Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

"Al Franken admits guilt after photographic evidence of his abuse surfaces.

Mitch: "Let's investigate."

In Alabama, ZERO evidence, allegations 100% rejected.

Mitch: "Moore must quit immediately or be expelled."" - Crazy Roy Moore

Franken is no threat to McConnel. Moore is. That's the bottom line.
What a sick piece of shit.

Al a Franken is into Bill Cosby type shit.

Groping a sleeping woman? What a disgusting sick freak.

Misogynistic as hell.

Why aren't you treating this the way you treat the Roy Moore accusations.
And no other women stepped forward with Dump and Moore
Incorrect. Another came forward today saying Al Franken was stalking her.

No matter, Congress will hand this off to the Ethic Committee and give big Al a good slap on the butt.......which will spark a private S&M session in Senate chamber.

Meanwhile, only Moore will be made to walk.
The douchebag snowflakes in here are already making excuses for Franken, saying how is case isn't as serious as Moore's
Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken is a sick fuck! He clearly never have any dates in college. Being short, ugly and unable to speak English that well with those fish lips obvious led him to take revenge once the MSM provided him with money.
See what I mean?

Clinton -- who was the defendant in a civil case where it was deemed WITHOUT MERIT and thrown out -- and at that point the country had been through enough -- gave her some "get out of my hair money" --

But Trump, who actually had the case adjudicated against him "cut his losses" and settled for tens of millions.


And that person even Ann Coulter called trailer trash after the trial - spread her legs for all to see her fleshy bits on the pages of Penthouse about 10 minutes after the settlement.

So much for defending her "honor."

Please name the woman who sued Donald Trump for sexual assault and settled for tens of millions of dollars. You can't so why are you lying?

William Jefferson Clinton, Former President of the United States and Democrat

Sexual Assault


Gennifer Flowers (Unknown settlement)

Paula Jones ($850,000 settlement)

Kathleen Willey (Unknown settlement)

Juanita Broaddrick (Unknown settlement)

Monica Lewinsky….(“I did not have sex with THAT woman”)



Loss of Law License

$50,000 fine
Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?
Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken is a sick fuck! He clearly never have any dates in college. Being short, ugly and unable to speak English that well with those fish lips obvious led him to take revenge once the MSM provided him with money.

He's going to have to learn to live with his new nickname, Fish Lips. I love it.
I think Mike Pence’s respectful policy of not being alone with a woman in an intimate setting who is not his wife has been thoroughly vindicated. Pence shows ten thousand times more respect for women than Hollywood & Washington.

Pence has no respect for women as equals. The implication that it’s “dangerous” to be alone with a woman, even in a public restaurant, is just as disrespectful to her as expecting her to put out for you. It also means a female co-worker is not equal to a man since you can be alone with other men. Pence can’t ever hire a woman if the job required them to travel together on business or even go to dinner after hours even if she’s the most qualified person for the job. That’s sexual discrimination which is just as bad for women as sexual harassment.

As a young bank manager, I was frequently required to have dinner meetings with male supervisors to discuss marketing strategies, long term planning, and other matters without the constant interruptions of phone or subordinates. Not once ever was there a problem with these meetings.

Open frank discussions were possible because of mutual respect and because coworkers weren’t around to overhear or interrupt. Sex never entered into the discussions because it was inappropriate to a business meeting.

If a man truly respects women he can take a meeting alone with a woman and treat her as he would any other coworker.

It has nothing, whatsoever to do with if a man truly respects women or not. It has everything to do with eliminating all possibility of any misunderstanding whether or not anything happens.

Is he preaching that you or anyone else should adopt the same lifestyle?

It has worked extremely well for them as a family. They''ve not had any problems, why should you?
No Dragon
When a man truly respects a woman he avoids all semblance of any impropriety or potential for such

Your definition would be fine if it ended after the word “impropriety”. If an man is incapable of being alone with a woman because of what he might do, that’s indicative of a lack of respect.

What makes you think a woman isn't going to make a move on a man? Who's going to believe him?
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
got any pics of him groping people while they sleep?

There is not one of Franken groping anyone either. Look at it.

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Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
got any pics of him groping people while they sleep?

There is not one of Franken groping anyone either. Look at it.

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Then why apologize and say it was wrong?
I think Mike Pence’s respectful policy of not being alone with a woman in an intimate setting who is not his wife has been thoroughly vindicated. Pence shows ten thousand times more respect for women than Hollywood & Washington.

Pence has no respect for women as equals. The implication that it’s “dangerous” to be alone with a woman, even in a public restaurant, is just as disrespectful to her as expecting her to put out for you. It also means a female co-worker is not equal to a man since you can be alone with other men. Pence can’t ever hire a woman if the job required them to travel together on business or even go to dinner after hours even if she’s the most qualified person for the job. That’s sexual discrimination which is just as bad for women as sexual harassment.

As a young bank manager, I was frequently required to have dinner meetings with male supervisors to discuss marketing strategies, long term planning, and other matters without the constant interruptions of phone or subordinates. Not once ever was there a problem with these meetings.

Open frank discussions were possible because of mutual respect and because coworkers weren’t around to overhear or interrupt. Sex never entered into the discussions because it was inappropriate to a business meeting.

If a man truly respects women he can take a meeting alone with a woman and treat her as he would any other coworker.

It has nothing, whatsoever to do with if a man truly respects women or not. It has everything to do with eliminating all possibility of any misunderstanding whether or not anything happens.

Is he preaching that you or anyone else should adopt the same lifestyle?

It has worked extremely well for them as a family. They''ve not had any problems, why should you?

Because he mocks what he can neither understand nor aspire to accomplish.
He was guilty. It was well documented. I am sorry your liberal blinders prevent you from seeing that. The issue was whether or not she suffered a loss because of it. Clinton knew he was going to lose the appeal. EOS,

well, first, there was no real indication that Clinton was going to lose the appeal.

Second, what you all like to forget was that Clinton had offered to settle this case a number of times, but Jones' lawyers insisted he apologize and admit guilt. what made the settlement possible was that Jones finally dropped the insistence on admitting guilt.

Third, Jones was a liar. She claimed that Clinton's member had a distinguishing characteristic. This is not the case, as indicated by Clinton's medical records and women who have seen his member in consensual relationships.
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.
Yep... what's good for the goose...

The Dems have been fun to watch over the past day or two, squirming, now that one of their so-called Star Players got caught with his hands on somebody's boobs...

"Oh, but he apologized, sincerely, and she accepted that apology."

Like that makes a difference... not.

But I'll tell you what DOES make a difference ( between Franken and Moore )...

In Franken's case, at least the schmuck was picking on a grown-up...

In Moore's case, he picked on little kids... several of them...

That's called "Pedophilia"...

Anybody trying to spin that otherwise is sympathetic to pedophiles... a perverted, degenerate, despicable, filthy mindset...

Nothing's too good for Moore... right up to and including trial for a capital offense, and subsequent conviction, and public execution of sentence...

Bringing back crucifixion for the event would be fun.. we could sell tickets... and popcorn... and nachos (with cheese)... and juices and hot pretzels and...
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
got any pics of him groping people while they sleep?

no, moron. we have his on-tape admission.
Wrong, you brain dead cockroach, he didn't admit that he groped women without their consent. In fact, he said precisely the opposite.
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Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.
Yep... what's good for the goose...

The Dems have been fun to watch over the past day or two, squirming, now that one of their so-called Star Players got caught with his hands on somebody's boobs...

"Oh, but he apologized, sincerely, and she accepted that apology."

Like that makes a difference... not.

But I'll tell you what DOES make a difference ( between Franken and Moore )...

In Franken's case, at least the schmuck was picking on a grown-up...

In Moore's case, he picked on little kids... several of them...

That's called "Pedophilia"...

Anybody trying to spin that otherwise is sympathetic to pedophiles... a perverted, degenerate, despicable, filthy mindset...

Nothing's too good for Moore... right up to and including trial for a capital offense, and subsequent conviction, and public execution of sentence...

Bringing back crucifixion for the event would be fun.. we could sell tickets... and popcorn... and nachos (with cheese)... and juices and hot pretzels and...
there are definitely differences between the 2. while franken was being what we call today "abusive", he was a comedian (not a good one to me but meh, to each their own) and was always out for a laugh. when i go into comedian mode it can almost be all bets off for the joke.


unfortunately franken has a history of poor taste rape jokes and commentary of being glad a homosexual died. but that has no bearing on this particular case in as much as simply his own nature.

the lady he ... "assaulted" accepted his apology and said she does not want him to step down.

why do *we the people* care more than she does? likely cause it's a hell of a bullet for the other side and the right refuses to let it go cause it's a sign of hypocrisy of the left. it's a sign of "what the fuck" on the right because it's not the same as moore.

no matter how you choose to paint this rembrandt, it's not the same as moore. moore has a history of trolling young girls. you don't get this many people diving into a lie or conspiracy. if conspiracy now you have to have each and every one of these people agree to keep the lie going. not as easy as it sounds esp when some of his accusers are in fact republicans.

not part of hillary's posse.

if we keep using these events of our past against us, we've doomed our future.
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

I guess the Potus needs to step down as well, right.
got any pics of him groping people while they sleep?

no, moron. we have his on-tape admission.
what an asshatted fucktard doomed to stupidity for life.
He shouldn’t be forced to do anything.

He should willingly do it and Tweeden should file a sexual assault report.

Oh you mean like what Roy is doing while the Republicans look for ways to excuse him?


Sure. Why not.

There is a photo of a sitting senator groping a woman’s breasts who is sleeping.

Is that bad? It seems bad to me,

BUT... how do you know this is not Photo shopped.. ? It seems that the Republicans are quick to call this picture a fact..
Because Al Franken admitted it was him in the fucking photo you MORON!!!!!

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