Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

The amount of effort to deflect from Franken and divert to Moore on this thread, if translated into electricity, could power the city of Phoenix in August for two weeks.
What more would you like to be said about Franken? I think most people have stated that they think he crossed a line and did something inappropriate. He wrote a pretty humble apology, not trying to make excuses but trying to put women first and even called for an ethics investigation into his action. What more would you like to say?
Don't know. This thread could have been a page or two long.

But I do know that Franken's supporters are putting far more effort into deflecting to Moore, and that hypocrisy is just inviting mockery.

Something that obvious is pretty tough to miss.
Well lets just break it down. People who support Franken were probably disgusted by the news. I like Franken and I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading the article about the encounter. I think looked at how he responded. It was a disgusting act and it was a sincere and appropriate response by Franken. If more inappropriate acts come out especially any that reflect criminal actions then may they come out and may he pay the price.

There is nothing wrong with contrasting that to the Moore situation which has been dominating the airwaves. Look at the difference between the two and how they are responding and handling the situations.

Could it possibly be because one is innocent and the other is guilty?
The amount of effort to deflect from Franken and divert to Moore on this thread, if translated into electricity, could power the city of Phoenix in August for two weeks.
What more would you like to be said about Franken? I think most people have stated that they think he crossed a line and did something inappropriate. He wrote a pretty humble apology, not trying to make excuses but trying to put women first and even called for an ethics investigation into his action. What more would you like to say?
Don't know. This thread could have been a page or two long.

But I do know that Franken's supporters are putting far more effort into deflecting to Moore, and that hypocrisy is just inviting mockery.

Something that obvious is pretty tough to miss.
Well lets just break it down. People who support Franken were probably disgusted by the news. I like Franken and I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading the article about the encounter. I think looked at how he responded. It was a disgusting act and it was a sincere and appropriate response by Franken. If more inappropriate acts come out especially any that reflect criminal actions then may they come out and may he pay the price.

There is nothing wrong with contrasting that to the Moore situation which has been dominating the airwaves. Look at the difference between the two and how they are responding and handling the situations.

Could it possibly be because one is innocent and the other is guilty?

EXACTLY. As of right now, Moore is guilty of nothing.
Again for the 7th time, he crossed a line,


She stated he physically grabbed her and forcibly kissed her, that she had to FIGHT HIM OFF....

You just can't bring yourself to call what he did what it truly was - a sexual assault.

Why are snowflakes so eager to label Republicans 'child molesters', rapists, and evil monsters but can't get past excusing their own sexual predators as having 'crossed a line'?!
Thank you, see doesn't it feel good to just honestly answer a question?! Keep it rolling!

She stated that he wanted to practice a kiss for a skit, she said no at first but he was persistent and she finally agreed, he kissed her way more aggressively that she was expecting and pushed him away and told him to never do it again. Thats the whole story about that experience. agreed?
Show worked at Hooters. Nothang wrong with it. But Gee! She was using looks for tips. Again, nothang wrong with that.
But FFS! She should have 1000's of sexual grabs on her boobs and ass.

In 1992, while working as a hostess at a Hooters restaurant (she was in their 1994 calendar) in Colorado Springs, Colorado, she won first place in the Venus International Model Search. This break led to national exposure, including a regular role as a fitness model on the TV show Fitness Beach. Tweeden modeled for promotional work for Hooters, Venus International, Frederick's of Hollywood.[2]

This girl is all about pimping her BOOBS for MONEY! Again, nothang wrong with that.

As part of Hooters' 25th anniversary in 2008, she was named among "The Top Hooters Girls of all time"
In 1996, Tweeden appeared non-nude in a fitness model pictorial for Playboy magazine. Fifteen years later, at 38 years old, she appeared again in the December, 2011 issue of Playboy, this time posing in a nude
She has made appearances as a commentator on such Fox News shows as Hannity and Red Eye. (FFS! She wants a higher paying job back at Faux news network)
Tweeden was a correspondent for Fox Sports Networks'

This week, a pair of small studies about women who work in restaurants like Hooters made the rounds in the media. The researchers who conducted the studies suggested that women who work in these so-called "breastaurants" suffer from issues like depression, body image issues, and job dissatisfaction as a result of the sexual objectification that they're exposed to at work. To get some color on what it's really like to wear those Hooters girl booty shorts, talked to two women about their experiences at the chain and their thoughts on the study's findings.
What It's Really Like to Be a Hooters Waitress

FFS! Her career has been selling SEXY BOOBS! You can see she it partly to blame for more groping real or acting than others.
Yep the nudes are great.


Good Lord, the "she asked for it" angle. :cuckoo:

Also known as "Muhammed's Excuse."

If this woman, or any Infidel women, would wear a Burka, this kind of thing might not happen to them (or at least not as often); and those who won't wear a Burka are begging, begging mind you, for the Arab pencil penis.
Hannity is talking about Al "The Groper" Franken live NOW! Al "The Groper" Franken actually chased Hannity around the office one time. Hannity thought he would have to kick his ass to get him to stop!
Hannity ran away from Franken in an office chase? Thats a funny scene
More and more is coming out, as some point you gotta decide whether this "I was framed" narrative is believable or not. For me that was out the window when accuser number 4 came out and I listened to her account of what happened.

Well, he may or may not have done that, frankly, we'll never know. I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially given she waited 4 decades and on the eve of an election to allege this. Doesn't pass the smell test, at least for me.
She didn't wait then drop the bomb on him. Look at what REALLY happened. Moore hit the public eye and his opposition started digging. The rumors of his sexual past with minors had been floating around for a long time and some reporters started digging. It took them a long time to get several women and dozens of sources to go on record. Yes it was a political hit piece. That doesn't mean it is false. It came out because of the election and the efforts of reports and Moore opponents. That doesn't mean it is false.

It is as true as it is false; we'll never know frankly. Are you comfortable labeling man a pedophile based on rumors? I'm not.
Im not either, but i'm fine doing it when 6 women come forward and tell their accounts and when dozen of others back up their stories saying that they have known about it for years. That is much more than rumors.

I'm not deflecting here, but Clinton had many more accusers of sexual abuse. And I tend to agree with you on a level, if it were just one, meh. But 1,2 3,4?
Agreed. I thought the Clinton stuff was a political hit job at first but when multiple women surfaced and I actually listened to their stories it became pretty apparent that he was not innocent. Same thing in the Moore situation. They are both slime
I did, Slade.

I must have missed her 'snowflake/liberal speak' when she said:

"Tweeden said Franken repeatedly pressured her to practice the kiss backstage and at one point forcibly kissed her.

“I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time,” she wrote. “I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.” Tweeden said she felt “disgusted and violated” – and that the abuse didn’t stop there."

-- Al Franken accused of kissing, groping LA TV host without consent

Can you please point out in this sexual assault where Tweeden agreed to kiss her attacker?

Did she somehow agree to let him feel her up while she slept, too?

"“I couldn’t believe it,” she wrote. “He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep. I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated. How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?”

Let me guess, you were a frat boy in college...or at least one of those guys who never took 'no' for an answer because 'whenever a girl says 'no' she really means 'Yes'?!
These are HER words from her article....

"He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth."

As for the gropping, he was posing for a picture acting like he was grabbing her boobs. "Gropping" is the inflamatory talking point being thrown out, thanks for showing you're a puppet."

No I wasn't in a Frat, I wanted nothing to do with Frat boys in College, I have a younger sister and have always treated women the same way I would want my sister treated. I would not want my sister treated the way Franken treated this women so for the 6th time I'll say that his actions were wildly inappropriate.

I've also posed in pictures acting like a was humping friends when they were passed out. It was all in good fun, not meant to be a sexual assault, but I think you understand that...

I'm not making excuses for Franken, but I am looking for an honest account of whats going on.

He was touching her chest which was protected by the vest...if you walked up on a female soldier and touched the vest over her breasts, you'd be as guilty of assault as if you'd put your hands on her bare skin.
Again for the 7th time, he crossed a line, it was inappropriate, it wasn't sexual assault. If it was then we can go through Facebook and arrest thousands of people who have taken similar photos. Is that what you'd like to do?

Also, she wasn't just random women, they had been touring for weeks doing comedy sketches for the troops, including a sexually charged skit with eachother. Obviously, by her account she was disgusted by Franken and didn't want anything to do with him. He was obviously infatuated with her and acted way to casually and much to aggressively towards her.

Go back and read again. I never said it was sexual assault. I said it was simple assault and as he touched the vest she was wearing, it was battery as well.

What is "assault and battery"? - Rottenstein Law Group LLP
You are joking right?

Of course not. She made it clear that his touch was unwanted and he touched the vest over her breasts...assault and battery.
Hannity is talking about Al "The Groper" Franken live NOW! Al "The Groper" Franken actually chased Hannity around the office one time. Hannity thought he would have to kick his ass to get him to stop!
Hannity ran away from Franken in an office chase? Thats a funny scene

Hannity is an accomplished martial artist, he would have beat the living shit out of Franken; I'm sure he was just trying to avoid a physical confrontation.
Don't know. This thread could have been a page or two long.

But I do know that Franken's supporters are putting far more effort into deflecting to Moore, and that hypocrisy is just inviting mockery.

Something that obvious is pretty tough to miss.
Well lets just break it down. People who support Franken were probably disgusted by the news. I like Franken and I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading the article about the encounter. I think looked at how he responded. It was a disgusting act and it was a sincere and appropriate response by Franken. If more inappropriate acts come out especially any that reflect criminal actions then may they come out and may he pay the price.

There is nothing wrong with contrasting that to the Moore situation which has been dominating the airwaves. Look at the difference between the two and how they are responding and handling the situations.

Yes, one admitted his wrong doing and one claims he is being framed, as other politicians have been framed over the past few years.
More and more is coming out, as some point you gotta decide whether this "I was framed" narrative is believable or not. For me that was out the window when accuser number 4 came out and I listened to her account of what happened.

Well, he may or may not have done that, frankly, we'll never know. I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially given she waited 4 decades and on the eve of an election to allege this. Doesn't pass the smell test, at least for me.
She didn't wait then drop the bomb on him. Look at what REALLY happened. Moore hit the public eye and his opposition started digging. The rumors of his sexual past with minors had been floating around for a long time and some reporters started digging. It took them a long time to get several women and dozens of sources to go on record. Yes it was a political hit piece. That doesn't mean it is false. It came out because of the election and the efforts of reports and Moore opponents. That doesn't mean it is false.

Moore has been in the media eye for a LONG time. That is not what happened.
Kudos to those honest posters on this thread who admit that both parties are guilty of being hypocritical.

The rest -- those who are spinning and deflecting and attacking -- are liars.

You have absolutely zero standing to make any claims.

You equated Democrats and republicans especially after Al Franken's immediate full throated acknowledgment and apology.

Show me where either trump or Moore did that?


You should be ashamed
You're choosing to ignore all the spin and deflection and attacks on this very thread.

Why? Because you're just another hardcore partisan ideologue. Side irrelevant.

Since you people aren't capable of shame, I won't tell you that you should be ashamed.
Seems to me the right had no shame electing an admitted sex degenerate to the highest office in the land Can you believe it? a Pussy grabber in our WH What next ?an admitted rapist?
Whose pussy did he admit to grabbing?
Whomever he wanted From his OWN mouth
The amount of effort to deflect from Franken and divert to Moore on this thread, if translated into electricity, could power the city of Phoenix in August for two weeks.
What more would you like to be said about Franken? I think most people have stated that they think he crossed a line and did something inappropriate. He wrote a pretty humble apology, not trying to make excuses but trying to put women first and even called for an ethics investigation into his action. What more would you like to say?
Don't know. This thread could have been a page or two long.

But I do know that Franken's supporters are putting far more effort into deflecting to Moore, and that hypocrisy is just inviting mockery.

Something that obvious is pretty tough to miss.
Well lets just break it down. People who support Franken were probably disgusted by the news. I like Franken and I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading the article about the encounter. I think looked at how he responded. It was a disgusting act and it was a sincere and appropriate response by Franken. If more inappropriate acts come out especially any that reflect criminal actions then may they come out and may he pay the price.

There is nothing wrong with contrasting that to the Moore situation which has been dominating the airwaves. Look at the difference between the two and how they are responding and handling the situations.

Could it possibly be because one is innocent and the other is guilty?
yes possible. highly unlikely
Kudos to those honest posters on this thread who admit that both parties are guilty of being hypocritical.

The rest -- those who are spinning and deflecting and attacking -- are liars.

You have absolutely zero standing to make any claims.

You equated Democrats and republicans especially after Al Franken's immediate full throated acknowledgment and apology.

Show me where either trump or Moore did that?


You should be ashamed
You're choosing to ignore all the spin and deflection and attacks on this very thread.

Why? Because you're just another hardcore partisan ideologue. Side irrelevant.

Since you people aren't capable of shame, I won't tell you that you should be ashamed.
Seems to me the right had no shame electing an admitted sex degenerate to the highest office in the land Can you believe it? a Pussy grabber in our WH What next ?an admitted rapist?
Whose pussy did he admit to grabbing?
Whomever he wanted From his OWN mouth

Whose pussy did he admit to grabbing?
Hannity is talking about Al "The Groper" Franken live NOW! Al "The Groper" Franken actually chased Hannity around the office one time. Hannity thought he would have to kick his ass to get him to stop!
Hannity ran away from Franken in an office chase? Thats a funny scene
can't help but hear benny hill music.
The amount of effort to deflect from Franken and divert to Moore on this thread, if translated into electricity, could power the city of Phoenix in August for two weeks.
What more would you like to be said about Franken? I think most people have stated that they think he crossed a line and did something inappropriate. He wrote a pretty humble apology, not trying to make excuses but trying to put women first and even called for an ethics investigation into his action. What more would you like to say?
Don't know. This thread could have been a page or two long.

But I do know that Franken's supporters are putting far more effort into deflecting to Moore, and that hypocrisy is just inviting mockery.

Something that obvious is pretty tough to miss.
Well lets just break it down. People who support Franken were probably disgusted by the news. I like Franken and I didn't have a warm and fuzzy feeling when reading the article about the encounter. I think looked at how he responded. It was a disgusting act and it was a sincere and appropriate response by Franken. If more inappropriate acts come out especially any that reflect criminal actions then may they come out and may he pay the price.

There is nothing wrong with contrasting that to the Moore situation which has been dominating the airwaves. Look at the difference between the two and how they are responding and handling the situations.

Could it possibly be because one is innocent and the other is guilty?

EXACTLY. As of right now, Moore is guilty of nothing.
Well technically Bill Clinton is guilty of nothing but cheating on his wife. Is that also what you believe?

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