Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?

We've already found the accusers less than credible.

Next weasel?
Who is "We" Because from what i've hearing from everybody who has an ounce of credibility is that he is toast and should drop out. Can you name a few credible people who aren't partisan hacks like Bannon and yourself that support your argument?
why? cause someone said to? funny, he isn't going anywhere. so are you going to simply bitch daily here about your feelings? Move on, the new topic is creepy al or fish lips.
Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
because the floodgates have been opened up.

i don't disagree there are some asshole men out there. we're seeing far too much of it and to a point i'm glad we're finding out just who these people are. but to the other point, we weren't around for a picture, we don't know the entire story and i still think if you didn't stop him 10 years ago, why bother now?

fad. pop culture. trend.

but if we're calling for moores head based on accusations and mob justice, gotta take diaperboy also.

Funny thing about floods is they don't discriminate as long as you are in the floodplain.

Agreed. Purge both sides of sexual harassers and assaulters. Demonize them on both sides of the aisle.

but then you will get to the point of over-reach and go after normal, if not awkward, human interactions that happen when people try to find sexual partners.

As I said, Salem all over again.

normal human interaction like touching 14 year old girls?

Who's touching 14 year-old girls?
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
or simply, he didn't do what he is accused of. and no one can prove it 38 years later, all records are gone. again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here.
1. There aren't many politicians more hated by the left than Roy Moore.

2. Moore was elected times to elective office, and these reports about him never surfaced.

3. More took on the left while fighting to protect the 10 commandments in public places which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

4. More took on the left during the gay marriage debate which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

In this world 2 + 2 = 4. This is simply stupidity.
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.

Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
because the floodgates have been opened up.

i don't disagree there are some asshole men out there. we're seeing far too much of it and to a point i'm glad we're finding out just who these people are. but to the other point, we weren't around for a picture, we don't know the entire story and i still think if you didn't stop him 10 years ago, why bother now?

fad. pop culture. trend.

but if we're calling for moores head based on accusations and mob justice, gotta take diaperboy also.

Funny thing about floods is they don't discriminate as long as you are in the floodplain.

Agreed. Purge both sides of sexual harassers and assaulters. Demonize them on both sides of the aisle.

but then you will get to the point of over-reach and go after normal, if not awkward, human interactions that happen when people try to find sexual partners.

As I said, Salem all over again.

In no way am I advocating going after innocent people. I'm not sure if you understand, though. I've been harassed/groped, myself, at work. It is not rare or uncommon. I am 49 years old, and it has happened to me at 3 different jobs, the first when I was 19 and the last when I was 47. Women have had to just accept it as part of living in a man's world, and we have for the most part. Apparently, we are now at a place where we can address the problem. The purge will be harsh, I agree. Many men will be shocked when they get the backlash of their inappropriate behavior, because it has been the norm for a very long time. I sort of feel for them; however, men in general do not "feel" for women who have to put up with this. They say, "Suck it up, Buttercup." Forgive me if I don't shed tears when their proven actions are exposed.

I believe in due process and innocent until proven guilty. I know for sure there will be a shocking amount of harassing/groping that can and will be proven. While I was not exactly traumatized by my experiences, I've left 2 jobs because of it. I should not have had to quit jobs in order to not have my boobs pressed against, creepy hands around my waist or a boss blatantly standing over me staring down my blouse. I should not have to decide how bad I really want that promotion/opportunity and I should not be retaliated against because I don't give employer blowjobs. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of options. Many women don't.

I call it a purge because there are a LOT of men in power who behave this way, not because I want innocent men witch-hunted. You may be surprised by how rampant the problem is, but I doubt many women in the workforce will be as surprised. I direct your attention to the photo of Franken that so many here brush off as harmless: she had a vest on, it doesn't look like he's really squeezing her boobs, he might not even be touching her, she is "acting" asleep, blah blah. That photo infuriates me. It is a classic example of the "Suck it up, Buttercup" mentality. Once people realize those days are gone, the behavior will largely disappear. Change is not always pleasant, but that does not mean the change is not warranted. Frankly, it is looooong overdue.
No Dragon
When a man truly respects a woman he avoids all semblance of any impropriety or potential for such

Your definition would be fine if it ended after the word “impropriety”. If an man is incapable of being alone with a woman because of what he might do, that’s indicative of a lack of respect.

Pence is not incapable of being alone with a woman because of what he might do and you know that. This is about respect for his wife and marriage. I'd be happy, frankly. It is uncomfortable to say "no" to an after-hours business dinner alone with a male boss because I'm not sure if he considers it business or a date. Been there, done that. I have a rule I don't go out with men alone either and I can assure you, it is not because I can't control myself. Work can largely be conducted at work. On the occasions after-hours meetings are required, it can be accomplished without making either party uncomfortable. Why would you want to force someone to have dinner alone with a member of the opposite sex if it makes them uncomfortable? As a woman, I sure don't want to get fired for my boundaries. I have MUCH respect for people who actually have boundaries and actively prevent untoward behavior. Way too many people say "It just happened!"
Senator Al Franken Kissed and Groped Me Without My Consent, And There’s Nothing Funny About It

even has a picture in there grabbing the breasts of the woman on the USO tour while she was sleeping.

he needs to resign and step down.
Yep... what's good for the goose...

The Dems have been fun to watch over the past day or two, squirming, now that one of their so-called Star Players got caught with his hands on somebody's boobs...

"Oh, but he apologized, sincerely, and she accepted that apology."

Like that makes a difference... not.

But I'll tell you what DOES make a difference ( between Franken and Moore )...

In Franken's case, at least the schmuck was picking on a grown-up...

In Moore's case, he picked on little kids... several of them...

That's called "Pedophilia"...

Anybody trying to spin that otherwise is sympathetic to pedophiles... a perverted, degenerate, despicable, filthy mindset...

Nothing's too good for Moore... right up to and including trial for a capital offense, and subsequent conviction, and public execution of sentence...

Bringing back crucifixion for the event would be fun.. we could sell tickets... and popcorn... and nachos (with cheese)... and juices and hot pretzels and...
there are definitely differences between the 2. while franken was being what we call today "abusive", he was a comedian (not a good one to me but meh, to each their own) and was always out for a laugh. when i go into comedian mode it can almost be all bets off for the joke.


unfortunately franken has a history of poor taste rape jokes and commentary of being glad a homosexual died. but that has no bearing on this particular case in as much as simply his own nature.

the lady he ... "assaulted" accepted his apology and said she does not want him to step down.

why do *we the people* care more than she does? likely cause it's a hell of a bullet for the other side and the right refuses to let it go cause it's a sign of hypocrisy of the left. it's a sign of "what the fuck" on the right because it's not the same as moore.

no matter how you choose to paint this rembrandt, it's not the same as moore. moore has a history of trolling young girls. you don't get this many people diving into a lie or conspiracy. if conspiracy now you have to have each and every one of these people agree to keep the lie going. not as easy as it sounds esp when some of his accusers are in fact republicans.

not part of hillary's posse.

if we keep using these events of our past against us, we've doomed our future.

That photo shows unacceptable behavior that is harmful and degrading to women. She rejected his aggressive advances and clearly said she would not take it so kindly if he tried again. He waited until she was asleep because he wanted to keep his gonads and KNEW she would NOT consent to such a joke. I don't care that he is a comedian. It is not funny AT ALL. Trying to make it funny is minimizing it. If you can't recognize that, you are part of the problem.

Touching someone's boobs, butt or genitals without consent is not merely joking. It is, by definition, sexual assault.

Sexual Assault: Definition

Specific laws vary by state, but sexual assault generally refers to any crime in which the offender subjects the victim to sexual touching that is unwanted and offensive.
Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?

Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
or simply, he didn't do what he is accused of. and no one can prove it 38 years later, all records are gone. again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here.

"again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here."

100% wrong. He is running to be a federal legislator, and that affects everyone. Secondly, all of our own senators may have to vote to throw him out of the Senate. So every American has a dog in this fight.
Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?

Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?

In bold: So, he figures she would not mind him grabbing her boobs after that? Bullshit. He did so while she was sleeping because he KNEW she did not consent to the touching. It is sexual assault.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
or simply, he didn't do what he is accused of. and no one can prove it 38 years later, all records are gone. again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here.

"again, the voters will decide. unless you are one, you have no comment worth anything here."

100% wrong. He is running to be a federal legislator, and that affects everyone. Secondly, all of our own senators may have to vote to throw him out of the Senate. So every American has a dog in this fight.
Ok, and based on what he did do you think that deserves his resignation or impeachment?
Leeann Tweeden describes the assault by Al "Fish Lips" Franken.

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.

What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?

Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?

In bold: So, he figures she would not mind him grabbing her boobs after that? Bullshit. He did so while she was sleeping because he KNEW she did not consent to the touching. It is sexual assault.

Touching? He was posing for a joke photo. I used to stand behind friends and pretend I was humping them all the time. It was childish and inappropriate but not criminal
I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.
What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?
Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?

In bold: So, he figures she would not mind him grabbing her boobs after that? Bullshit. He did so while she was sleeping because he KNEW she did not consent to the touching. It is sexual assault.
Touching? He was posing for a joke photo. I used to stand behind friends and pretend I was humping them all the time. It was childish and inappropriate but not criminal
Yes and even trump admits there is no touching in the photo with his tweet last night (last night? Yep that in itself is weird)


trump is the gift that keeps on giving. trump calls the photo INNOCENT

I want to vomit just thinking about that creep touching anyone. Ewww!

The entire left is hypocritical. Trump will never hear the end of his comment yet the likes of Roman Polanski, who raped and sodomized a young girl, got a standing ovation from the Hollywood liberals. Shame he couldn't be there in person to thank them since he doesn't dare set foot back in the states or he'll have to face the consequences of his crime.

So many liberals have treated women, and young boys, like dirt and an apology makes them good again. So sickening the way a liberal will be forgiven for anything as long as they are willing to continue to support the left's ideology.

Franken, like countless other libs, will apologize and pretend he didn't mean anything by his actions. It will be good enough for the left.
What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?
Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?

In bold: So, he figures she would not mind him grabbing her boobs after that? Bullshit. He did so while she was sleeping because he KNEW she did not consent to the touching. It is sexual assault.
Touching? He was posing for a joke photo. I used to stand behind friends and pretend I was humping them all the time. It was childish and inappropriate but not criminal

Were they women?
What would you like to see happen to him?

For him to resign so we don't have to listen to his stupid comments anymore. He is an idiot. What do you think should happen to someone who forced himself on a woman and then grabbed her breasts while she slept? Or is that just liberal boys being boys?
Well that’s a great question. First i think the account should be discussed honestly, which it isn’t here. He made a move on her and aggressively kissed her, she pushed him away and said never do that again. He didn’t do it again. He did immaturely and inappropriately pose for a photo as a joke pretending to grab her boobs. That’s quite different than groping her in her sleep.

So with that considered. I think a public apology that’s owns what he did is sufficient. If the voters want to inflict more punishment then perhaps he does not win any future elections. If the victim wasn’t buying it then should could push for a civil or criminal lawsuit.

Mind you his apology was accepted by the accuser, and she specifically said that she felt like it was heartfelt and she didn’t want to see him step down

Does that sound fair or do you still think he should be forced to resign?

In bold: So, he figures she would not mind him grabbing her boobs after that? Bullshit. He did so while she was sleeping because he KNEW she did not consent to the touching. It is sexual assault.
Touching? He was posing for a joke photo. I used to stand behind friends and pretend I was humping them all the time. It was childish and inappropriate but not criminal

Were they women?
Men and women. I was an equal opportunist photobomber in my younger days. Am i a criminal?
Why is this whole thing starting to remind me more and more of the Salem Witch Trials?

The difference of course is that in many of these situations there is a valid complaint to be made, but the tone of the situation seems to be devolving into hysteria.
because the floodgates have been opened up.

i don't disagree there are some asshole men out there. we're seeing far too much of it and to a point i'm glad we're finding out just who these people are. but to the other point, we weren't around for a picture, we don't know the entire story and i still think if you didn't stop him 10 years ago, why bother now?

fad. pop culture. trend.

but if we're calling for moores head based on accusations and mob justice, gotta take diaperboy also.

Funny thing about floods is they don't discriminate as long as you are in the floodplain.

Agreed. Purge both sides of sexual harassers and assaulters. Demonize them on both sides of the aisle.

but then you will get to the point of over-reach and go after normal, if not awkward, human interactions that happen when people try to find sexual partners.

As I said, Salem all over again.

In no way am I advocating going after innocent people. I'm not sure if you understand, though. I've been harassed/groped, myself, at work. It is not rare or uncommon. I am 49 years old, and it has happened to me at 3 different jobs, the first when I was 19 and the last when I was 47. Women have had to just accept it as part of living in a man's world, and we have for the most part. Apparently, we are now at a place where we can address the problem. The purge will be harsh, I agree. Many men will be shocked when they get the backlash of their inappropriate behavior, because it has been the norm for a very long time. I sort of feel for them; however, men in general do not "feel" for women who have to put up with this. They say, "Suck it up, Buttercup." Forgive me if I don't shed tears when their proven actions are exposed.

I believe in due process and innocent until proven guilty. I know for sure there will be a shocking amount of harassing/groping that can and will be proven. While I was not exactly traumatized by my experiences, I've left 2 jobs because of it. I should not have had to quit jobs in order to not have my boobs pressed against, creepy hands around my waist or a boss blatantly standing over me staring down my blouse. I should not have to decide how bad I really want that promotion/opportunity and I should not be retaliated against because I don't give employer blowjobs. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of options. Many women don't.

I call it a purge because there are a LOT of men in power who behave this way, not because I want innocent men witch-hunted. You may be surprised by how rampant the problem is, but I doubt many women in the workforce will be as surprised. I direct your attention to the photo of Franken that so many here brush off as harmless: she had a vest on, it doesn't look like he's really squeezing her boobs, he might not even be touching her, she is "acting" asleep, blah blah. That photo infuriates me. It is a classic example of the "Suck it up, Buttercup" mentality. Once people realize those days are gone, the behavior will largely disappear. Change is not always pleasant, but that does not mean the change is not warranted. Frankly, it is looooong overdue.
so curious, did you report being groped? identify to someone the gropper? if so, then that doesn't compare here at all. so apples and oranges. If you never reported it, then that is on you and I have no feelings for you. You merely gave the perv more opportunities to do harm to someone else and then shame on you.
1. There aren't many politicians more hated by the left than Roy Moore.

2. Moore was elected times to elective office, and these reports about him never surfaced.

3. More took on the left while fighting to protect the 10 commandments in public places which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

4. More took on the left during the gay marriage debate which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

In this world 2 + 2 = 4. This is simply stupidity.

That, after all, if the point. He's been in politics for decades and only now, weeks before a big election, someone digs this up? That reduces its credibility in my book.
1. There aren't many politicians more hated by the left than Roy Moore.

2. Moore was elected times to elective office, and these reports about him never surfaced.

3. More took on the left while fighting to protect the 10 commandments in public places which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

4. More took on the left during the gay marriage debate which pissed off the progressive left, and although these allegations were supposedly "common knowledge", these reports never surfaced.

Prior to this, he wasn't on a national stage. this is a national stage. Before this, he was that fool who kept getting fired for trying to put the Ten Commandments in the Courts...

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