Next up on the Sexual Misconduct Parade - Al Franken!

"Al Franken admits guilt after photographic evidence of his abuse surfaces.

Mitch: "Let's investigate."

In Alabama, ZERO evidence, allegations 100% rejected.

Mitch: "Moore must quit immediately or be expelled."" - Crazy Roy Moore
"Al Franken admits guilt after photographic evidence of his abuse surfaces.

Mitch: "Let's investigate."

In Alabama, ZERO evidence, allegations 100% rejected.

Mitch: "Moore must quit immediately or be expelled."" - Crazy Roy Moore
He must think that his twitter followers are complete idiots.
What can I say, it's fun to troll you trolls sometimes. Back on topic...

So, you speak of "They DO all share commonality".... what "all".

I literally answered that question in the same sentence.

I'm slow, hook a brother up, what are you comparing?

well, one commonality is the disregard for the humanity of the victim... i.e., objectification. Another is that it is not only usually immoral and unethical to do something ostensibly sexual to a person without their informed consent, but also illegal.

Geeze, let me try this one more time, commonality between Franken and what?

Third time now..."commonality" between all instance of sexual harassment/assault.
I think Mike Pence’s respectful policy of not being alone with a woman in an intimate setting who is not his wife has been thoroughly vindicated. Pence shows ten thousand times more respect for women than Hollywood & Washington.
What a sick piece of shit.

Al a Franken is into Bill Cosby type shit.

Groping a sleeping woman? What a disgusting sick freak.

Misogynistic as hell.

Why aren't you treating this the way you treat the Roy Moore accusations.
And no other women stepped forward with Dump and Moore
Incorrect. Another came forward today saying Al Franken was stalking her.
haven't heard about it yet
a lot of these individuals that were the biggest Trump haters are being entered in the definition of KARMA on a daily basis. Never seen anything like this before.
What a sick piece of shit.

Al a Franken is into Bill Cosby type shit.

Groping a sleeping woman? What a disgusting sick freak.

Misogynistic as hell.

Why aren't you treating this the way you treat the Roy Moore accusations.
And no other women stepped forward with Dump and Moore
Incorrect. Another came forward today saying Al Franken was stalking her.

No matter, Congress will hand this off to the Ethic Committee and give big Al a good slap on the butt.......which will spark a private S&M session in Senate chamber.

Meanwhile, only Moore will be made to walk.
What a sick piece of shit.

Al a Franken is into Bill Cosby type shit.

Groping a sleeping woman? What a disgusting sick freak.

Misogynistic as hell.

Why aren't you treating this the way you treat the Roy Moore accusations.
And no other women stepped forward with Dump and Moore
Incorrect. Another came forward today saying Al Franken was stalking her.

Incorrect..surely you can google? There is an accusation of non-sexual harassment..from a right wing radio host..who says Franken gave her shit while on the set of 'Bill Maher"

This is the 2nd accuser: Fanning the Flames / Melanie Morgan's swing from liberal to right-wing radio shouter may not have happened overnight, but it's permanent -- and profitable

thus far..all she's done is hint..on the right wing sites..that she has ..'the dirt' We shall see--but not exactly a disinterested source.
"I’m creepy enough
I’m disgusting enough
And doggone it.
People hate me!" - Creepy Al Frankenstein
I think Mike Pence’s respectful policy of not being alone with a woman in an intimate setting who is not his wife has been thoroughly vindicated. Pence shows ten thousand times more respect for women than Hollywood & Washington.

Pence has no respect for women as equals. The implication that it’s “dangerous” to be alone with a woman, even in a public restaurant, is just as disrespectful to her as expecting her to put out for you. It also means a female co-worker is not equal to a man since you can be alone with other men. Pence can’t ever hire a woman if the job required them to travel together on business or even go to dinner after hours even if she’s the most qualified person for the job. That’s sexual discrimination which is just as bad for women as sexual harassment.

As a young bank manager, I was frequently required to have dinner meetings with male supervisors to discuss marketing strategies, long term planning, and other matters without the constant interruptions of phone or subordinates. Not once ever was there a problem with these meetings.

Open frank discussions were possible because of mutual respect and because coworkers weren’t around to overhear or interrupt. Sex never entered into the discussions because it was inappropriate to a business meeting.

If a man truly respects women he can take a meeting alone with a woman and treat her as he would any other coworker.
No Dragon
When a man truly respects a woman he avoids all semblance of any impropriety or potential for such
No Dragon
When a man truly respects a woman he avoids all semblance of any impropriety or potential for such

Your definition would be fine if it ended after the word “impropriety”. If an man is incapable of being alone with a woman because of what he might do, that’s indicative of a lack of respect.

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