Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

I’m offended by the non-humor, but his hands aren’t actually touching her - any idiot can see that.

As to her other claim that he forcibly French-kissed her, it’s gross, she’s certainly owed and apology and it’s up to him what his does about his political career - or up to the Senate to rebuke him, although I believe this occurred before he was a Senator?

It’s certainly not on the level of sexually molesting or even pursuing teenaged girls when one is 30+ years old.

Who pursued teenage girls at age 30?
Roy Moore, D.A. - by account of too many people (not just the girls) to be anything but believed, except by a Trump chump.

And the guy in my buddy's sports bar gets laid 5 times a day 24/7,365. Well, according to him.
Paper is proving our point and doesn't even know it
All 63 pages of posts miss the real deal, there have always been different standards applied to women. sexist behavior has always been allowed.
it took about two truck loads of women to get most people to say Bill Crosby did it. AWAYS ATTACK the women, she worked at hooters, she went along with being in a sexist skit, she looking for 15 min of fame.
What has happened is that women (80%) have all had an experience from a very small event to rape. and have just figured out that in large numbers they have some power. there is more to come, and most will be political. people will take advantage. could find you a million clips from TV movies that are like that not funny photo of Franken. that photo was not sexual. but it was sexist. shades of Anita Hill.
1. The woman that Franken is grabbing is not a minor.
2. It's obvious that this was done as a joke, with witnesses right there. It was not sexual harassment, but a satire on sexual harassment.
3. It was still wildly inappropriate. Franken should apologize. Comedy does not have a free license to do anything in the name of humor.

Grabbing a woman's breasts without her consent IS sexual assault, not a "satire on sexual harassment."

  • Any type of sexual contact with someone who cannot consent, such as someone who is underage, has an intellectual disability, or is passed out
  • Rape
  • Attempted rape
  • Sexual coercion
  • Sexual contact with a child
  • Incest (sexual contact between family members)
  • Fondling or unwanted touching above or under clothes

And the guy in my buddy's sports bar gets laid 5 times a day 24/7,365. Well, according to him.
Was the guy in your buddy's sports bar a multimillionaire, who buys entire pageants of women and girls, and brags about cheating on his wife on the front page of newspapers while going through a divorce and had 5 children from 3 different baby momma's....and...

Well, I could go on, but your comparison is stoopid on stilts.
Morgan is complaining about a political argument, nothing sexual at all... He accused her of using false numbers during a television discussion and wanted to correct the record. Again, nothing sexual is implied at all.

I didn't say it was sexual. What is was is harassment.
I guess you could make that case. Seems like a pretty weak one. People get heated and people get in arguments. Is the answer to run to the press or courts and claim harassment? From this account, I don't think his actions in this matter rise to that level. Do you?
Even though these things are wrong and you should just leave women alone it's good to remember that this does work well alongside the general attempt to pussify and demonize the heterosexual American male
I’m offended by the non-humor, but his hands aren’t actually touching her - any idiot can see that.

As to her other claim that he forcibly French-kissed her, it’s gross, she’s certainly owed and apology and it’s up to him what his does about his political career - or up to the Senate to rebuke him, although I believe this occurred before he was a Senator?

It’s certainly not on the level of sexually molesting or even pursuing teenaged girls when one is 30+ years old.

Who pursued teenage girls at age 30?
Roy Moore, D.A. - by account of too many people (not just the girls) to be anything but believed, except by a Trump chump.

I could be wrong, but to be guilty of pedophilia, one must be convicted of it. Given your pretzel logic, if "too" many people accuse me of murder, I'rm going to death row.
Morgan is complaining about a political argument, nothing sexual at all... He accused her of using false numbers during a television discussion and wanted to correct the record. Again, nothing sexual is implied at all.

I didn't say it was sexual. What is was is harassment.
I guess you could make that case. Seems like a pretty weak one. People get heated and people get in arguments. Is the answer to run to the press or courts and claim harassment? From this account, I don't think his actions in this matter rise to that level. Do you?
This woman is best buds with Trump Humper Hannity.

Just imagine a man complaining about being "stalked" and harassed because of a heated argument about CBO numbers.
I’m offended by the non-humor, but his hands aren’t actually touching her - any idiot can see that.

As to her other claim that he forcibly French-kissed her, it’s gross, she’s certainly owed an apology and it’s up to him and his constituents what that does about his political career - or up to the Senate to rebuke him, although I believe this occurred before he was a Senator?

It’s certainly not on the level of sexually molesting or even pursuing teenaged girls when one is 30+ years old.

Stevie Wonder posted on another board that he looked at the picture and didn't see Franken touching her breasts...either.

You and him.
He was touching her chest which was protected by the vest...if you walked up on a female soldier and touched the vest over her breasts, you'd be as guilty of assault as if you'd put your hands on her bare skin.
Again for the 7th time, he crossed a line, it was inappropriate, it wasn't sexual assault. If it was then we can go through Facebook and arrest thousands of people who have taken similar photos. Is that what you'd like to do?

Also, she wasn't just random women, they had been touring for weeks doing comedy sketches for the troops, including a sexually charged skit with eachother. Obviously, by her account she was disgusted by Franken and didn't want anything to do with him. He was obviously infatuated with her and acted way to casually and much to aggressively towards her.

Go back and read again. I never said it was sexual assault. I said it was simple assault and as he touched the vest she was wearing, it was battery as well.

What is "assault and battery"? - Rottenstein Law Group LLP
You are joking right?

Of course not. She made it clear that his touch was unwanted and he touched the vest over her breasts...assault and battery.
wow, and yall call the left Snowflakes huh?
they are.
He was touching her chest which was protected by the vest...if you walked up on a female soldier and touched the vest over her breasts, you'd be as guilty of assault as if you'd put your hands on her bare skin.
Again for the 7th time, he crossed a line, it was inappropriate, it wasn't sexual assault. If it was then we can go through Facebook and arrest thousands of people who have taken similar photos. Is that what you'd like to do?

Also, she wasn't just random women, they had been touring for weeks doing comedy sketches for the troops, including a sexually charged skit with eachother. Obviously, by her account she was disgusted by Franken and didn't want anything to do with him. He was obviously infatuated with her and acted way to casually and much to aggressively towards her.

Go back and read again. I never said it was sexual assault. I said it was simple assault and as he touched the vest she was wearing, it was battery as well.

What is "assault and battery"? - Rottenstein Law Group LLP
You are joking right?

Of course not. She made it clear that his touch was unwanted and he touched the vest over her breasts...assault and battery.
wow, and yall call the left Snowflakes huh?

I don't, but I do call you a clueless partisan who is inconsistent in his outrage and not a true Progressive.
It is surprising Chuckie Schumer and other democrats are allegedly seeking an ethics investigation of Al "The Groper" Franken.
I did, Slade.

I must have missed her 'snowflake/liberal speak' when she said:

"Tweeden said Franken repeatedly pressured her to practice the kiss backstage and at one point forcibly kissed her.

“I immediately pushed him away with both of my hands against his chest and told him if he ever did that to me again I wouldn’t be so nice about it the next time,” she wrote. “I walked away. All I could think about was getting to a bathroom as fast as possible to rinse the taste of him out of my mouth.” Tweeden said she felt “disgusted and violated” – and that the abuse didn’t stop there."

-- Al Franken accused of kissing, groping LA TV host without consent

Can you please point out in this sexual assault where Tweeden agreed to kiss her attacker?

Did she somehow agree to let him feel her up while she slept, too?

"“I couldn’t believe it,” she wrote. “He groped me, without my consent, while I was asleep. I felt violated all over again. Embarrassed. Belittled. Humiliated. How dare anyone grab my breasts like this and think it’s funny?”

Let me guess, you were a frat boy in college...or at least one of those guys who never took 'no' for an answer because 'whenever a girl says 'no' she really means 'Yes'?!
These are HER words from her article....

"He repeated that actors really need to rehearse everything and that we must practice the kiss. I said ‘OK’ so he would stop badgering me. We did the line leading up to the kiss and then he came at me, put his hand on the back of my head, mashed his lips against mine and aggressively stuck his tongue in my mouth."

As for the gropping, he was posing for a picture acting like he was grabbing her boobs. "Gropping" is the inflamatory talking point being thrown out, thanks for showing you're a puppet."

No I wasn't in a Frat, I wanted nothing to do with Frat boys in College, I have a younger sister and have always treated women the same way I would want my sister treated. I would not want my sister treated the way Franken treated this women so for the 6th time I'll say that his actions were wildly inappropriate.

I've also posed in pictures acting like a was humping friends when they were passed out. It was all in good fun, not meant to be a sexual assault, but I think you understand that...

I'm not making excuses for Franken, but I am looking for an honest account of whats going on.
Evidently you do not know the difference between a 'kis' and 'sexual assault'. She stated she had to fight him off / forcibly push him off of her....and his story - and yours - about practicing for a skit does not jive when he physically felt her up while she slept.

But please, continue on with your justification of Franken's sexual assaults.
You are hopeless man. Putting his hands over her boobs and posing for an obvious photo is feeling her up, really? Why didn't she wake up. You'd think a women would jump up if somebody started gropping her in her sleep... please explain...

Exactly... If he touches the back of her chair is he grabbing her butt?

She was WEARING the vest. You Hillarybot types want the truth to be what you imagine it to be, but the law is clear.
I’m offended by the non-humor, but his hands aren’t actually touching her - any idiot can see that.

As to her other claim that he forcibly French-kissed her, it’s gross, she’s certainly owed an apology and it’s up to him and his constituents what that does about his political career - or up to the Senate to rebuke him, although I believe this occurred before he was a Senator?

It’s certainly not on the level of sexually molesting or even pursuing teenaged girls when one is 30+ years old.

His hands were touching the vest she was wearing over her breasts. She had communicated that his touch was unwelcome and he touched her when she was asleep and could not give assent. If she'd pressed charges, he would have been arrested.

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