was working here until about the late 70's when the wealthy class made a decision that they wanted control, and we've been going down that road ever since.


Fascists. Good one.

Much more than being curious and wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with, I really enjoy listening to the lies from the devout capitalists who fear it so much.
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Fascists. Good one.

Much more than being curious and wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with, I really enjoy listening to the lies from the devout capitalists who fear it so much.

wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with,

Here’s the reply you’ll get : “that’s not socialism “. As much as Cons talk about the democrats socialism, none of them can you an example of it .
Military and cops are the ultimate in socialistic practice. CONVERSATION OVER
wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with,

You guys like to blur the line between socialism and communism, but then you always leave out the x factors of economic bullying and military interventions.( Middle East, SE Asia, Central and S. America....Africa....) If you want to make a fair comparison China has 0 poverty right now and where are we -- about 40% or higher ? This is a complete reversal in less than 70 years.
wanting to see if socialism would be successful if not interfered with,

You guys like to blur the line between socialism and communism, but then you always leave out the x factors of economic bullying and military interventions.( Middle East, SE Asia, Central and S. America....Africa....) If you want to make a fair comparison China has 0 poverty right now and where are we -- about 40% or higher ? This is a complete reversal in less than 70 years.

Maybe socialism all alone on a newly settled planet would work, eh?

If you want to make a fair comparison China has 0 poverty right now

Dude! I know it's now legal in several states, but smoking that much weed is still rough on your lungs.
The next time you hear someone criticizing socialism...congratulate them for not being ignorant/uneducated/uninformed about the horrors of socialism like Angelo. Absolutely nothing has done more to advance the human condition than free markets
The Berlin Wall offered us a natural experiment—one that showed which political system best enables people to thrive and flourish. East and West Berlin gave us a tale of two cities, made up of similar people with a shared history and culture who, once divided by the wall, led quite dissimilar lives.
Socialism ensures poverty and misery for all but the ruling class. Capitalism ensures unlimited prosperity for all who chose to pursue it.

What Bananas Tell Us About Socialism and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
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