Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

There is audio of Trump bragging about doing it, and the confirming testimony of the women he barged in on, including an underaged girl.

This is far more unacceptable.

You are full of shit like all bed wetters are.

Trump was lamenting how women would subject themselves to such degradation at the hands of powerful men. They would let themselves be grabbed by the snatch if it led to fame and fortune.

You like parroting the agitprop though.

Al has been a known pervert in Hollywood for decades...not surprised to read this.
I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far. What's wrong?.
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore
Please see post 243.
I did and I agree
Sen. Claire McCaskill on Franken allegations: "I'll have a statement soon. I'm not going to talk about it. I'll have a statement soon."

He shouldn’t be forced to do anything.

He should willingly do it and Tweeden should file a sexual assault report.

Oh you mean like what Roy is doing while the Republicans look for ways to excuse him?


Sure. Why not.

There is a photo of a sitting senator groping a woman’s breasts who is sleeping.

Is that bad? It seems bad to me,

BUT... how do you know this is not Photo shopped.. ? It seems that the Republicans are quick to call this picture a fact..

He's admitted it. Said he shouldn't have done it.

ok.. true but.. Let's see how this gets handled..

Democratic senator issued a statement calling the picture a joke that went awry, but passively denies Leann Tweeden’s testimony about forcing her into a violent kiss during a 2006 USO tour.
I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far. What's wrong?.
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore

You sure?
No but not any so far have come forward and wonder why it took so long to tag franken and if more show up he should step down Show moore and trump the best way to handle it
LOL you righties confirm the old adage there is a sucker born every minute. Groping while looking at the person taking the picture? Yea sure thing. Fool thy name is conservative right wing republican. LOL
I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far. What's wrong?.
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore

The picture indicates otherwise
Here's who I want to see disavow Al Franken:

Let’s see it guys...start disavowing immediately or else you support sexual assault.

LOL you righties confirm the old adage there is a sucker born every minute. Groping while looking at the person taking the picture? Yea sure thing. Fool thy name is conservative right wing republican. LOL

Then what was the apology for?
No wiggle room here....he needs to resign

Yup. If a man is being forced to drop out of contention for the Senate for signing a 16 year old’s year book 40 years ago, then a Senator who sexually assaulted a woman 10 years ago needs to resign.
I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far. What's wrong?.
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore

You sure?
No but not any so far have come forward and wonder why it took so long to tag franken and if more show up he should step down Show moore and trump the best way to handle it

Hmm, just like Roy Moore, except without the pictures.
LOL you righties confirm the old adage there is a sucker born every minute. Groping while looking at the person taking the picture? Yea sure thing. Fool thy name is conservative right wing republican. LOL
I've witnessed an almost identical situation. I related it in an earlier post.

Some assholes are so clueless they actually document their assaults, thinking its fucking hilarious.
I'm not seeing a lot of righteous indignation from the lefties here so far. What's wrong?.
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore

You sure?
No but not any so far have come forward and wonder why it took so long to tag franken and if more show up he should step down Show moore and trump the best way to handle it

The Moore accusers waited 4 decades.
LOL you righties confirm the old adage there is a sucker born every minute. Groping while looking at the person taking the picture? Yea sure thing. Fool thy name is conservative right wing republican. LOL

Wow, so you are calling Tweeden a liar?

That’s not a good liberal.

“He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth.

I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time.

I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.

I felt disgusted and violated.”
You mean he has not been disavowed YET?

Where is CNN, MSNBC....where are the Liberal politicians throwing him under the bus / attacking Franken like they are doing Moore?

I see / hear the silent Liberal hypocrisy....I just don't see any Democrats stepping up....
Wait till as many that spoke up about Trump and Moore show up Those 2 are in a class by themselves
Transparent defection noted.

Amazing how similar the two ends of the spectrum can be.
You want to hang every congressman that grabbed some?? Go for it I'm with you My point was Franken doesn't have a history of it like trump and moore

You sure?
No but not any so far have come forward and wonder why it took so long to tag franken and if more show up he should step down Show moore and trump the best way to handle it

The Moore accusers waited 4 decades.

Oh. Damn.

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