Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
just about everyone in DC needs to step down....

Only term limits would do this.

Otherwise, just get used to it.

Winner twice. Wonder what Franny thinks? Man, to be a fly on the wall in house Franken!!!!!

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
I sure wish to Criminy that you people would provide a link! WHAT AL FRANKEN PICS?
Al Franken WAS one of my favorite Senators.

Yeah..mine too..but he's got to go..that damning...what a perv..he groped her while she was sleeping??

Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
I'm the biggest prude here according to some, but I don't see what he did as being in the same class as what Moore was accused of, or Weinstein. Those things were for personal sexual pleasure. Franken's behavior was more in the Trump class. He obviously thought the pic was funny, which it wasn't, but giving a woman a feel over a kevlar vest? C'mon, that's not sexual--that's disrespectful, rude and ticks all the boxes of a guy who is low class and tasteless. Predators don't take pictures.
So go ahead and kick him out if low class and tasteless is the bar. It doesn't matter his politics.
I was hoping the groping list of the legislators wasn't going to be made public, but I guess we're going to hear about all of them/
Justifying sexual assault, what a typical leftist.
Okay. I know a lot of people won't agree with me here. I'm not very good at explaining, but at least am I clear that it was STUPID WRONG AND INSULTING and Franken is a JERK.
Unfortunately, we have a President who BRAGGED on the air, to millions of listeners and viewers, that he busted into women's dressing rooms to try to catch them naked.

This was not a fantasy. This was not locker room talk. This was not a hypothetical.

He actually did this, as was confirmed by some of those women, including one who was underaged.

He bragged about his predatory behavior. In an on-air broadcast with a fellow pervert.

He also bragged about abusing his celebrity and molesting women in the most vulgar way possible.

The pseudocons didn't care, and still don't.

They have set the gold standard along with the creep they hired to run our country, hilariously claiming he will make America great again.
No president has ever done that. You know that makes you a liar right? A proven liar!
I don't think any president before Trump actually bragged about grabbing women like bowling balls.

He wasn't the president then, was he?

BTW, where does the bowling ball come in?

Is that the old joke about the difference in liberal women and a bowling ball?

You can only get three fingers in a bowling ball!
Go back to sleep Rock. The anesthesia for your leg doesn't appear to have worn off

Why would a leg get anesthesia? You are so confused.
Add Al Franken to the list of reasons, along with the Roy Moore situation, that we should repeal the 17th Amendment
Where are all the politicians, Republican and Democrat, that are calling for Moore to leave the race? Don't they want Franken to resign???
Franken will resign and Gloria Allred will defend Tweeden against her assaulter.


SNL will be all over this. :banana:

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
just about everyone in DC needs to step down....

Only term limits would do this.

Otherwise, just get used to it.

Winner twice. Wonder what Franny thinks? Man, to be a fly on the will in house Franken!!!!!
'Get used to' criminal activity.....

Democrats did....that's how the Clintons stayed 'in power' for so long and why the criminal who should have been driven out of the race ended up 'buying' the DNC and becoming the democrat's defended, protected Presidential Candidate.


even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
I sure wish to Criminy that you people would provide a link! WHAT AL FRANKEN PICS?
Al Franken WAS one of my favorite Senators.

Yeah..mine too..but he's got to go..that damning...what a perv..he groped her while she was sleeping??

Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
I'm the biggest prude here according to some, but I don't see what he did as being in the same class as what Moore was accused of, or Weinstein. Those things were for personal sexual pleasure. Franken's behavior was more in the Trump class. He obviously thought the pic was funny, which it wasn't, but giving a woman a feel over a kevlar vest? C'mon, that's not sexual--that's disrespectful, rude and ticks all the boxes of a guy who is low class and tasteless. Predators don't take pictures.
So go ahead and kick him out if low class and tasteless is the bar. It doesn't matter his politics.
I was hoping the groping list of the legislators wasn't going to be made public, but I guess we're going to hear about all of them/
Justifying sexual assault, what a typical leftist.
Okay. I know a lot of people won't agree with me here. I'm not very good at explaining, but at least am I clear that it was STUPID WRONG AND INSULTING and Franken is a JERK.
It’s your hypocrisy that we mock you for.

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
I sure wish to Criminy that you people would provide a link! WHAT AL FRANKEN PICS?
Al Franken WAS one of my favorite Senators.

Yeah..mine too..but he's got to go..that damning...what a perv..he groped her while she was sleeping??

Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
I'm the biggest prude here according to some, but I don't see what he did as being in the same class as what Moore was accused of, or Weinstein. Those things were for personal sexual pleasure. Franken's behavior was more in the Trump class. He obviously thought the pic was funny, which it wasn't, but giving a woman a feel over a kevlar vest? C'mon, that's not sexual--that's disrespectful, rude and ticks all the boxes of a guy who is low class and tasteless. Predators don't take pictures.
So go ahead and kick him out if low class and tasteless is the bar. It doesn't matter his politics.
I was hoping the groping list of the legislators wasn't going to be made public, but I guess we're going to hear about all of them/
Justifying sexual assault, what a typical leftist.
Okay. I know a lot of people won't agree with me here. I'm not very good at explaining, but at least am I clear that it was STUPID WRONG AND INSULTING and Franken is a JERK.

We understand. It’s not cool, but it’s not triple murder.

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
just about everyone in DC needs to step down....

Only term limits would do this.

Otherwise, just get used to it.

Winner twice. Wonder what Franny thinks? Man, to be a fly on the will in house Franken!!!!!

Sadly, there are term limits, it's called elections.

"Every country has the government it deserves" - Joseph de Maistre

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
Al Franken WAS one of my favorite Senators.

Yeah..mine too..but he's got to go..that damning...what a perv..he groped her while she was sleeping??

Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
I'm the biggest prude here according to some, but I don't see what he did as being in the same class as what Moore was accused of, or Weinstein. Those things were for personal sexual pleasure. Franken's behavior was more in the Trump class. He obviously thought the pic was funny, which it wasn't, but giving a woman a feel over a kevlar vest? C'mon, that's not sexual--that's disrespectful, rude and ticks all the boxes of a guy who is low class and tasteless. Predators don't take pictures.
So go ahead and kick him out if low class and tasteless is the bar. It doesn't matter his politics.
I was hoping the groping list of the legislators wasn't going to be made public, but I guess we're going to hear about all of them/

You must not have read her account of the incident.
There was a lot more going on than just the picture.
I read the link I found since the OP didn't provide one. He forced a kiss that he insisted on rehearsing and she was demurring on. Maybe he was horny or maybe he was just insistent on rehearsing it; I'm not an actor, I don't know why you would or wouldn't.
That's all I read about.
LOL you righties confirm the old adage there is a sucker born every minute. Groping while looking at the person taking the picture? Yea sure thing. Fool thy name is conservative right wing republican. LOL

How about the part where he forced his tongue in her mouth?

You Demoncrats are disgusting.

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
just about everyone in DC needs to step down....

Only term limits would do this.

Otherwise, just get used to it.

Winner twice. Wonder what Franny thinks? Man, to be a fly on the will in house Franken!!!!!

Sadly, there are term limits, it's called elections.

"Every country has the government it deserves" - Joseph de Maistre

Winner 4 times.
You make it sound like that is the only thing which occurred there. That's total bullshit.

That's the same kind of bogus smear bullshit as someone showing a photograph of a celebrity or politician with a person who later turned out to be a predator, with the implication that celebrity or politician was complicit.

It never occurs to the dipshits to find out if there is a photo of someone on THEIR team with the same predator.
It's not just a photo of her with the predator, it's a photo of the predator caught in the act.
Just as there is audio of a predator bragging of his predation, with confirmation by his victims.

Your point?

And you are suffering from a comprehension failure. Visiting Epstein's island has been accepted by dipshits as evidence of participating in pedophilia. It's bullshit. Just like posting a photo of someone with another person later found out to be heinous, trying to imply that person is also heinous by association.

I've heard guys my entire life bragging about their sexual exploits... your point? There's a guy that hangs out in my buddy's sports pub, if I believed him, he's getting laid 24/7, 365.
We have women who have confirmed Trump did exactly what he claimed he did.

You are willfully refusing to absorb this fact.

And 11 have said it never happened:

Of the 11 (contestants) who said they don’t remember Trump coming into the changing room, some said it was possible that it happened while they weren’t in the room or that they didn’t notice. But most were dubious or dismissed the possibility out of hand.

Allison Bowman, former Miss Wisconsin Teen USA, cast doubt on whether it happened. "These were teenage girls," Bowman said. "If anything inappropriate had gone on, the gossip would have flown."

The allegations about Donald Trump and Miss Teen contestants

You need to explore news other than far-left outlets,
It's amazing how you tards openly confess to saying Trump is a liar when it is convenient to you without your heads exploding from cognitive dissonance.

And now you want to disbelieve accusers when it is convenient to you.

In this case, Trump did exactly what he said he did. There are women who confirmed his admission was fact.
Okay. I know a lot of people won't agree with me here. I'm not very good at explaining, but at least am I clear that it was STUPID WRONG AND INSULTING and Franken is a JERK.

"You forcibly kissed me without my consent, grabbed my breasts while I was sleeping "

What was described was NOT 'stupid' or 'insulting' - it was 'sexual assault' - a CRIME.
Franken... "I don't remember it that way" (kissing her on the mouth and putting his tongue in her mouth) ...oh yeah Franken, you would have us believe she WANTED your ugly old ass to french kiss her???

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
Al Franken WAS one of my favorite Senators.

Yeah..mine too..but he's got to go..that damning...what a perv..he groped her while she was sleeping??

Woman accuses Al Franken of kissing, groping her without consent
I'm the biggest prude here according to some, but I don't see what he did as being in the same class as what Moore was accused of, or Weinstein. Those things were for personal sexual pleasure. Franken's behavior was more in the Trump class. He obviously thought the pic was funny, which it wasn't, but giving a woman a feel over a kevlar vest? C'mon, that's not sexual--that's disrespectful, rude and ticks all the boxes of a guy who is low class and tasteless. Predators don't take pictures.
So go ahead and kick him out if low class and tasteless is the bar. It doesn't matter his politics.
I was hoping the groping list of the legislators wasn't going to be made public, but I guess we're going to hear about all of them/
gonna be a long winter at this rate.

fyi - i'd not totally disagree here. this is all we've heard on franken and if we're going to say "innocent til proven guilty" then it applies to him also. let things run their course and let the truth come out.
It's not just a photo of her with the predator, it's a photo of the predator caught in the act.
Just as there is audio of a predator bragging of his predation, with confirmation by his victims.

Your point?

And you are suffering from a comprehension failure. Visiting Epstein's island has been accepted by dipshits as evidence of participating in pedophilia. It's bullshit. Just like posting a photo of someone with another person later found out to be heinous, trying to imply that person is also heinous by association.

I've heard guys my entire life bragging about their sexual exploits... your point? There's a guy that hangs out in my buddy's sports pub, if I believed him, he's getting laid 24/7, 365.
We have women who have confirmed Trump did exactly what he claimed he did.

You are willfully refusing to absorb this fact.

And 11 have said it never happened:

Of the 11 (contestants) who said they don’t remember Trump coming into the changing room, some said it was possible that it happened while they weren’t in the room or that they didn’t notice. But most were dubious or dismissed the possibility out of hand.

Allison Bowman, former Miss Wisconsin Teen USA, cast doubt on whether it happened. "These were teenage girls," Bowman said. "If anything inappropriate had gone on, the gossip would have flown."

The allegations about Donald Trump and Miss Teen contestants

You need to explore news other than far-left outlets,
It's funny how you tards openly confess to saying Trump is a liar when it is convenient to you.

For the record I have said Trumps a liar from the git. Just saying.

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