Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

What does the Senate ethics committee have to "investigate" about Franken? We have the story, the photo, and an apology.
Interesting. There appears to be credible proof of Franken's obscene behavior.

That puts this as more credible than the Moore accusations, which have yet to provide any credible proof.

However, Franken has the same standard from Me as Moore does. He is innocent until proven guilty and this is simply an accusation at this point. Granted, a much more credible accusation.

I have noted the excuses being made by the rabid, mouth foaming, knuckle-dragging progressives who are attempting to make this less than it was. They must think it is okay for Democrats to harass and molest women, regardless of their wakefulness.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?

We've already found the accusers less than credible.

Next weasel?
This seems significant. Minnesota Democratic statewide official and gubernatorial candidate calls on Franken to resign

What does Trump have to do with this?

Have you been diagnosed with TDS? If so, there is no need to discuss anything further with you.
If you can't figure out how settling a lawsuit without admission of guilt or any apology applies, then there is no helping you.

Maybe Louis Gohmert can make up a connect the dots chart for you. :lol:

He was guilty. It was well documented. I am sorry your liberal blinders prevent you from seeing that. The issue was whether or not she suffered a loss because of it. Clinton knew he was going to lose the appeal. EOS,
I will agree. Trump is guilty of fraud.

A court case determined that.

Jones case was thrown out of court as being "without merit."

The case was being appealed. If Clinton would have won, why did he pay?

In Trump's case, it was a small group that sued, despite there being many satisfied customers. Trump cut his losses.

How many of Clinton's other victims were satisfied?
See what I mean?

Clinton -- who was the defendant in a civil case where it was deemed WITHOUT MERIT and thrown out -- and at that point the country had been through enough -- gave her some "get out of my hair money" --

But Trump, who actually had the case adjudicated against him "cut his losses" and settled for tens of millions.


And that person even Ann Coulter called trailer trash after the trial - spread her legs for all to see her fleshy bits on the pages of Penthouse about 10 minutes after the settlement.

So much for defending her "honor."

Your story is pure fabrication. The nude photos were sold to them by a former boyfriend and were taken when she was 19. She sued.
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?
No, what I am saying is that if you wait 38 years to bring unsubstantiated accusations without proof at a time when such accusations can do the maximum damage to a person and benefit a group of people, then the credibility of all such people is suspect and requires hard evidence.

It really is NOT a stretch to say this is politically motivated.
Of course it was politically motivated. I'm not denying that. Not so much from the accusers. They had real stories and real experiences and I believe many of them are Republican. I imagine it is far from political for them. But sure Moores opponents and the news organizations were totally politicizing this... That doesn't mean the allegations are false. There is a reason why people like Hannity and Tucker and many conservatives are on the opposite side as you on this. Its pretty obvious that Moore is a scumbag
You don't seem to understand. The Post searched out people on the strength of a rumor. They reportedly had them in a room and, for lack of a better term, browbeat them into making these accusations. They never would have without the influence of the Post. The rest is just more piling on and equally motivated by politics.

Unless there is proof, they don't have a credible story. They are not victims. They do NOT have real experiences to share with us. The charges are unsubstantiated, which is the equivelent of false.

Enough of this already. I'm not going to keep repeating Myself for the next six months. If you disagree, fine. I don't care. These women have nothing and its pure politics.
Franken made a move on an adult women and posed for an inappropriate photo. He owned his actions, apologized, and called for an ethics investigation. His apology was accepted by the accuser and she stated that she didn't want him to step down.

Are you really trying to equate that to Moores situation. We have how many? 8 accusers now, mostly young girls claiming much more aggressive sexual assault?
There are eight accusers and still no proof. Not even credible accusations at that.

So, Franken made a move on a sleeping woman. I guess if the woman is of age, regardless of wakefulness, its okay. But I'll tell you what.

Lets demand an apology from Moore and drop the whole thing.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?

We've already found the accusers less than credible.

Next weasel?
Who is "We" Because from what i've hearing from everybody who has an ounce of credibility is that he is toast and should drop out. Can you name a few credible people who aren't partisan hacks like Bannon and yourself that support your argument?
Yes. Yes, I do. His payment to Paula Jones to settle her civil suit was sufficient for me to make that determination
Then you agree Trump is guilty of wholesale fraud.

What does Trump have to do with this?

Have you been diagnosed with TDS? If so, there is no need to discuss anything further with you.
If you can't figure out how settling a lawsuit without admission of guilt or any apology applies, then there is no helping you.

Maybe Louis Gohmert can make up a connect the dots chart for you. :lol:

He was guilty. It was well documented. I am sorry your liberal blinders prevent you from seeing that. The issue was whether or not she suffered a loss because of it. Clinton knew he was going to lose the appeal. EOS,
I will agree. Trump is guilty of fraud.

A court case determined that.

Jones case was thrown out of court as being "without merit."

That isn't what the court ruled. The court dismissed the Paula Jones harassment lawsuit, before trial, on the grounds that Jones failed to demonstrate any damages.
Did Fish Lips Frankenstein really think he had a chance with the beautiful and stunning LeeAnn Tweeden? Ignorant AF.
You don't think a first hand account is proof? Especially ones that are backed up by dozens of sources saying that the victims told them about the events years ago?
First-hand accounts of what happened in private? Okay. Someone is lying to you people.

I am, however; laughing My ass off at the contortions going on.

Look, until I see proof, solid evidence....oh, like a photograph maybe.....I'm not going to believe these accusers. You're just going to have to allow yourself to abandon the entire principle of innocent until proven guilty. I sure wouldn't want to live in a world in which the power of accusation is all it takes to ruin a persons life.

Enjoy your night. I have to much to do to waste any more time on this.
Many situations come down to a "he said / she said" just because there isn't a photo or video to verify proof doesn't mean it is not possible to find the truth or have enough to make an educated guess. You have to listen to the accusers and the defense of the accused. You have to weigh the validity of each persons version of the stories. You seem to be skipping all of that and saying that since there is not hard evidence you are going to assume his innocence. Do you also assume Bill Clintons innocence when it comes to assaulting women?
No, what I am saying is that if you wait 38 years to bring unsubstantiated accusations without proof at a time when such accusations can do the maximum damage to a person and benefit a group of people, then the credibility of all such people is suspect and requires hard evidence.

It really is NOT a stretch to say this is politically motivated.
Of course it was politically motivated. I'm not denying that. Not so much from the accusers. They had real stories and real experiences and I believe many of them are Republican. I imagine it is far from political for them. But sure Moores opponents and the news organizations were totally politicizing this... That doesn't mean the allegations are false. There is a reason why people like Hannity and Tucker and many conservatives are on the opposite side as you on this. Its pretty obvious that Moore is a scumbag
You don't seem to understand. The Post searched out people on the strength of a rumor. They reportedly had them in a room and, for lack of a better term, browbeat them into making these accusations. They never would have without the influence of the Post. The rest is just more piling on and equally motivated by politics.

Unless there is proof, they don't have a credible story. They are not victims. They do NOT have real experiences to share with us. The charges are unsubstantiated, which is the equivelent of false.

Enough of this already. I'm not going to keep repeating Myself for the next six months. If you disagree, fine. I don't care. These women have nothing and its pure politics.
Wait, are you trying to say that after following rumors a group of reporters got supposed victims in a room and browbeat them into falsifying a story to implicate a congressional candidate in sex crimes? Do you hear yourself?

You are right about one thing. This story probably wouldn't have come to light without the work of the post. The women likely would not of had the guts to speak out if not for the voices of other victims and the support of those around them. None of that proves or even implies that their stories are false. It just makes your accusations sound even more ridiculous
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
The Senate ethics committee, from what I understand, is a JOKE. Slap your wrists and say BAD BOY. That's about it.
He didn't pretend to grab them. He actually paid his hands on them. Anyone who thinks that isn't sexual assault can only be a democrat.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would
It is a crime. Simply touching someone without their permission when it's unwanted is assault. Touching someone's breasts or genitals is sexual assault.

I don't defend Moore because I believe the accusations against him are about trivial offenses. I defend him because I believe his accusers are lying.
You're just a bitter, old, partisan hack who takes the republican side no matter what. You're a pathetic douchebag.

Democrats are all douchebags. They've proven that over and over.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
Oh, look who crossed over into snowflakeville! Welcome, how does it feel?

How am I in "snowflake land?" Do you imagine that right wingers don't believe sexual assault is a real thing?
No I but I believed you had a thicker skin than to say that a guy posing for a joke photo was committing sexual assault. Inappropriate yes, a crime?? I don't think so

And you aren't kidding anybody if this was a republican in the photo and the left was crying assault you'd be screaming Snowflakes from the top of a mountain. You know you would
It is a crime. Simply touching someone without their permission when it's unwanted is assault. Touching someone's breasts or genitals is sexual assault.

I don't defend Moore because I believe the accusations against him are about trivial offenses. I defend him because I believe his accusers are lying.
You're just a bitter, old, partisan hack who takes the republican side no matter what. You're a pathetic douchebag.

Democrats are all douchebags. They've proven that over and over.
You continuously prove that douchieness extends far beyond democrats.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
That would be a stupid move. Apparently you believe his leftwing critics are capable of behaving honorably. If he did that they would immediately be calling for his head.
all it takes is "I'm sorry?" Then maybe that's what Roy Moore needs to do. Just say "I don't ever recall doing any of these things that I'm being accused of, but if I did...I'm sorry!" If it's good enough for the dirty demorats, it's good enough for conservatives.
That would have been the more honorable route. Say it was a different time back then and to take teenage girls on dates was not out of the norm. Apologize if he did anything to make any of the girls feel uncomfortable and own it like a man. Seek reparations between himself and his accusers. But no he is playing the denial game and attacking the accusers. Scum.
That would be a stupid move. Apparently you believe his leftwing critics are capable of behaving honorably. If he did that they would immediately be calling for his head.
They are already calling for his head. Your answer is very telling. You seem more concerned about how critics are going to react over doing the honorable thing.

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